Company "ARAN": employee feedback on work

So, today we will try to find out with you what ARAN company receives from its employees as an employer. This moment is extremely important. Especially for new potential employees. After all, only those who have already collaborated with the company can tell what is waiting for new personnel in reality. And these stories can also influence your opinion about employment. You should not think that “ARAN” only earns good or bad reviews from employees. Rather, they can be called ambiguous. After all, each employer has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let's try to figure out what constitutes a corporation.

aran reviews

Area of ​​activity

It’s worth starting with the definition of a firm. This moment plays a rather large role for any employer. And in this sense, “ARAN” receives very good reviews. After all, we are dealing with a large transport company.

What does she do? Delivery and transportation of goods of various sizes throughout Russia. In fact, these services are very in demand. And therefore, ARAN has practically no worthy competitors. Nevertheless, despite this fact, reviews about the company are mixed. Why is this happening? Are these the next scammers who breed everyone around for money?

From customers

Not at all. Customer reviews of ARAN are very good. Most of them emphasize fast and quality work, as well as humane pricing. In addition, one cannot but mention the careful attitude to the delivered cargo. Of course, all this favorably affects the rating of the company.

Only if we talk about personnel, they are not particularly happy with their employer. And there are a number of reasons. We will learn about them a little later. But you should not be scared right away and refuse employment. After all, ARAN, the reviews of which we are studying, also has positive aspects. Let's look at this corporation from all sides and try to make a conclusion about its good faith.

aran employee reviews


The proposed range of job openings is an important point. Potential employees often pay attention to him even before signing up for an interview. And how are things going with our company?

“ARAN” receives positive feedback from employees in this regard. After all, this transport company hires truck drivers, and movers, and couriers, and managers on the phone. But in general, as it is not difficult to guess, all these are ordinary vacancies.

Leadership positions are usually occupied. And there the staff turnover is minimal. Nevertheless, applicants note that it is really possible to find a vacancy at ARAN. Even if initially you did not find it. Of course, you can’t count on leadership positions, but you’ll be sure to find the place of an ordinary employee.

Job interview

If you decide to find a job in this corporation, then the first thing you have to face is an interview. This moment excites many. But here the company "ARAN" gets quite good feedback from employees.

Why is this so? Firstly, in the office where you will be invited, a pleasant, calm atmosphere prevails. The atmosphere here is really conducive to conversation.

aran company employee reviews

Secondly, the dialogue process itself will most likely take place without undue stress. In some cities, some arrogance can sometimes be felt by recruitment managers. Only such cases stop very quickly. In general, the entire interview will be excellent. This is how employees describe the process.

Thirdly, if you do not have a resume, this will not be a problem. Tell and write everything yourself. Also, the transport company "ARAN" receives excellent feedback from the employees about the interview process for telling you about the vacancy and answering all questions. That is, you can immediately find out what awaits you with employment. This moment is absent in most firms.


Next are the promises of the corporation. After all, it is tempting offers that make us interested in finding a job. And here "ARAN" also gets good reviews from drivers and other staff. In the sense that the management offers very interesting conditions of remuneration and organization of the work process as a whole.

aran driver reviews

What is it about? About what they will tell you about the normalized schedule of the working day, high wages, allowances, bonuses, paid holidays and sick leave. In addition, do not forget that "ARAN" guarantees all its employees payment with a "white" scheme. No envelopes! Only honest earnings, and even not small. Of course, all this will make the potential employee settle in with the company. This is what employees who have already become part of ARANA are talking about.


Only on this, perhaps, all the exceptionally good aspects of the corporation end. Reality may disappoint you. And the first thing that employees often (but not always) complain about is the work schedule.

For movers, it is normalized from 8:00 to 20:00. But the rest of the staff - no. The only exceptions are walking couriers. They work according to the shift schedule, which they chose during employment (2/2, 3/2, 5/2) from 9:00 to 18:00. So, the "exceptional" employees have good opinions regarding the working day.

But here, for example, the ARAN company receives far from the most positive reviews in the field of drivers and managers on the phone. All this is due to the fact that the working day is not standardized. Yes, and you can not predict when to wait for the day off. Indeed, most of the personnel in the organization have such breaks. As such, there is no lunch break. And, as many claim, you have to work 12-15 hours a day. Agree, this is not at all what they promised during the interview.

Social guarantees

The next point that causes mixed feelings is the social package that you were promised. To be honest, here "ARAN" reviews about work earn generally good. Although there are some disadvantages in this system.

Aran company driver reviews

For example, many say that payment for holidays and sick leave is present here, but with a delay. Payments come no less than promised, only too late. A trifle, but still unpleasant.

Many do not have a lunch break, which is appropriate for each employee. Only now, for example, no one controls the drivers. And they can take a lunch break at any time convenient for them.

As for payment of maternity, everything here is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. For example, if you have been working in a corporation for a long time, you will really get paid the money. And without any delay. But the young girls who are only about to give birth to children, in truth, are not recruited to ARAN. And pregnant too. So this sometimes repels some. But, according to the workers, there is no deception. You will be informed at the interview about this feature.


The firm "ARAN" (Moscow) receives not the best reviews of employees in terms of wages. The situation is exactly the same in other cities of Russia. But why is this so?

Aran company reviews

The problem is that when you are employed for a particular position, they promise you from 35,000 rubles of salary. But, as it turns out later, the “white” earnings will be no more than 10,000 rubles. Everything else is a gray salary. In fact, they guarantee you wages in an envelope. Such actions are not similar to stable earnings.

Plus, sometimes there is a fraud in the calculations. For example, most often this happens with drivers. They announce the cost of the order several times lower than in reality. It turns out that the leadership takes the difference for itself. Not very nice, is it? However, these are not so frequent cases.

But here, according to numerous opinions, you are paid an advance and do not delay the calculation. In some cases, you can close your eyes to the “gray” earnings, and to some deception, if all the funds come exactly on time.


"ARAN" reviews get terrible, often because of the working conditions that the company offers its employees. This is especially true for those who constantly work in the office or in the warehouse. Drivers and movers with couriers in this sense were lucky.

If you have chosen a vacancy that does not require special movements from you, then get ready for unsanitary conditions, stuffiness, humidity and small uncomfortable rooms. This is how employees describe office work.

aran transport company employee reviews

But on cars and on foot the conditions are better. Moreover, drivers were lucky here most of all. They note that there is no monitoring of movements. This means that you can easily and easily go by official car on your own business, and then return to the route. The main thing is that the task was completed on time.

So, as you see, “ARAN” (a transport company) earned mixed reviews from employees about its work. And it’s very difficult to advise anything about employment. Everyone decides for himself individually. To begin with, weigh all the pros and cons of the company and only then draw conclusions. Nevertheless, if you pay attention to statistics, then even minor minuses and omissions force people to write negative feedback. And this scares off new employees.


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