Tamara Moskvina (figure skating): biography, personal life, sports career

It is perhaps impossible to imagine Soviet pair figure skating without Tamara Nikolaevna Moskvina. Seven-time champion of the USSR, winner of the Spartakiad of the Peoples of the USSR, Honored trainer of the USSR and Russia, holder of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 3rd degree, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR, vice champion of Europe and the world - the achievements and regalia of this athlete and trainer can be endlessly listed . The biography of Tamara Moskvina will be told to the reader in the article.

Tamara Moskvina

Childhood and youth

Tamara Nikolaevna Bratus (this is her maiden name) was born in 1941 in Leningrad. In the most difficult period of the blockade, she emigrated with her parents and two sisters to relatives in the Urals. Only in 1948 the family returned to their hometown and began to live in a modest apartment in a communal apartment. Parents-engineers, despite the difficult post-war time, tried to support and develop their children in everything.

Since childhood, Tamara studied at a music school - played the piano, at the same time began to go to the figure skating club at the Petrel stadium, studied diligently at school. Despite considerable successes in music, the girl, after consulting with her father, decided to take a different path - she chose figure skating from two dear to her heart hobbies. After receiving a silver medal at the end of school, she entered the University of Physical Education. Lesgaft, later graduated from graduate school, defended her thesis.

Alexey Nikolaevich Mishin

The beginning of Tamara Moskvina’s sports career

Tamara Bratus began speaking and receiving prizes in sports in 1955 in collaboration with her first coach Ivan Bogoyavlensky. A talented girl has always been distinguished by a rich imagination and a creative approach to skiing. It was she who became the first in the world who invented and performed, perhaps, the most complex of the elements in figure skating: “todes back inside” - he generally turned out due to an error - a skate jumped off during skating, and the so-called bilman - rotation-tilt with both hands grabbing the legs over the head. The young Tamara Moskvina spied this trick in gymnastics and transferred it to the ice, performing it for the first time in 1957. Then no one paid much attention to the young girl who made the new complex element. Only the coach of the Swiss figure skater Denise Bilman - Otto Hugen, seeing this, suggested that his ward try to repeat an interesting trick. She not only succeeded, Bilman became famous and popular thanks to the performance of this complex element. Later, already in 1977, it was by the name of the Swiss figure skater that he was named.

In 1957, Tamara Bratus changed her mentor, Igor Moskvin became her coach. It was during these years that the figure skater participated in the championships of the USSR, where he won the singles five times. Despite this, she does not manage to distinguish herself at any of the European championships and get to the world championship.

Tamara Nikolaevna Moskvina

Go to pair skating

7 years after meeting, in 1964, T. Bratus entered into an official marriage with her coach Igor Moskvin. After some time, her husband and coach, not seeing any prospects in his individual skating for his ward, decides to pair the athlete. With the first partner, Alexander Gavrilov, Tamara Moskvina wins the USSR Championship. A year after the collaboration, A. Gavrilov, who had a family and children, decided to end his sports career due to financial difficulties. Then Tamara and Igor Moskvins start looking for another partner, and Alexei Nikolayevich Mishin, who was about to switch from single figure skating to doubles, appears on the horizon.

Partnership with Alexey Mishin

Many believe that T.N. Moskvin would not have become so famous and successful if not for their partnership with Alexei Nikolayevich Mishin. It was their joint skating that was the most fruitful and memorable in the late 60s.

In 1968, the skaters won second place at the European Championship in Swedish Westeros. Then at the Olympics in the city of Grenoble (France), the couple became the fourth. The year 1969 was a triumph for the Moskvin-Mishin couple. Athletes became champions of the USSR, beating the famous and successful Rodnina-Zaitsev, Belousov-Protopopov; became the third in Europe in Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Germany); the second - at the world championship in Colorado Springs (USA). For these achievements, the skaters became Honored Masters of Sports of the USSR.

tamara moskvina figure skating

Coaching T. Moskvina

Although Tamara Nikolaevna was not destined to become an Olympic champion, she still achieved great results and entered the history of figure skating. Perhaps the main merit of T. Moskvina was working with the young generation of skaters.

Even in her youth, Tamara Moskvina (figure skating) began to combine her sports career with coaching. Since 1962, the athlete has been engaged with children in the sports societies "Trud" and her native "Petrel", and in 1971 she even became a coach in the youth reserve school of the Olympic reserve.

