How to make chaga - a few recipes

Birch chaga is a mushroom whose properties have not yet been fully studied by traditional medicine. In folk medicine, the solid dark brown layer of chaga is most often used as a medicinal raw material. There are several recipes on how to brew chaga, but before proceeding to the preparation of a healing drink, you need to know how to properly prepare this valuable medicinal raw material. If there are no birches in your area, you can always buy dry chaga in almost every pharmacy.

The collection of birch mushroom is carried out, as a rule, in the fall. It is believed that at this time it has the greatest healing properties and biological activity. If necessary, chaga can be collected in the winter or in early spring (until the onset of sap flow). Dried chaga, the medicinal properties of which are difficult to even enumerate, are considered to be quite effective in folk medicine to cure some forms of cancer and prevent the growth of tumors.

There is reliable evidence that various preparations prepared from this fungus cured serious diseases of the liver, stomach, spleen and intestines. Decoctions and infusions from chaga perfectly enhance the body's immunity, remarkably activate metabolic processes, is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent. They are used both for internal and external use. This tool is able to reduce increased sweating, venous and blood pressure. Birch chaga is often used as an effective prophylactic that can prevent many diseases.

In the outback, they still know how to brew birch chaga for the treatment of a disease. There are several ways to brew this mushroom. The easiest way to make medicinal tea is to pour finely chopped birch mushroom with boiling water. Usually, 5 parts of boiling water take 1 part of chaga. Tea is insisted for 2 hours. The drink is consumed 30 minutes before a meal. It is usually drunk, mixed with water in equal proportions. To improve the taste of the drink, you can add honey to the finished tea or add various fragrant herbs to it during steaming.

If you do not know how to brew chaga specifically for your diseases, there is one universal method, namely brewing tea in a thermos. The resulting broth is aged in it for 8-12 hours.

There are more complex ways to prepare the infusion from this fungus, ensuring maximum safety of all the nutrients that make up its composition. Dry chaga must be poured with boiling water for 4-7 hours, finely chopped, grate or grind in a meat grinder. The resulting mass is again poured with boiling water and insisted for 2 days in a dark and cool place. The proportion of ingredients remains the same: for 5 parts boiling water - 1 part chaga. The infused mass is squeezed through a cloth or rubbed through a very fine sieve. The resulting brown mushroom infusion should be drunk 200 ml 3 times a day. Medical compresses are also prepared from this infusion.

There is another known way to brew chaga. To do this, pour birch chaga, crushed into fine powder, pour warm water and simmer in a Russian stove overnight. This infusion is one of the most effective.

In hiking conditions, many tourists know how to brew chaga. Such a drink will have less beneficial properties, but still it is an excellent tonic and prophylactic. With this method of brewing, chopped chaga is lowered into boiling water at the rate of 200 g of mushroom per 1 liter of water. Everything boils for a quarter of an hour over low heat. Cooled tea is drunk like a regular drink.


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