French beer: description, brand and reviews. French beer "Cronenberg"

Beer is a popular and very ancient drink. The history of its creation began about 80 centuries ago on the dusty Babylonian streets. The sweet, barley liquid, which was prepared by the fragile female hands, very vaguely resembled the present beer with its taste. Nevertheless, it was in demand even among the nobility: the cruel, but fair Hammurabi immortalized the mention of beer in the code of legendary laws.

french beer

French legend

Returning to the present, it is worth noting that most people do not associate romantic France with the production of beer. This land appears to be twined with vine, and not hoppy cones. At the same time, there are French provinces where brewing has long been well developed: these include the expanses of Alsace and Lorraine. An interesting fact: these areas are mainly inhabited by people with German roots, so it is not surprising that beer is brewed there.

... Not over the blue seas, not over the high mountains, but in the city of Strasbourg a tavern opened under the intriguing name "At the cannon." It was founded in the far 17th century by Jeronimus the Hutt and began to brew delicious ale there, thereby laying the foundation for the appearance on the planet of such a famous drink as French beer. For many generations, the Hutt dynasty brewers continued their family business, sacredly preserving ancient traditions and recipes.

History of the Brewers

From 1664 until the onset of a relatively close century, the descendants of Jeronimus remained faithful to their cause.

french beer brands
Since then, a lot of beer has flowed past clay glasses, and Hutt's relatives have done a lot of useful things in the name of brewing.

A significant event in the mid-19th century was the change of location of the plant. The brewer's descendant, Guillaume, decided to relocate the production to a safer place, which would not have been threatened by the constant floods regularly produced by the local river. Now the famous French beer was brewed in a quiet suburb of Strasbourg, Kronenburg. Thus, the move not only secured the plant, but also gave it a new name.

Hop record

An instructive story occurred when Guillaume decided to officially register French Cronenberg beer: the enterprising merchant decided to unobtrusively emphasize that his intoxicating products are made in accordance with German traditions.

With this attack, he wanted to emphasize the quality of the drink, since German beer was already very popular even then. It was a pretty successful move from a marketing point of view, but very unpatriotic in relation to his country. Despite everything, everything turned out great: French beer began to enjoy popularity, which simply went through the roof. Beer sales increased significantly.

Since the mid-20th century, French Cronenberg beer, thanks to its unique taste, has increased the army of its admirers every year. The products of the old Jeronimus were actively distributed in large retail chains, cafes and restaurants. The anniversary of the coronation of Elizabeth was marked by the release of a premium beer. French beer "1664" has become a symbol of the company, making it famous all over the world. Volumes increased, well-deserved popularity increased, resulting in the construction of a huge brewery in the city of Auburn. This production is still considered the largest in Europe.

French beer Cronenberg

Then there were many transformations: history helpfully presents us with facts about the fate of the legendary brewing dynasty. The Cronenberg company survived the mergers and mergers, and, in the end, the assets of the famous conglomerate were bought by the giant of this industry, the Carlsberg company. French beer has been respected for several centuries; in its homeland, Cronenberg brand varieties account for one third of the total. It is also successfully exported to European countries and the Russian Federation.

Beer rivers: foamy assortment

Hops drink is sold in small bottles of 250 ml or cans, half-liter cans. The container is decorated with a truly royal logo: proud lions holding the coat of arms and crown, and the Gothic name “Cronenberg” flaunts on a red and white shield. The coat of arms is crowned with an image of an ancient castle, which gave the name to the outskirts of Strasbourg, where the brewery was moved to in the past. This figure contains the essence of the name of French beer: the crown castle.

Cronenberg Light - the choice of lovers

The most common variety of this brand. The strength of the drink reaches 4.5%. The mild taste of malt and hops, with a light bitterness, can please most beer connoisseurs.

French beer "1664"
Perfect for a party in a fun company or a friendly feast. The silky foam and smack of the light camp have earned the well-deserved respect of beer lovers not only in France.

Taste of ancient traditions

Cronenberg 1664 beer is distinguished by its original taste: noble bitterness, which is given to the drink by a unique Alsatian hops variety and frivolous citrus notes that balance the hoppy character with a grapefruit aftertaste. The success of the drink led to the fact that the producers separated it into a separate brand and created several especially original beer varieties under the auspices of the royal logo: Cronenberg Blank and Cronenberg Bruen. In the first case - wheat, light beer with a fruity-floral taste: this variety is sometimes called "French lemonade beer." The sweet, unfiltered texture and the average degree of strength will please even the ladies. The second option: a dark, strong beer with a caramel flavor and delicate hoppy variations.

Other beer samples presented to consumers, differ in a variety of tastes: from traditional to unusual, and strength (up to 7.2%). The Kronenberg company did not ignore connoisseurs of non-alcoholic beer either: a refreshing drink of this type has been produced since the beginning of this century.

It is worth noting that in Russia, the Kronenberg beer is produced by Baltika in St. Petersburg. Separately, it should be said about the original solution related to the container, in which foamy pleasure splashes: a bottle of noble dark blue color and a characteristic shape that resembles the eternal symbol of France may surprise
please fans of original ideas.

Attention! Public opinion

A variety of varieties and positions provokes lively reviews of lovers of the oldest drink. Most beer causes connoisseurs of positive, sometimes even enthusiastic comments.

French lemonade beer
Women admire the fruity shade with a characteristic beer flavor. The male half is more restrained in reviews, but for the severity of character, one feels satisfaction after consuming a foam product.

The majority of beer lovers have a rather high opinion of Kronenberg products. Everyone is capable of making conclusions, and, of course, they will be based on differences in tastes and opinions. But it’s worth considering, how could the brand have been on the crest of success for so long if it had not been for an impeccable quality and dedicated work?


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