How to clean suede shoes - effective ways and recommendations

Suede shoes look elegant, and they are comfortable and soft. It is great for any legs. But for the safety of the material requires constant care. It consists in regularly removing dirt from the surface. How to clean suede shoes is described in the article.

Pros and Cons of Suede

Before purchasing products from suede should consider its main advantages and disadvantages. The pluses include the following:

  1. Due to its elasticity and porosity, moist air and moisture do not penetrate.
  2. The soft material is suitable for people with a wide foot or foot disease.
  3. The deformation is almost imperceptible, there are no creases and excesses.
  4. Shoes go well with women's dresses, men's jeans, which makes it universal.
  5. The material has excellent physical properties: it will be warm in the cold, and cool in warm weather.
how to clean suede shoes

But, like any other material, suede has disadvantages:

  1. Although there is moisture protection inside, but from the outside the material gets dirty.
  2. Need regular and quality care.

Even despite the shortcomings, many choose suede shoes for its practicality and beautiful appearance. And if it becomes dirty, you just need to use a proven means of removing stains.

Suede comes in different colors, and the processing method may differ. This should be taken into account so as not to spoil the material, otherwise it may completely lose its attractive appearance.

The nuances of long-term operation

If you want to buy suede shoes, then, in addition to cleaning tips, you should also know the recommendations for use:

  1. You must be careful when buying, given the features of the foot. It is important to match the size, rise, fullness of the leg, otherwise the shoes will break and deform. This will not only ruin the view, but also harm your health.
  2. Before the first wear, you need to clean the material with a special brush. Then it is treated with an aerosol with a water-repellent effect. This preserves the color of products for a long time.
  3. Cleaning is a must. The chemical components and salts present in the water of street puddles have a negative effect on the material if they are not eliminated in a timely manner.
  4. You must use professional care products. To do this, you need special sprays, brushes, aerosols, if you want to save on buying new shoes. But before use, you need to check the funds on the wrong side of the suede.
  5. Such shoes must not be washed. Only a wet sponge is allowed.
  6. Do not wipe off the dirt if it is still wet, it must be done after it has completely dried using a brush.
  7. If there are several pairs of suede shoes, you need to purchase several brushes. For dark and light material - use different devices.

But even if all prevention rules are followed, pollution will still not be avoided. Therefore, you need to know how to properly clean your suede shoes.

Likely pollution

If you just need to remove the dirt, this will be easy. But there may be other spots arising on such material. They are not so easy to handle:

  1. Greasy marks. They appear from oil or from the touch of hands. Pollution spoils the appearance of products.
  2. Traces of liquids. They are formed from blood or wine. Eliminating them is more difficult.
  3. Water. From it, spots also appear on the suede surface.
  4. Salt. Traces are formed from loose matter left on the sidewalks.
how to clean light suede shoes

How to clean suede shoes? There are various ideas, but each type of pollution has its own cleaning methods. A correctly selected method is able to return the material to an updated look.

Professional Tools

How to clean suede shoes and how? Special tools are great for this:

  1. Salamander. Creams and sprays are used to restore the color of the material. With them, the original shade of suede of any color quickly returns.
  2. Kiwi. This tool is useful if you need to clean light suede shoes. The spray of this company does not have a specific color, so the look of the product is perfectly restored with it.
  3. Movi. The tool removes traces of various contaminants.
  4. Twist and Barcode. Companies produce quality suede care sponges.

How is cleaning done? Special products are applied to the cleaned surface. Then you need to wait a few minutes, and then brush until absorbed. After drying, paint can be applied. You need to choose it by the color of the shoes.

Brushes for this material are different. Usually they have several materials: metal, rubber and rubber. Rubber products are ideal for dry processing. There are crepe brushes designed to remove dirt at the seams.

Means must be selected carefully. There is always a risk of getting the opposite effect and spoiling your favorite things. But special tools are expensive, and not everyone has the opportunity to buy them. Then you need to know how to clean suede shoes with improvised means.

Use moisture protection products. You can buy them at shoe stores. Using these funds, it will be possible to extend the life of such matter.

Steam treatment

How to clean suede shoes to restore their original appearance? You just need to hold it over a boiling kettle. But you can use an iron with the desired mode. As a result, the material will look great: all the bumps will be smoothed out, and the glossy villi will be restored.

how to clean suede shoes from dirt

Elimination of traces of salt

In winter, salt stains often appear on boots and boots. It is necessary to eliminate them immediately after detection. How to clean suede shoes from salt? To do this, you can use:

  1. Soapy solution. To do this, you need soap without dyes and reagents. It is necessary to prepare a solution with water. Use a dampened sponge to treat problem areas. The surface should dry. Then comb the bristles with a brush. But do not use laundry detergents. This causes deformation of the material, loss of color and softness.
  2. Vinegar (9%). In it, you need to moisten the sponge and treat it with places with stains. Then the material is wiped with a damp material and allowed to dry.
  3. An aqueous solution of ammonia (1: 5). The tool is used to treat stains.

