How to clear dns cache

Surely you ran into a problem when, working on the Internet and trying to load any pages, a message appeared before you saying that the server was not found. Or your browser told you that it is unable to display the page. Most of these problems are really related to interruptions in the server, host or your provider. However, it often happens that the problem lies in your car. In this case, you need to clear the DNS cache. This is done using the ipconfig / flushdns command.

clear DNS cache

To perform this procedure, you must call the start menu, then select "Run" and from there call the command line. Please note that your keyboard layout must be English. When you see the system prompt in the folder with the username, enter the above command and confirm this action with the enter key. After that, the DNS cache will be cleared. You will be informed about this by the system.

DNS itself is such a system that establishes correspondence between textual names and numeric IP addresses. In order for you to understand what is at stake, imagine how you enter the address of a site into the browser. At this point, the DNS system translates this address from characters to IP, for example,

flushing dns cache

In order to successfully clear the DNS cache, you must have launched a service called DNS client. It allows this computer to understand the DNS names as addresses, putting them in the cache. If this service is stopped for some reason, the system will not be able to resolve DNS names, nor will it host the directory service called Active Directory for domain controllers.

So, in case of prohibition of this service, the computer will not start any program that is obviously dependent on it. By default, the β€œauto” indicator is set for the startup type. The executable file itself is located in the Windows system folder, namely in the System32 directory. You cannot clear the DNS cache when the service is not running. In such an attempt, the system will display a message stating that it is not able to perform a cleanup.

clear dns cache

It follows that in order to clear the DNS cache, you need to start the DNS client. To do this, open the start menu, then go to the setting where you need to start the control panel. In its window, find the administration icon, in which there will be a section of services. When this window opens, you will need to select the DNS client service and start it.

In order to determine the automatic type of CSN client startup, open the start menu again, in which the services window must be launched using the method described above. There you will need to select and start the CSN client service again. Next, use the right button of your manipulator to go to the properties. Find the tab called General. In the drop-down list, you need to select the automatic start type. After that, just confirm this setting with the β€œOK” button.

You now have an idea of how to clear the DNS cache . I hope you can cope with this task yourself. If not, then it is better to contact a specialist who will help you in any case.


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