Exercises for the spine at home

Thanks to a healthy direct spine, you can forever say goodbye to frequent headaches, dizziness and prevent the emergence of various other diseases. If you regularly and systematically do exercises for the back and spine, cervical, lumbar and thoracic regions, develop flexibility, then you will feel constant lightness in your body. Otherwise, spinal surgery cannot be avoided. So, what are the necessary exercises for the spine at home? We will understand in more detail.

What determines spinal health?

The human spine consists of 33 vertebrae. Between themselves, they are connected by cartilage - intervertebral discs and a pair of upper and lower articular processes, and are also fastened using ligaments.

Each department has its own number of vertebrae:

  • cervical - 7 vertebrae;
  • chest - 12;
  • lumbar - 5;
  • sacral - 5;
  • coccygeal - in the form of one bone 3-5.

The cervical spine is slightly extended forward, the thoracic spine is posterior, and the lumbar is protruded slightly forward. Due to such flexibility of the spine, all internal organs are protected from any damage if a person makes sudden movements.

Each side of the spine has openings for nerves and blood vessels. A special channel, which is formed by the vertebrae, fills the spinal cord.

exercises for the spine

With a strong bend of one of the vertebrae, it dislocates from the general row. It compresses a blood vessel and pinches a nerve, causing it to numb. This phenomenon in medicine must be called subluxation.

The most susceptible parts of the spine are subluxation - cervical, thoracic and lumbar. As a result, teeth, eyesight, kidneys, thyroid gland, lungs, genitals, etc. suffer.

Sleep right

The vertical position of the spine received as a result of the evolutionary formation of man. Initially, it should be located exclusively horizontally.

The first and easiest way to deal with curvature of the spine is to sleep only on a hard surface. The horizontal position of the spine during sleep helps to evenly distribute body weight, relieve stress and relieve muscle tension as much as possible, as well as nerves get rid of compression.

exercises for the muscles of the spine

Thanks to a healthy, correct sleep, you will notice how the liver begins to work better, and the intestines function. Accordingly, metabolic processes in the body will accelerate their work, because of which a person will quickly lose excess weight.

In addition, on a flat, hard surface, a person gets better sleep and feels rested and refreshed in the morning.

What to do in case of violation of posture?

Exercises to strengthen the spine can be easily performed at home. Thanks to proper posture, the load on the spinal column is evenly distributed and the risk of vertebral subluxations, which we spoke about above, is reduced. In addition, internal organs are not compressed and function optimally.

If a person suffers from scoliosis, then he is often visited by insomnia, he has chronic fatigue, depressive states and constant back pain.

Exercise 1

Take a static position against the wall. In this case, it is necessary to touch it with heels, calves, buttocks and shoulder blades. In this position, you must stand every day for 10-15 minutes.


exercises for the spine at home

It is necessary to get on all fours, while bending the back with an arc for 2-3 seconds. Then they will return to their original position.


Lie on your stomach on a flat surface, everything is better on a gymnastic mat, place your palms at neck level, but wider than shoulder level. Press your elbows to the body, forehead and forearms should be on the rug. In this position, it is necessary to bend back while inhaling, using hands so that the lower abdomen remains pressed to the mat. Throw your head back. Hold the position for 2-3 seconds and take a starting position on inhalation.

exercises for the spine in osteochondrosis

Another exercise for the spine: it is necessary to take a supine position. Lie on your stomach and stretch your arms along the torso. It is necessary to arch the back back so that the thoracic spine is bent. At the same time, slightly raise straightened legs.

What to do with osteochondrosis?

Performing exercises for the spine with osteochondrosis is simply necessary. However, you need to start training only after the approval of the attending physician. Of course, he will help develop a set of necessary exercises. Often used, we will consider.

Exercises for the spine in osteochondrosis: so, lie on a flat surface. Put one palm on your stomach, and the second on your chest. Then inhale slowly and gently. Carefully make sure that the abdomen first rises, and after that - the chest. And also exhale slowly. This exercise must be done 10 times in a row during the day for 3-4 repetitions.

Exercise 2: Take a horizontal position and extend your arms along the torso. Then slowly, slowly, turn your head to the left. Press your ear against the floor. Then repeat these steps in the other direction. Perform the exercise 3-4 times a day. If you feel severe pain during the exercise, then it is better to temporarily abandon it.

Exercise 3: Sit comfortably on a chair. Inhale slowly and tilt your head forward so that your chin touches your chest. When inhaling, throw your head back. Do the exercise as slowly as possible, so that the muscles all stretch. Up to 15 repetitions must be done at a time. It is recommended to perform the exercise 2-3 times a day.

