How to cook hard boiled eggs. Cooking Tips, Recipes

Even the lightest recipes require focus and attention. Once upon a time, as a child, we learned how to cook eggs, and we still cook them today, without thinking about whether we are doing it right. How to cook hard boiled eggs?

What is easier than boiling an ordinary chicken egg? After all, you just need to put it in water, pour salt, so that the eggshell does not crack, and cook the necessary amount of time. It is necessary to boil the eggs over medium heat, and then put in cold water so that they are easier to clean after that. That, in principle, is all, although in reality this is sometimes not enough.

How to cook hard boiled eggs correctly

You should know a few important rules.

  • Do not cook eggs directly from the refrigerator, because if you pour them with hot water, they will burst.
  • It is necessary to carefully monitor the cooking time. After all, the readiness of the product depends on how much you have to cook hard-boiled egg .
  • Cookware for cooking eggs should be small so that they do not break during cooking.
  • After the water in the pan boils, pierce the blunt end of the egg with a needle so that it does not crack.
  • Cook only on medium heat.
  • Fresh egg is cooked a little longer.

How to boil soft-boiled eggs and in a bag

Such cooking requires a small pan. Pour water so that it covers the egg a centimeter above the surface. Cook in boiling water for one minute. Reduce the fire to a minimum, cover the pan with a lid and set a timer. Four minutes will be enough for a soft-boiled egg, five minutes for an egg in a pouch.

How to cook hard boiled eggs

It must be remembered that fresh chicken eggs after cooking are poorly peeled, therefore it is best to use an egg that has been stored for more than three days. Place the egg in a container of suitable size and fill it with water, preferably cold, but at room temperature. We wait until the water boils, cook for seven minutes over medium heat. Remove from heat and put under cold running water and hold for about a minute, then turn off the water, wait until it cools completely, do not pour out the water. To easily and easily clean a boiled egg, the egg must be cooled completely or cleaned under a stream of cold water.

How to cook hard boiled quail eggs

For cooking, quail eggs can also be taken very fresh. and a little lying down, since they do not burst in the water. Quail eggs are cooked for five minutes, starting from the moment of boiling. To cook them soft-boiled, one minute will be enough.

Egg Recipes

Boiled eggs

Have to take:

- two eggs,

- a liter of cold water

- two tablespoons of salt.

At the blunt end of all eggs, make a small puncture with a needle. Then put them in a pan and pour water, add salt. Bring to a boil, and then, reducing the heat, simmer over low heat.

Microwave Omelette

We take for its preparation:

- two eggs,

- one hundred milliliters of milk,

- salt;

- seasonings;

- greens.

Beat eggs with milk and salt with a fork or whisk. Pour into a container for cooking in the microwave and set for two minutes at maximum power. When serving, decorate with herbs and pour a small amount of pre-melted butter.

Eggs are one of the most nutritious foods in the human diet. They contain a large amount of protein and healthy fats. Athletes use this product almost every day. After all, everything that is part of the eggs, with the right training regimen, goes into muscle mass. True, doctors advise people with high blood cholesterol not to eat eggs too often, but kids need to eat them up to four times a week. For the smallest, only yolk is used in nutrition, it is mixed with cereals, dairy products, butter, vegetables and meat. For older children, you can already use the whole egg. This product is useful to eat not only in boiled form, but also in baked form as an omelet cooked in the oven. And in general, ways to prepare dishes from sets of eggs . To do this, just open the cookbook and see if even the simplest recipes are printed there, for example, how to cook a hard-boiled egg.


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