If dirt from salt is not removed by these methods, then a special paint is used. With its help, it will be possible to update the appearance of the shoe, extending the life of the shoe.

Dust removal

You can remove ordinary dust not only with a special brush, but also with an ordinary eraser. With light movements, wipe the surface, and then erase the remnants of the eraser with a dry cloth. This method is suitable for shoes of any color.

Mud cleansing

It is necessary to clean the material from dirt every day after returning home. To do this, use a soft brush, but before that the surface should dry. Only then will the processing result be of high quality.

how to clean suede shoes from salt

How to clean suede shoes from dirt? In this case, a solution of soapy water, ammonia (1 tsp) is used. It is used to treat contaminated sites. The material must dry on its own, without the use of heating equipment.


How to clean suede shoes? It is necessary to take into account the type of pollution:

  1. Traces of ice cream, sour cream, milk, eggs should be removed as quickly as possible. They must be washed off with a damp sponge. When the surface is dry, it is treated with a brush.
  2. If this is pollution from fat, a paper towel will allow it to be eliminated. Then, talcum powder or baby powder is applied to the stain. After 3 hours, the surface must be treated with a dry brush. The greasy trace can be removed with a sponge dipped in gasoline (aviation), and then covered with talc. After a few hours, a brush is applied.
  3. Stains from red wine or blood will be removed if they are fresh. They must be wiped with a brush dipped in acetic solution. Then you need to treat the area with a damp cloth.

It is important to first determine the appearance of the stain before cleaning it. A suitable method allows you to quickly and effectively deal with the problem.


How to clean suede shoes efficiently, effectively if there are scuffs on it? The following recipes will help fix the problem:

  1. Ammonium must be mixed with water (1: 2). In the finished solution, moisten the cotton wool and wipe the problem area. Then it is washed with water and treated with material that is wetted in a solution of vinegar with water (1 tsp. Per 1 liter).
  2. Shoes should be held over steam or wiped with a clerical eraser.
  3. Fine sandpaper is used. Just do not rub much so as not to damage the matter.

Bright shoes

Such materials are most affected by contamination. How to clean light suede shoes at home? The methods for this procedure are different, but it is more efficient to use the following:

  1. It will take milk and soda (1 tbsp. And 1 tsp.). In a solution of these products a piece of material is moistened and a contaminated area is wiped. After the disappearance of traces, the place is washed with water, and then a solution is applied (1 teaspoon of vinegar 9% per 1 liter of water).
  2. Hydrogen peroxide is mixed with water (1: 5). The solution is treated with a stain. Residues must be removed with a sponge. After drying, the contaminated area should be treated with sandpaper.
  3. How to clean light suede shoes? We need tooth powder and crushed chalk in equal amounts. The finished mixture is used to fill up contaminated areas, and after 3 hours it is cleaned with a brush.
to clean light suede shoes at home ways

Multi-colored suede

What is used for black shoes? In addition to special paints, folk methods are used. It takes dry black bread to rub the problem area. Sulfur from boxes of matches also helps. The material can be rubbed with carbon paper. To return the color to brown suede will allow coffee grounds. It is applied to the shoes until dry. Then the thick is removed with a brush.

Shoe suede shoes

Among the huge assortment of shoes there are suede sneakers. They must also be properly cleaned. It is necessary to carry out dry cleaning, to remove dirt and dust between the villi. This is done with a rough brush.

how to clean suede shoes efficiently

This is followed by deep cleaning. For this, the product is steamed and brushed along the pile. Then you need to use any of the methods presented. You also need to use products that repel moisture. Brushing and drying are required daily.

Features of washing, drying and storage

Even if you cannot clean the suede with folk remedies, you should not wash it, including in a washing machine. But if the fabric is artificial, washing in the machine is allowed, but only with a delicate mode.

Before storing boots or shoes until next season, they must be cleaned. Wait to dry. It is advisable to fill the shoes with paper so that the original form is not lost during storage.

Additional Rules

To preserve suede shoes for a long time, several recommendations should be considered:

  1. It is advisable not to bring the matter to get wet. Therefore, do not wash it under the tap and machine wash.
  2. It is necessary to dry in the fresh air or in room conditions. To prevent the material from deforming, do not use a battery for this.
  3. Do not go out in rainy weather. But if this happened, you need to immediately dry the shoes, pre-thrusting paper into it.
  4. Care should be regular. If you do not clean the matter daily, then it is unlikely to last for a long time.
how to clean suede shoes ideas

The presented methods allow you to quickly clean the suede, extending the life of the shoe. But it should be borne in mind that a careful attitude is also necessary.


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