Sauza tequila - a drink for the elite

Tequila is a strong alcoholic drink known to many from Mexico, named after the city of Tequila, in the vicinity of which this elite alcohol is made. The basis of tequila is the fruit of blue agave (core). Tequila "Sauza" - a brand that has forever won the hearts of fans with a rich taste and unsurpassed aroma.

History of occurrence

It all started almost two centuries ago, when one of the Mexican entrepreneurs set about trying to create their own tequila production. Senobio Sauza steadily increased the front of work, and as a result, he managed not only to cover the entire area, but also to establish constant export of alcoholic beverage to other countries. Tequila, which quickly gained a leading position in the alcohol market, was named after South. Over time, Don Senobio's company turned into a major dealer with a brand name. More than 150 years have passed since the first bottles with an elite drink hit the tables of buyers, but to this day Sauza tequila is considered one of the best brands of alcohol. And the reasons for this are very good: it is made from an organic product (selected fruits of blue agave), there are no dyes and preservatives, which improves quality, it has an unrivaled taste and rich aroma.

What is the Sauza tequila?

Like any alcoholic drink, tequila has several distinctive features. Now there are four types on the market, each of which has a unique character. Alcohol content of about 40%, pouring 0.7 or 1 liter, as well as a pungent taste mixed with spicy shades - we are talking about “Sauza” Blanco tequila (silver). The next type of tequila - Conmemorativo - is traditionally made from the fruits of blue agave, but with the addition of grain alcohol. In order for the bouquet to gain the necessary aroma, it has been insisted for at least six years. Another type of drink - tequila "Sauza" Gold Extra - a classic flavor, with a special touch. This drink is aged for two years in oak (and no other) barrels, which directly affects its taste. And, finally, “Sauza” Hornitos Reposado, exposure is at least a year. One series seems to continue another with a slightly noticeable discrepancy in the aftertaste.

south tequila

Tequila Features

Tequila can be consumed in many different ways. There is a whole rite of how to drink a drink in order to fully feel the beauty of a fragrant bouquet. However, there are also types of tequila that are used to make cocktails.

tequila south gold

For example, the Sauza Silver tequila is a crystal clear drink with a mild, balanced taste that blends perfectly with any other shade. Apples and jasmine, citrus notes, pepper, spices - all this can be felt when mixing several types of alcohol. Also, tequila "Silver" is usually served as an aperitif. Mixing so many flavors has a beneficial effect on appetite, and also does not interrupt the served dishes. This is important for an aperitif drink. By the way, if you try several different brands of tequila, then it will be Silver that will have a fresh and invigorating taste, while any other will be more dense, heavy and saturated.

tequila south silver

Tequila Myths

“Sauza” tequila has given rise to many myths that are passed from mouth to mouth with pleasure. The most common that the drink is made from cacti. The basis of tequila is the fruits of blue agave, more like large pineapples, but not like cacti.

tequila south silver

By the way, in the world there are more than 300 species of agave, but exclusively blue is used for this drink.

The next myth is that tequila is easy to make at home. Nothing of the sort, before making a drink, agave is cared for for at least 8 years, in a particular way. The biggest misconception is that there is no hangover from tequila. As with any alcohol, you should know the measure. Fusel oils are also present in the drink, but the taste is so harmonious that it is almost impossible to feel them. Therefore, with excessive use of tequila, a hangover will certainly be. Yes, and one can not help but remember one more thing that a caterpillar must be in the bottle with tequila. Mexicans don't do that. This chip, invented by the Americans, was launched as an advertisement.

How to drink tequila

Oddly enough, the opinion that tequila should be drunk only with lemon (lime) and salt is incorrect. Today, there are six ways to drink alcohol properly. Each is designed specifically to emphasize the taste of tequila, shading its special sides. For example, tequila "South Gold" it would be better not to drink with salt and lemon, but with a slice of orange and cinnamon. For lovers of thrills: tequila can be mixed with beer - 33 grams of tequila for 330 beer (only light). Orange liqueur, lemon juice, ice and tequila - you get the famous Margarita cocktail. For a cheerful mood, it is better to cook "Tequila Boom" - highly carbonated water and Sauza tequila silver. "Sangrita" and "Banderita" is practically the famous "Bloody Mary", but with the addition of other ingredients - oranges, lemons, onions, peppers, sugar, salt, tomato. Naturally, juices are poured in layers, this allows the drink to look spectacular.

tequila south Price

What else you need to know about tequila

How much does the South tequila cost? The price may differ only slightly. This elite drink has never been considered cheap, it is worth remembering that a real brand brand will cost in no way several hundred rubles. This is understandable, an environmentally friendly drink, made according to traditional recipes, with the sweetness of agave in the aftertaste - the quality can not be cheap. The average cost of a bottle is within one thousand rubles.


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