Do not want to live. What to do? Six steps from depression.

If the world suddenly began to seem gray and nothing in life pleases, we are often ready to abandon life itself. If you are seriously thinking about not wanting to live, then this is a symptom of depression. Often a minor mood is combined with poor sleep and changes in appetite (a strong increase or decrease). Of course, if you can’t force yourself to get up and do everyday things, ask your loved ones to arrange a meeting with a good psychotherapist. However, with the exception of very serious cases, depression should be treated without pills. "I do not want to live, what should I do?" - This question is increasingly searched in search engines. Talk about what might help.

Firstly, if you are thinking about means of suicide, I can say that one hundred percent acting methods are painfully painful. However, the worst is not the torment before death, but the horrors that await after it. According to some authorities in the church, suicides experience near-death suffering an infinite number of times. Suicide will not relieve pain, it will lead you to an eternal prison. They cannot pray for you, God does not accept prayers for those who rejected his gift - life. There can be no peace for a suicide, only those who have suffered suffering on earth and who have not given up will be able to find true peace. So tell yourself that suicide is not for you.

Secondly, you need to try to leave for some time from the world of people to the world of nature. It’s good to go camping with a tent for a few days. Often depression occurs due to the fact that a person is overloaded with communication and cannot fully rest. It is also good, if there is money, to rent a room for one in a sanatorium and to be alone. Often after several days when you hear the sound of flowing water, the sound of the forest, the birds singing, you begin to look at the world differently. What to do if tired of living? Get away from annoying factors for a while.

Thirdly, try to give yourself maximum physical activity. "I do not want to live, what should I do?" Arrange a load to exhaustion. Set a goal to run at least 20 km - and complete the task, after you do this, your biochemical state will change dramatically. You will only want to eat, drink and sleep. And the next day, when you get up in the morning, you will immediately feel a new state. And you have a chance to change your mood this way. By the way, depression is successfully treated with electroconvulsive therapy. Isn’t it better to arrange strong stress yourself, without waiting until really strong measures are needed?

Fourth, clean the house. Things that annoy and annoy you, just throw it away. This miraculously alleviates the condition of depression. When you do not come across unpleasant things, the perception of the world often changes. Get rid of photos of the former and his gifts if your mood spoils them. Your well-being is worth more.

Fifth, seek out fellowship with supportive people. Just do not drink alcohol - it enhances depression, and only slightly improves the mood of people in normal condition. And the drunken question "I do not want to live, what to do?" becomes sharper and more often ends in suicide. In addition, he turns off the brain - the only thing that can help you in a situation of depression. So do not cut the branch on which you sit. If you do not have loved ones you can trust, call the helpline.

Sixth, look for what needs to be changed in life. Perhaps you live with the wrong person, study in the wrong institute and work in the hated job. These stresses turned into depression every day, and therefore the question "I do not want to live, what to do?" It doesn’t sound like a question, but like a cry from the soul. Until you change the circumstances, it will not become easier for you.

Do not want to live? What can life do to get color? Learning to love what is, because in depression we look at the world narrowly and do not see much. Give yourself the right to make a mistake. And the right to change life. Let your actions seem unreasonable to your close ones, but this is your life and only you are responsible for it. Therefore, follow your heart and look for new sources of inspiration.


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