After completing his sports career at 28, the skater Tamara Nikolaevna Moskvina immediately begins to work as a coach. Athletes in pair figure skating, being under her coaching, earned 8 Olympic medals from 1992 to 1999.

Tamara Moskvina biography

Famous students of T. Moskvina

Among the famous students of Tamara Moskvina, an athlete Irina Vorobyova, who became a two-time champion of Europe and the world, first paired with Alexander Vlasov, then - with Igor Lisovsky. These are the champions of the Olympics, the repeated champions of Europe and the world, Elena Valova and Oleg Vasiliev. In addition, among the students of T. Moskvina there are no less famous Olympic, world champions (1991-1992) Natalya Mishkutenok and Arthur Dmitriev, silver winners at the Olympics (1991-1992), world champions Elena Bechke and Denis Petrov, Olympic champion, European champion (1998, 1996) Oksana Kazakova, paired with Arthur Dmitriev, multiple world, European, Russian champions (1998-2002), Olympic champions Elena Berezhnaya and Anton Sikharulidze.

Tamara Moskvina also worked with American skaters Kyoko Ina and John Zimmerman, they took third place at the World Championships (2002), Russian - Sergey Slavnov and Ukrainian Julia Obertas - silver medalists of the European Championship (2005). The coaching of the pair of Alexander Smirnov and the Russian athlete of Japanese origin Yuko Kavaguchi was fruitful - they became not only three-time champions of Russia, but also two-time - Europe and two-time winners of the world championship. The latter, by the way, only for the sake of working with Tamara Moskvina changed her citizenship to Russian. The Smirnov-Kawaguchi pair is now our country's hope for the 2018 Olympics.

Tamara Moskvina personal life

Individual approach to each student

Now Tamara Nikolaevna Moskvina continues to train athletes. She is known for her loyalty and delicacy towards her students. “I never put ultimatums in front of them and I don’t say that everyone needs to be done and take only the first place, I try to find compromises,” says T. Moskvina.

Teaching activities

From 1971 to 1987 Tamara Nikolaevna Moskvina was a teacher, then an assistant professor at the Department of Speed ​​Skating at the Sports Institute named after Lesgaft.

Famous students of Tamara Moskvina

"Star ice"

In 2014, in his native Moskvina St. Petersburg, the school of Olympic reserve for children and adolescents “Star Ice” was opened, which was created specifically for eminent craftsmen - the talented Tamara Moskvina and the equally talented Alexei Mishin. Today, the school operates on the basis of the Yubileiny Palace.

If Alexei Mishin is responsible for single skating here, Tamara Moskvina is in charge of the pair. At 76 years old, she not only deals with athletes, but can herself show difficult elements - gracefully and easily.

Tamara Moskvina sports career

Personal life of Tamara Moskvina

Despite a fruitful sports career, coaching, T. Moskvina succeeded in personal happiness. She considers her greatest achievement to be family. Partly because of this, after four years of successful performances with Alexei Mishin, the skater decides to end her career to defend her dissertation and give birth to children. “I was already 28 years old at that time, then it was believed that the family should be complete at that age,” says Tamara Moskvina. So, she stops speaking at competitions and devotes herself to her favorite coaching work and, of course, to her family.

Together with her husband, the famous skater Igor Moskvin, they have been living together for 53 years, during which time they raised two charming daughters. Now the sports couple already have grandchildren, whom they are happy to talk about in all interviews.

T. N. Moskvina in the cinema

Tamara Nikolaevna Moskvina three times played herself in a feature film. In the 1969 film “Lenfilm” produced by “Blue Ice” (directed by Viktor Sokolov), in the story, she was the coach of the main characters - figure skaters Berestov.

In 2000, another picture was released with the participation of Tamara Nikolaevna Moskvina - “The Ice Shine of Stars” (directed by Nikita Orlov). Here, not only the fates of the famous skaters of Russia and the USSR are represented - L. Belousova, M. Butyrskaya, E. Valova, O. Vasiliev, A. Yagudin, E. Plushenko and others, but also a breathtaking picture of history, perhaps of the most beautiful kind Sports - Figure Skating.

In 2007, the figure skater and coach played herself in another film - “Ice Captivity of Tamara Moskvina” (directed by Irina Bakhtina).

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C33776/

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