Intensive and extensive farming method

In practice, extensive and intensive farming methods are known. In this article, more attention will be paid to the first of them.

Intensive Method Brief

This type of farming provides for the acceleration of the turnover of production assets, which contributes to an increase in profitability indicators of business entities. This also ensures the growth of the effectiveness of the results of social production.

extensive farming method

The intensive method is associated with the technical re-equipment of the national economy. Therefore, it is recognized as quite effective in mechanical engineering, where high rates of labor productivity, as well as the efficiency of production itself, will be achieved in a fairly short time.

Also, the intensive method is often associated with agriculture, which in this case provides for additional investment of financial resources in land reclamation and land improvement, as well as the use of new combines and other machines.

Agricultural production with the development of capitalism mainly follows an intensive path, which involves the vigorous introduction of technological progress. Various achievements in such sciences as biology, biochemistry and genetics, allow raising the fertility of lands by artificial means. The differentiation of land in terms of characteristics, for example, economic fertility has significant differences from natural fertility.

Different industries with intensive development have much in common. However, each of them still has features. The leading role for most industries is played by technology upgrades. For agriculture , for example, this is an increase in crop yields and productivity in livestock.

Identification of an extensive path of development

The extensive farming method, on the one hand, contributes to the development of the economy by increasing production resources. On the other hand, it creates the prerequisites for limiting the possibilities for the qualitative improvement of economic processes. From a practical point of view, an extensive farming method is quite rare in its pure form. It is mainly combined with an intensive path of economic development.


Extensive farming methods are ineffective both in the production process and in managing it. This type involves the achievement of an increase in the scale of design by increasing the number and number of various design organizations. As mentioned above, the extensive method of farming is ineffective and it is characterized by the presence of certain boundaries due to some limited material and labor resources. The specified type may require not only the involvement of an additional number of highly qualified engineers and technologists, but also significant additional costs.

extensive farming methods

Extensive agriculture

This type of farming can be characterized by the following features:

- after the abolition of serfdom, large feudal land tenure survived;

- the gradual transformation of landowner farms into capitalist estates;

- the continued combination of farming methods of the capitalist and semi-serf regimes.

extensive farming methods prevail

As a vivid example of this type, Russia can be considered. So, capitalism in this state developed at a rather slow pace and at the same time it was a heavy burden for the simple peasantry, which bore the oppression of the remnants of serfdom.

The extensive farming method is often limited by the natural and labor resources available. At the same time, the main emphasis in achieving an increase in production is made on the expansion of sown areas. However, such growth can be obtained due to the intensive use of land previously involved in cultivation. Therefore, sometimes it is necessary to attract additional finance to the same land, despite its productivity and previous investments.

Limited extensification

Extensive farming practices in the field of social production are limited. The expansion of production volumes from a physical point of view has certain limits, which are caused by certain borders of the state, the number of working class, as well as restrictions on the availability of natural resources.

extensive farming methods in which society

Modern mankind today cannot use only extensive methods in agriculture. Moreover, the intensive path is based on increasing soil fertility, which is associated with the mandatory use of fertilizers. However, a violation of the technologies for their use, as a result of which there is an adverse effect on the environment, affects many components of the biosphere itself. Therefore, social life and the economy should be reoriented from the extensive method to the intensive form of development.

The disadvantages of the extensive method

When assessing the result of production and economic activity in terms of the use of costly indicators, enterprises should focus on extensive farming methods.

extensive and intensive farming methods
In which society negative phenomena may arise, time will tell. For example, the disadvantages include leaving the list of cheap products, an incentive to increase material consumption and labor intensity, which ultimately leads to a hindering the development of scientific and technological progress. So, the development of virgin lands in the 20th century (60s) suggested the existence of an extensive development path in agriculture due to the introduction of new additional land with the preservation of the previous material and technical base.

Ways of development of various fields of activity

Extensive farming methods prevail in those industries that use CAD systems.

extensive agriculture

Also, one of the main directions of development of this path is the gas production industry. An extensive farming method involves the development of the continental shelf, deep drilling and an increase in the gas production coefficient (associated) as an intensive method of economic development.

So, to summarize the material presented in this article. It should be noted that the extensive method of farming is unacceptable in the context of the deep economic, social and political crisis that is observed throughout the world today. And the modern economy, because of its indifference to man, is becoming an essential brake on all social progress.


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