Gymnastics in Cheboksary and Olympic reserves

Every parent somewhere deep down always wants to be proud of his beloved child and his achievements in this life. Maybe that's why there are so many children who attend various sports sections. Boys learn the basics of football rules, and girls, of course, look towards figure skating and gymnastics. At present, hundreds of schools have been opened in our country where they teach the ability to perform virtuoso fouets on uneven bars and rings, beautiful dances with a skipping rope and clubs. Among such schools there are commercial establishments, there are also budget, free.

Olympic reserves from Chuvashia

One of these is located in the Chuvash city of Cheboksary. This is a budgetary institution of additional education for children and adolescents of the Ministry of Sports of Chuvashia. In this sports facility, Olympic reserves are prepared, future Olympic champions. The school is divided into two departments - male and female. You can start studying in it from the age of 4. Famous masters of sports, graduates of the same school, train future stars.

Gymnastics Cheboksary

Each trainer of the school "Gymnastics" in Cheboksary immediately evaluates the potential of young talent, therefore, the institution is going through strict selection. Of course, each parent in his favorite child sees the champion already held, but for the coach, the child’s desire to jump and ride all the time, his mobility does not mean much. Because sport is hard daily work. Everyday victory over oneself, over the pain that appears after gymnastics. To sit on the twine without overcoming this pain, without defeating it, is simply impossible.

Mass events and awards

Residents of Cheboksary are serious people, so school graduates often become winners in various gymnastic disciplines. Very young boys and girls from the children's sports school of gymnastics successfully perform at the championships held by the Russian Federation. In addition to training and competitions, children can participate in public events such as the World Festival of Youth and Students.

School of Gymnastics Cheboksary

For their giftedness and creative determination, some of them receive cash prizes and scholarships. In addition, in the educational institution itself, many holidays are celebrated by the whole team. So, in 2017, the school celebrated its 70th anniversary. On this occasion, a documentary was even shot about hard training, about joyful and long-awaited victories, about well-deserved coaches and Olympic champions, about the development of gymnastics in Cheboksary.

Holiday performances and wellness

Do not forget here about the New Year holidays. The main guests are, of course, children and their parents. Ah, what a plot unfolds before their eyes. Snowflakes, the youngest athletes, with their already outlined skill, become the hall’s favorites.

Children's sports gymnastics school

And the Snow Maiden, the school’s most famous gymnast, causes unprecedented delight among the audience with her extraordinary pirouettes and magical dances. When there are no holidays, and workdays come, the gymnastics school in Cheboksary invites everyone to paid health groups.

Sports dancing and aerobics

Of course, not everyone can become a great gymnast, but every child can learn sports dance or aerobics if he has no contraindications. Classes are conducted by experienced teachers and eminent trainers of the school "Gymnastics" in Cheboksary.

Gymnastics Cheboksary

Aerobics and fitness will help to tighten the muscle corset, get rid of problems with scoliosis, which occurs in almost every student. These classes increase stamina, and sports dance classes will give confidence and charm, especially to girls. Aerobics and fitness will help get rid of many colds, increase immunity.

Health Days in Chuvashia

At school, as in many other similar educational institutions, health days are held annually for everyone. By order of the Ministry of Sports of Chuvashia these days, everyone from young to old is invited to attend classes for free. For those who wish, interesting classes in parkour and wellness gymnastics are organized.

The main goal of such events is to pay attention to a healthy lifestyle and sports. What about trampolining? Under the guidance of experienced masters of sports in rhythmic gymnastics, jumping classes for children from two years of age are held. You can jump in a group of ten people or practice individually on a trampoline. The latter is suitable for the smallest jumpers.

In addition, at the school "Gymnastics" in Cheboksary, you can have a fun and unusual birthday for your child. And it is on trampolines. It will be the most memorable holiday. Professional trainers will prepare an exciting program that will take into account the peculiarities of age and the degree of preparedness of young children. A birthday on a trampoline will provide an opportunity to throw out your energy and emotions, to participate in contests and relay races. And at the same time feel that sport is a movement. And movement is life.


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