Broiler Turkey: Home-grown

Turkeys, in fact, are a type of poultry. To breed this living creature on a suburban area or on a farm, of course, is quite profitable. In some cases, a broiler turkey can reach a weight of 25 kg. Raising such a bird is relatively easy. However, an entrepreneur who has decided to organize a farm of this specialization, of course, must know and strictly observe all the required technologies for keeping turkeys .

Where to begin?

A successful turkey farming will, of course, only be possible if the farmer initially manages to acquire good healthy young animals. Of course , chicks can be hatched independently - in an incubator. However, experts still advise newcomers when organizing a farm to buy eggs, not young ones, at the poultry farm. At the same time, it is better to buy not daily turkey poults, but grown for two weeks or a month. Such chicks are already quite warmed up and are immune to many diseases. And, therefore, the lunge in the herd will not be too large.

broiler turkey

The best breeds of broiler turkeys

When purchasing chicks, you should pay attention not only to their age. A successful organized farm will be subject to the right choice of turkey breed. Breeding of this bird in our country and abroad is quite active. There are a lot of broiler breeds of turkeys. At the same time, the most popular among farmers today are:

  • BIG-6.

  • At niversal.

  • X idon.

  • White broad-chested.

Turkeys white broiler B IG can reach a weight of 22-25 kg. They gain muscle mass at the same time rather quickly. Such a bird reaches slaughter weight at the age of 90 days. The plumage of the BIG is pure white. Only on the chest there is a small black spot.

The station wagon was bred by our country’s breeders. Because this bird is very well adapted to the climatic conditions of Russia. By the time of slaughter, such hybrids can reach a weight of 18 kg.

broiler turkeys growing

X idon crosses were bred in the Netherlands. The weight of a broiler turkey of this breed can reach up to 20 kg. Such a hybrid is gaining body weight quickly. But he has one significant drawback. Young animals, unfortunately, usually have a very large attack.

White broad-breasted turkey reaches a weight of 20-25 kg. The advantages of this breed include primarily the high palatability of the meat. The disadvantage of this cross is considered whimsical content and a tendency to disease.

Building a house

How should broiler turkeys be kept on the farm ? Cultivation at home of this bird is, of course, only in the most suitable and convenient room for it . In any case, the barn must exactly meet all the necessary requirements. In turkey poultry, it is mandatory to provide :

  • good lighting;

  • ventilation;

  • heating.

broiler turkeys photo

Naturally, among other things, the house should be properly equipped. It should be equipped with perches, nests, feeders and drinking bowls. The floor in turkey poultry is recommended to be made continuous plank. Above ground level, it should be raised by about 20-25 centimeters. A thick bed of straw should be laid on top of the floor. Turkey feeders should be mounted on the wall at the level of the back of the bird. This will prevent the spread and trampling of feed, and, consequently, will save the farmer from unnecessary costs. Drinking bowls in a barn are usually located at the neck level of turkeys.

The windows in the house are placed in such a way that during the day the floors in it are lit throughout the area. Ventilation in turkey pads complemented by a valve. This avoids overcooling the bird in the winter. The broiler turkey, in comparison with the usual one, according to the majority of farmers, is animate quite gentle and does not differ in very good health.

Turkey Feeding Rules

The diet of broiler birds, of course, should be as balanced and high-calorie as possible. Only in this case, turkeys will gain weight quickly. 70% of the diet of birds should be feed containing a large amount of protein. It can be, for example, cereals or legumes. Especially turkeys are often given oats and buckwheat. Without fail, this bird and cake are fed. It is believed that sprouted wheat is very useful for such agricultural animals.

breeds of broiler turkeys

Mineral and vitamin balance with the body of a bird such as broiler turkey is usually maintained by farmers with meat and bone meal and fish oil. Of course, livestock and green fodder should be fed. In the summer, the bird is given cut grass, tops of carrots and radishes, lettuce and cabbage. In winter, turkeys should receive silage and spruce needles.

Feeding time

Broilers are usually given the most nutritious food at night. In this case, the bird will gain weight faster. Hookahs for turkeys are most often made only during the day. Feed the bird, of course, should always be at the same time.

What rules must be observed when keeping turkeys without fail

In order for the bird to feel as comfortable as possible in the barn and not to get sick, the owner of the household should take care of the following conditions:

  • nests in the barn should be placed in dark places;

  • perches are set at a height of about 70 cm from the floor;

  • basins with ash should be installed in the house;

  • drinkers and feeders should be cleaned regularly;

  • Broilers should be kept separate from any other poultry.

Before the barn for turkeys, it is advisable to make a walk. But letting a bird out for the whole day, of course, is not worth it. Otherwise, the turkeys will not gain the required weight.

broiler turkeys home growing


Many farmers are also interested in ways to increase the number of poultry such as broiler turkeys on the farm . Breeding this living creature is a relatively difficult matter. As for chickens, the offspring of turkey crosses, unfortunately, do not adopt the high productive qualities of their parents. You can get good young animals from eggs laid by the bird only if it is not a hybrid, but belongs to some good meat breed.

In principle, getting a cross broiler chick in an incubator yourself is quite possible. But in this case, you have to buy eggs at the poultry farm. They are, of course, cheaper than turkey poults. But it is quite difficult to remove chicks without loss without proper experience.

white broiler turkeys

Turkey eggs should be incubated with exact observance of the set temperature and humidity conditions. The offspring of this bird appears in the world about 26-29 days after laying in the apparatus. Actually, the incubation of turkey eggs is divided into four main periods. From the first to the eighth day, the temperature inside the device should be 37.5-38 degrees, and humidity - 60-65%. Turn eggs at this time at least six times a day.

The temperature and humidity parameters for the remaining three periods can be seen in the table below.

Incubation of turkey eggs


Temperature, degrees Celsius



9-14 days



4-6 times




4-6 times





Starting from 15 days, the eggs should be cooled for 10-15 minutes every day. Do not perform this procedure only during hatching.

Broiler turkeys: rearing young animals

After the chicks hatch, they should be placed in boxes or a special brooder and provide them with round-the-clock lighting. This will reduce the possible lunge to a minimum. A day after hatching, the lamp in the box or brooder can be turned off for half an hour. Further, the lighting time is reduced by another 30 minutes every day.

The turkey bed should be changed as it becomes dirty. Food and drink in a box or brooder should always be present with the chicks. At first, young animals should be fed with the special “Start” mixture. You can also offer chopped egg and cottage cheese to the chicks. The first three days of turkey poultry are fed not with raw water, but with green tea.

Possible diseases

Broiler turkeys, photos of which are presented in the article, as already mentioned, are not distinguished by particularly good health, unfortunately. This bird can get sick easily. That is why it is so important to strictly follow all the necessary rules for its maintenance.

Most often, broiler turkeys get sick:

  • Tuberculosis. In this case, the bird behaves sluggishly and apathetically. Nodules appear on the skin of turkeys. Feces become liquid.

  • Smallpox. This dangerous disease is characterized primarily by the disheveled feathers of birds and lowered wings. Later, characteristic smallpox spots appear on the skin of turkeys.

  • Mycoplasmosis. A broiler turkey caught this infection loses sight. In this case, the bird appears discharge from the nose and eyes.

broiler turkey weight

Treating broiler turkey diseases is very difficult. Moreover, any infection can lead not only to a decrease in productivity, but also to the death of the bird and loss of livestock. That is why the farm owner should be careful to ensure that turkeys do not get too cold, do not eat poor-quality food and do not drink dirty water. Subject to all technologies of keeping this bird, the risk of any diseases in the herd can be almost completely reduced to zero.


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