Intentionally - what is it? Meaning, origin, sentences and synonyms

Intentionally - this is on purpose. But why they say that, and not otherwise. Today we will try to figure it out. Of course, there will be not only history, but also modern meaning, as well as sentences with the word. We will try to make the reader no longer confused by an adverb that has ancient roots.


Three characters are important in origin: the dialect itself, which we are considering, the other dialect - “inadvertently” and their common ancestor, who now has only remained in his “children” - the “narok”. And there is the verb “to call” - it means “to call”. And the “narok” himself meant “goal”, “intention”. So it turns out that on purpose - this is on purpose.

If we talk about stylistics, despite the antiquity of the dialect, it did not become vernacular. On the contrary, it can be heard in various films, for example, in The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath. Remember the moment when the heroes of Yuri Yakovlev and Andrei Myagkov were on the street and Lukashin suddenly remembered that he had left a briefcase with a broom at Nadia? In this episode we can hear our dialect.

Value and Suggestions

Liverpool Player Mohamed Salah

If we talk about the modern meaning, then everything is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Because the explanatory dictionary gives two meanings of the word “on purpose”:

  1. For a specific purpose, with intent.
  2. Jokingly, not seriously (colloquial).

Moreover, in the first meaning, there may be meaning in spite, or it may not be. Much depends on the situation. But the definite purpose of the utterance is always preserved . Let's look at the suggestions:

  • Ramos purposely “broke” Salah in the Champions League final.
  • First, Petya and I fought honestly, and then he purposely set me up on the bandwagon, and I fell, finding myself in a stupid position.
  • Oh well, I don’t believe that he will really leave to live in London, this is all on purpose to annoy you, but did you believe? In vain.
  • He purposely invented that Oksana loves him, enough for you, in fact she only loves me! Come on, I'm joking.

Even if we illustrate a comic meaning, these jokes turn out to be cruel. Still, some anger and intent do not disappear, if you deliberately joke around someone. In principle, of this, of course, one can not draw serious conclusions, or one can think about this: why is a person joking with you like that?


Gosling with a sly, almost malicious smile

When a word is ancient and obscure for a modern person, although it is common, of course, we try to provide the reader with a choice and equip it with semantic replacements for the object of study. So, the list follows:

  • on purpose;
  • intentionally;
  • intentionally;
  • consciously;
  • in spite;
  • maliciously.

Of course, there are others, but these are either whole phrases, or they, to one degree or another, repeat the already existing dialects. Therefore, we think, and without repetition, it is clear that this is on purpose, it's not so difficult.


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