Bar "Fitolaks": reviews and instructions

Improper diet, a sedentary lifestyle, environmental problems ... All this, as we know from advertising, makes the skin turn gray and covered with a rash, the mood - to fall, energy - to be wasted ...

These factors, as well as emotional overload, problems with medicines, and insufficient hydration of the body lead to such a delicate problem as constipation. It causes a lot of discomfort and poisons the body. It’s good that now we don’t have to put an enema or drink castor oil, because there are modern effective and safe means to help deal with this kind of violation of the gastrointestinal tract.

phytolax bar reviews

Of course, we need a tool that acts the least aggressively and has a predictable effect. Therefore, among dozens of advertised supplements and medicines, we are looking for the ideal. And, perhaps, in vain, because most of them are based on the basic principles of interaction with the body. This article will discuss one of the most popular and convenient means of relieving constipation - the Fitolax fruit bar. Reviews about this product are very different. Therefore, we first figure out what is the secret of Fitolax of the Evalar company.

Laxatives - how does it work?

So, there are several types of laxatives. Their choice depends on whether episodic or chronic is constipated, whether you suffer from lazy gut syndrome, age, or other factors. The first type of laxatives (by the way, they are in second place in sales in the world) are drugs with irritating effects. Through special chemicals, they irritate the intestinal receptors. As a result, peristalsis is activated (namely, disorders associated with the advancement of food through the digestive tract, which is the main problem causing constipation) and defecation occurs.

These funds can be determined by the composition: senna, rhubarb, kafiol, castor oil, buckthorn, joster. It would seem that plant-based natural ingredients, not “chemistry,” are the best option. On the contrary, such drugs should not be taken without a doctor’s prescription and more than 10 days: they provoke a “lazy gut” and can even be addictive. Nevertheless, this is a good “brush” for a single application.

Laxatives of the second type are called osmotic. They include substances that can retain water, such as sodium sulfate, magnesium salts (magnesia), polyethylene glycol. Acting in the intestines near its lumen, these drugs help to store water. Thus, feces soften, increase in volume and put pressure on the intestinal wall, emptying occurs. Such agents have a more gentle effect. These are optimal drugs for food poisoning. They are not addictive, but before a systematic admission, you should consult a doctor. In addition, they remove water and electrolyte salts dissolved in it, therefore, people with heart diseases should be treated with caution.

Prebiotics are prescribed to almost everyone. These are the funds recognized as one of the safest. They work with the help of beneficial bacteria. Increasing microflora, restore normal bowel function. Basically, such drugs are prescribed by the doctor, as they are ideal for eliminating the causes of constipation and long-term treatment. Also suitable for removing toxins from the body. The harm from them is minimal: flatulence after taking is possible.

The next type is bulk, or fillers. Usually this is fiber, which is practically not digested, but has water-absorbing properties. Take, for example, a certain amount of flax seeds, drink it with a large amount of liquid ... Already in the intestine, the drug swells, presses on its walls, which leads to the result. This is a fairly harmless way, but you should remember that the action can drag on: wait from 8 hours to 3 days.

And finally, emollients. This, for example, petroleum jelly or almond oil, candles with glycerin. They act quite quickly, softening feces. The main thing is not to overdo it and not cause diarrhea with subsequent dehydration.

phytolax bar instructions for use

Line "Fitolaks" from "Evalar"

This product is very popular in Russia. The series includes: tablets, drops, tea and a lax bar “Fitolaks”. Reviews recommend these bioactive additives as proven effective remedies. Chewable or resorbable tablets Fitolaks is a fruit-based anti-constipation agent. Indeed, the composition indicates that the drug is an irritant. This includes apricot, senna, dill, plantain, and fructose. The manufacturer claims that this additive has antispasmodic, carminative, sorption properties, provides an evacuation function. Recommended for adults and children from 12 years old (senna is contraindicated in small children). Take 2 tablets at bedtime and get the result in the morning. The effect is fixed by a two-week course of admission. Although this is a laxative and is a dietary supplement, it is better to consult a doctor if you plan to continue treatment. Reviews about him, on the one hand, argue that the tool does an excellent job, on the other hand, they recommend reducing the dose, since the effect may be excessive.

But the concentrate "Fitolaks" has a milder effect. In addition to cassia, it includes fennel and buckthorn. Thanks to its pleasant taste, its reception becomes easy: a liquid concentrate can be added to any drinks. Take a teaspoon of the drug dissolved in one hundred milliliters of liquid at night. In the morning the problem will be solved. Like the previous remedy, Fitolaks drops are an irritating drug. Refer to him if there is a situational violation of the stool.