Problem: thoracic osteochondrosis - what to do?

Thanks to the implementation of therapeutic exercises, it is gradually possible to restore the body after the breast form of osteochondrosis.

  1. Exercise with a towel. Sit comfortably while sitting or lying down. Take a towel and wrap it in your chest. Then pick up the free ends. Take a deep breath and as you exhale stretch the towel as far as possible. Then slowly ease the tension in the hands and inhale again, and as you exhale, again tighten the towel by the ends. Repeat for about 10 times.
    exercises for the back and spine

    Performing this exercise to strengthen the spine will help to normalize the mobility of the ribs and improve the respiratory system.

  2. Pick up a regular rolling pin or other device. Wind a strong towel on top of it to make a roller about 10 centimeters in diameter. Then take a horizontal position, and place the roller under the chest of the spinal column. Keep your hands behind your head. Bend and slowly lift the top of the case. Roll the roller along the entire spine.

    set of exercises for the spine

    Thus, all areas of the spine will be evenly worked out. Exercise must be done 4 times. During the deflection, be sure to take a deep breath, and exhale when lifting the body.

The rules of the exercise Bubnovsky

The author of a unique set of exercises is a famous doctor, doctor of medical sciences and the founder of modern kinesitherapy, Sergey Bubnovsky.

exercises for the spine bubnovsky

Exercises for the spine at home by his method are simple and effective. The doctor believes that it is necessary to fight the disease on the principle of "wedge by wedge" - to overcome the pain threshold. Sergey Bubnovsky recommends performing the exercises for the spine at home, taking into account four rules:

  • Perform a set of exercises, overcoming the pain that marks stagnation in the muscles. Otherwise, a number of disorders in the blood circulation will occur, as a result - nearby tissues will be destroyed.
  • Exercises should be done every other day or every day in order not to lose muscle memory (it stores a β€œmemory” for 2 days).
  • Be sure to take a breath at the moment of effort in order to reduce the level of pain.
  • It is necessary after performing a set of exercises to do cold wiping of the joints in order to prevent swelling.

Performing a set of exercises for the spine, you can control your health and feel physically easy.

If the pain keeps you awake

Exercises for the spine at home can be performed even if the pain does not allow you to fall asleep. Often a person subconsciously puts a pillow under his back, assuming a "half-sitting" position.

There are three exercises for the muscles of the spine according to Bubnovsky, which will help get rid of severe pain.

  • Take a horizontal position, throw your legs back on a chair or sofa so that they are bent at the knees. Then under the lower back it is necessary to put ice, cold wrapped in cloth. Hands should be behind the head. Gradually lift the body to the knees, bending the body only in the chest area.
exercises to strengthen the spine
  • Take the β€œcat” position - get on all fours. It is necessary to develop flexibility of the spine: gradually bend it and round it.
  • Need an expander. Fix one ring to the anchor bolt as high as possible against the wall. Then you need to sit with your back to the wall so that the expander is in front of you. The free end must be secured to the leg so that you feel tension. Then lift your right leg and bend it. Straighten and lower again to its original position. Perform similar actions with the second leg.

The number of repetitions depends only on your capabilities.

β€œSave” a sedentary lifestyle

Of course, now it’s hard to imagine an office employee who has no back problems. When pain occurs, a person subconsciously places a soft object under his back to relieve pain a little. However, Dr. Bubnovsky recommends performing exercises for the spine regularly. They can be done both at home and at work.

  • Stand straight with your legs slightly wider than your shoulders. Tilt the case forward, and with your hands at the same time, grab onto the table or back of the chair. The head should be directed straight, looking in front of you. Then make 3-4 movements with the body down in order to stretch the muscles of the spine. As you exhale, lower your arms and bend to your feet. The head is also lowered as low as possible to the knees. If possible, skip the head and arms between the legs. When performing an exercise for the cervical spine, an important condition must be met: the legs should be straight. Return to the starting position.
exercise for the cervical spine
  • Place your straight leg on a table or window sill. As you exhale, tilt the body to the leg, as if you were lying on it, and grab the toe with your hands. Then straighten and repeat the action only with the other leg.
bubnovsky exercises for the spine at home
  • Stand on your toes and try to reach as high as possible. The number of repetitions 5-7 times.

If you regularly perform exercises for the spine according to the Bubnovsky technique, then you can strengthen your muscles and permanently get rid of severe pain. Be sure to consult your doctor before starting workouts.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C33771/

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