Leuzea essential oil: description with photos, useful properties, therapeutic effect, tips and rules for use

Traditional healers and representatives of traditional medicine successfully use plants that have medicinal properties in the treatment of many diseases. Many of us know the most common herbs - valerian, St. John's wort, celandine, sage, chamomile and others. But many plants with unique healing properties, less common in nature, are unknown to us.

For example, safflower levzea, of which only traditional healers, scientists who have studied its unique healing properties, and residents of some regions of our country know. In this article we will talk about this plant and about the essential oil of Leuzea - ​​one of the forms of its release.

Levzea's application

A little bit about the plant

Leuzea (cubebe leuzea, maral root) is a perennial herb from the family Asteraceae. It grows to a meter and a half in height. The plant has a powerful root system with black, horizontally located rhizomes and a large number of elastic and thin roots that have a resinous aroma.

Erect, branchless, slightly pubescent stems hollow inside. Jagged, irregularly pinnate leaves are painted dark green. Small pinkish or violet-purple tubular flowers, collected in single inflorescences, look like an aster or thistle. The tetrahedral achenes with crests of cirrus bristles are the fruits of leuzea. Flowering plants begin in mid-July, the fruits ripen in early autumn. The plant is found in forest glades, high mountain meadows of Altai, in the northern regions of Russia.

Plant description

Composition of Leuzea

Useful substances in preparations prepared on the basis of the plant are fully preserved. Leuzea essential oil contains:

  • psychostimulants ecdysteroids;
  • alkaloids and coumarins;
  • tannins and flavonoids;
  • phosphorus and other micro and macro elements;
  • gum.

Cubeba levzea oil is a pale yellow substance with a delicate fruity aroma that is easily perceived in combination with aromas of plants such as jasmine and ylang-ylang, anise and frankincense, thyme and myrtle. Due to this, it is used in aromatherapy in the perfume industry.

Leuzea essential oil: properties and applications

The root of the plant contains many useful substances that favorably affect the body - stabilize brain activity, improve the state of the nervous system, strengthen blood vessels, neutralize the effects of alcohol, fight against neurodermatitis, psychosomatic diseases, hypochondria.

Leuzea Butter

In many areas, essential oil of cubeba lewsee is used. Among them:

  • The medicine.

It is used for therapeutic purposes to get rid of flatulence with nausea and colic, as an antispasmodic. The properties of cubebe levzea oil have been used in therapy to relax muscles, restore strength after serious illnesses and previous operations, to improve vision and for diseases of the respiratory system.

In addition, its use is effective in the anesthesia of symptoms of cardiac and head, neurotic pathogenesis, spasms in the gastrointestinal tract. Leuzea essential oil is effective for hangover and alcohol poisoning, as it quickly relieves the characteristic symptoms.

With eye fatigue associated with evening reading, working on a computer, it helps to improve visual acuity. The role of the psychoemotional corrector is given to the essential oil of Leuzea. The properties of the drug allow it to participate in restoring sleep, increasing the efficiency of the brain, improving memory, eliminating depressive syndrome.

The smell of leuzea helps fight hysteria, neurosis, relieves excessive excitability, and soothes the nervous system. Thanks to the aroma of oil, a person quickly adjusts to positive, calms down.

Properties of Leuzea essential oil
  • Dermatology.

Perfectly proven in this area and oil leuzea. Its use in the treatment of neurodermatitis and dermatitis gives excellent results. This effect is due to the ability of the oil to refresh the skin, restore tissue circulation, increase the elasticity of the skin and its elasticity. With neurodermatitis on the affected areas, apply compresses consisting of 10 ml of the base (neutral cream) and five drops of Leuzea. You can do wet wraps. To do this, dilute 10 drops of oil in 0.5 liters of water (warm). Soak a cloth with this composition and apply to the damaged area.

  • Cosmetology.

Oil is used to prepare masks for oily hair care. In this case, the use of leuzea oil is justified. The property of the drug to strengthen hair follicles and restore the sebaceous glands has been proven by scientists.

Dip the comb's teeth in a mixture of essential oils of anise, frankincense and lewsee, in equal parts and comb the hair. Leave the product overnight. In the morning, before washing your hair, apply a composition consisting of 30 ml of olive oil, yolk and three drops of Leuzea oil to your hair. This mask nourishes the roots well, gives the hair shine and silkiness.

Face masks (for dry and normal skin) are used to restore tired skin. To do this, add to a drop of 10 ml of glycerin a drop of sandalwood oil and levs, two drops of chamomile. For dull and oily skin, a mask is made of 2 drops of Leuzea, 2 drops of grapefruit and a drop of almond oil.


Used as a component of the composition. Oil brings a hint of freshness to aromas.

Household use

This is a wonderful natural repellent that quickly eliminates puffiness, pain and burning sensation from insect bites. A drop of oil will give a pleasant aroma to tea.

Roots of leuzea

Ways to use Levzea oil

It is advisable to have this healing agent in your home medicine cabinet. It can help you out in a variety of situations:

  • To improve the digestive tract, mix five drops of oil with 50 grams of natural honey. The tool is taken in the morning and evening, half a teaspoon, washed down with juice, kefir or tea.
  • Sessions of activation of brain activity, increase of working capacity are carried out every other day, filling the aroma lamp. On a room of 10 square meters. m. you will need a drop of oil of cloves, lemon, bergamot pine and leuzea.
  • Massage using a mixture of oils will help relieve stress. This will require two drops of lavender oil and avocado, three leuzea. Rubbing this mixture into the zones of the crown of the head, neck, temples, you will get rid of fatigue, emotional stress.
  • A mixture of a glass of tomato juice or kefir, a pinch of salt and a drop of leuzea will ease the condition with alcohol intoxication. After an hour, the reception should be repeated. This will exclude the development of a hangover syndrome.
  • It is very beneficial to soak for twenty minutes in a soothing bath of milk, honey or vegetable oil with three drops of leuzea, chamomile and ylang-ylang oil.
Application of Levzea Oil

Precautionary measures

You should know that there are contraindications to the use of Leuzea oil, they are quite specific and rarely cause side effects, but in order to avoid unwanted reactions, they should be taken into account:

  • due to the strong aroma, the drug is used with caution in the treatment of children;
  • do not use oil during pregnancy;
  • on sensitive skin, when applying the drug, signs of irritation may appear;
  • the oil is not applied when leaving the street on sunny weather, because it has phototoxicity, or it is applied one hour before the exit.


Leuzea oil can not be used with:

  • increased nervous excitability;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • chronic diseases of the kidneys and liver;
  • arrhythmias;
  • during lactation;
  • individual intolerance.

Do not exceed the indicated dosages and do not abuse the drug. The appearance of vomiting, nausea, headaches, pain in the abdomen, malaise, indicates that an overdose has occurred.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C33765/

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