Tea "Fitolaks" can be taken with a tendency to constipation in the evening for 1 cup. It consists of black tea leaves, chamomile flowers and the same components as in Fitolaks tablets. Such a mild laxative can be included in your diet. Remember that the course should not last more than two weeks. And finally, the Fitolax bar. Reviews about it are generally positive, but is it worth choosing it as a dessert? Let's figure it out.

phytolax bar composition

Relaxing bar Fitolaks

This product completes the Fitolax line of Evalar. By the way, she is well established as a manufacturer of natural herbal supplements. Many of them do not require a doctor’s appointment, and you can buy them at a pharmacy without a prescription, but you should consult a doctor. The same is the Fitolaks bar: reviews of many buyers recommend it for self-treatment. The product can be used as a supplement to the usual diet with a tendency to constipation: it is nutritious (about 300 kcal per 100 grams). The mass of one bar is 50 grams, of which half are carbohydrates, a little more than a third are fats. The cost of such useful pleasure varies from 60 to 100 rubles - depending on the region.

phytolax fruit bar reviews

The composition of the product

“Fitolaks” - a bar, the composition of which allows you to attribute it not only to the category of annoying; there are both filling components and prebiotic. Due to what is the magical effect of the fruit bar ensured ? This includes many of the foods we know about coping with constipation.

  • The first is prunes. It is a fairly popular product for stool disorders, and for good reason. The steamed fruits of prunes help not only to lighten the stool, but also to cleanse the body.
  • It is also dietary fiber, including wheat. In another way, this substance is called fiber. It is not digested, acts like a brush. However, this will only benefit intestinal bacteria, as it will stimulate their work. In addition, fiber will help fight toxins, which in the body with constipation are especially many.
  • The next component is beets, which also helps fight constipation without resorting to medication.
  • Plantain seed coatings have an anti-inflammatory, laxative effect. They help to increase the volume of intestinal contents and soften it.
  • The properties of dill include laxative and carminative; It will also help improve metabolism. Therefore, be sure of the herbal ingredients when buying Fitolaks (bar).
  • The composition is also supplemented by inulin - a prebiotic that works with lactobacilli and provides great assistance to the gastrointestinal tract.
  • There are also food additives like maltodextrin or whey protein concentrate , confectionery glaze, natural strawberry flavor.

The manufacturer claims that it does not use artificial colors or flavors. Therefore, lovers of the natural should choose the Fitolaks bar. Reviews and instructions for use, we will consider further.

phytolax laxative bar reviews

How and when to use?

If you notice a tendency to disturbed stools and want a soft action, then pay attention to the Fitolaks (bar). Instructions for use are simple: consume 1-2 bars, preferably in the evening, during the week. Such a course will help normalize the work of the entire intestine. Didn’t get the desired effect by using Fitolaks (bars)? The instructions say that you can extend the reception or repeat after some time. The product does not contain cassia (senna), so it will not be addictive and will not damage the digestive system.


The manufacturer indicates that if you are intolerant to any of the components, you should not use "Fitolaks" (bar). Instructions for use, however, do not indicate at what age you can take this supplement. Therefore, it is better not to give it to children under 12 years old. In no case should you eat Fitolax bars for pregnant women, as a laxative can increase the tone of the uterus, which, in turn, leads to a risk of premature birth. During breastfeeding, also refrain from taking a laxative.

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Laxative bar Fitolaks. Reviews

This product is a novelty and therefore has not yet gained such popularity as, for example, Fitolaks in tablets. Therefore, there are few reviews on this product. They write that the action is not as strong and fast as other additives in the series. However, it is softer and practically does not require repeated use, like tablets. It is convenient to carry it with you; can be consumed during a feast for soft stools in the morning. A plus is the lack of senna.

The bar has a pleasant strawberry flavor, covered with glaze, so it is a great substitute for the usual dessert, if you are on a diet or cleansing the body. So if you need to get instant results with situational constipation and you are not ready to give a round sum for bars, turn to a more cardinal tool.

Laxative ... at home?

After reading the composition of the Fitolax series of products, you may have thought about whether to pay more if the components are really natural and public. So, for example, you can collect laxative tea yourself from black tea leaves, a small pinch of senna, chamomile, dried dill and plantain, as well as dried apricot. What about the same salad bar? Everyone knows the combination of prunes and beets. However, the taste will be more piquant if you add the same apricot, a little fiber (you can buy it at the pharmacy). The body will only say thank you.

phytolax bars instruction

Bar "Fitolaks" for weight loss

You can use the bar even if you need to cleanse the body. This is due to components such as dietary fiber, beets and dill. Therefore, boldly use the product to lose weight. For people struggling with excess weight, this is an excellent system for putting the chair in order, especially since the Fitolax bar has gained the most positive feedback from those who are losing weight.

What to combine a bar with?

As we found out, the Fitolaks bar combines irritating, prebiotic, and voluminous. Therefore, do not supplement it with something more aggressive. But the manufacturer, in order to achieve a greater effect, advises taking Firalax and Gastrointestinal tea, as well as Evanzyme to help.

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In the fight against a delicate problem, try the Fitolax bar. Reviews confirm that it eliminates the cause of discomfort. And for losing weight, this is a healthy dessert. However, remember that self-medication can lead to unpleasant consequences, so be sure to consult a doctor if the problem is serious enough and can not be independently treated. Be healthy!


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