Psychology of influence

Our whole life is based on influences on each other. From birth, the child learns to control his parents, first with the help of a scream, and then he masters other ways to achieve his goal.

During communication, we influence the thoughts and feelings of the interlocutor, often unknowingly. All people, to one degree or another, are masters of manipulation.

Influence psychology studies the mechanisms of influence on the human consciousness, which can be divided into everyday management methods and special ones, such as trance, hypnosis, verbal coding and more.

Many people dream of mastering the ability to purposefully influence the consciousness and behavior of other people, as well as learn how to defend themselves from unwanted influences.

The greatest interest is caused by mysterious trance techniques, words that can completely deprive a person of their will, and the like.

In fact, everyday and special psychological influence has the same basis.

It is based on an understanding of the nature of man, the characteristics of his behavior and reactions.

Let us consider in more detail ways to influence consciousness and methods of protection against them.


We all somehow feel each other's weaknesses and often use this in communication. This is the basis of everyday psychology of exposure. The most common method of manipulation is pressure on pity. Surprisingly, many people cannot resist this and are persuasive despite their own principles. Exposure to weakness hurts, and the person is unable to resist.

The only way to protect against such manipulation is a good knowledge of their strengths and weaknesses, which will not allow the enemy to deliver an unexpected blow. And, of course, we must get rid of weaknesses.

Hidden desires

All people have similar desires. The basis of complex forms of activity are simple needs for love, a desire for power, wealth, sexual desire and the like.

Impact on basic needs is one of the most common methods of manipulation. Most commercials are built on it. It is also used in election campaigns.

In this case, the person is promised something very simple, but desired that he do what they want from him.

Such an impact becomes especially effective if the promise is not expressed explicitly, but is present in a latent form. For example, in the form of images that a person associates with his most important needs. People tired of loneliness and dreaming of family happiness are more likely to respond to a commercial with a family or a couple in love.

Also, the person’s desire to be a winner, the first in everything and so on, is often played out.

The psychology of influence also studies the effect of color on state and mood. For example, orange is associated with joy and fun. Therefore, advertising using this color will attract people who lack positive emotions.

Protecting yourself from this effect is easy. It is enough to be well aware of your desires and track emerging needs. Self-developed people are rarely influenced by advertising.

Altered states of consciousness and the effect of surprise

The psychology of influence also explores the changed state of a person, during which he becomes almost defenseless against various kinds of influences.

The state of hypnotic sleep is characterized by an almost complete blockage of the individual's consciousness. At this time, he is completely subordinate to the effects of the personality of the hypnotist. To create such a state, a person must have special skills and personality characteristics.

Trance is a state in which it seems to us that we are acting consciously, but in fact our actions are subordinate to external influence. The state of mild trance is very common in life and is characterized by the fact that a person does not completely control his actions.

Remember your condition after someone asked you an unexpected and strange question. The confusion that occurs after this is a sign of mild trance.

In such a situation, a person is easy to suggest, and the words that will be spoken unhindered will cause the desired reaction.

The impact will be especially successful in relation to gullible and suggestible people.

Many have heard of gypsies who put people into a trance and then take the last money.

In fact, they are not suitable for every person. They choose a victim among people who are lost in thought, bewildered or preoccupied. Being in a similar state, a person has poor control over himself, and is therefore especially susceptible to influences.

It is easy to enter into a light trance state using special key words. Such exposure techniques have been well studied in neuro-linguistic programming.

Here the effect of surprise is of great importance. Then correctly selected words literally introduce the victim into a stupor.

You can protect yourself from such techniques if you never lose consciousness and increase the level of self-control.

Smart management

The psychology of influence is not limited to the study of hidden forms of influence. The results of her research are successfully applied at enterprises to motivate employees. In this case, we are talking about sound management, when a person consciously agrees to fulfill his part of the contract, understanding the benefits of this interaction.

In addition, prudent management affects the higher needs of a person and awakens his best feelings. For example, the desire to support your company, help colleagues, the desire to take part in a common cause.

Summing up, we can say that hidden manipulation is an integral part of our life. It is based on the impact on the sphere of unconscious motives and desires. Those who want to learn how to withstand such influences can be advised to become more focused and learn how to arbitrarily concentrate. Then no one can influence you beyond your will.


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