Children's chaise lounge "Jet": photos and reviews

The birth of a child is a happy, but at the same time incredibly difficult period in the life of young parents. Fortunately, today there are many different devices that greatly facilitate this difficult time. A striking example of such devices are children's chairs, chaise lounges, among which the chaise lounge "Jet" - one of the clear leaders.

Safety is the main criterion when choosing sun loungers

A small child, especially from birth to a year, needs special attention and care. All this, of course, gives him a mother. But an adult also needs rest and moments of relaxation, a time when he can calmly go about his business. Sun loungers can give this opportunity, but in order to choose a really suitable one for the child, you need to remember that in this device, albeit not for long, the child will be left alone, without parental control. Therefore, it is important that the design is stable and reliable.

chaise longue
The children's chaise lounge "Zhetem" fully meets these requirements: child safety is ensured by a three-point system of fastening belts. A two-stage folding system will not allow even the most active and moving baby to accidentally fold a chair. Moreover, in models for newborns there is an anatomical liner, which makes the use of a chaise lounge safe for the health of a newly born man.

Kind nanny for baby

Each parent is faced with a situation where it is simply impossible to put the baby to sleep. If only he closed his eyes and began to snore peacefully - a happy mom or dad carefully puts him in a crib - like a child waking up again.

chaise longue by relax
The chaise lounge "Jet Premium" will certainly cope with this problem, acting as a kind and skillful nanny, who in a matter of minutes cradles the most troubled baby. This is primarily facilitated by the convenient design of the chair: the seat is fully expandable to a lying position, has a soft lining and is equipped with an awning that protects the child from the penetration of bright light. Vibration, which has two speed modes, will allow the baby to calm down as quickly as on warm mom's hands.

Convenient helper

The chaise longue for newborns "Jet" has undeniable advantages in use. In addition to the obvious amenities for the child, it has a number of options that will be approved by any mother.

Firstly, it folds very compactly and does not take up much space. This is very important, especially for small apartments. In addition, the small size without problems will allow you to place it in the trunk of a car and take it with you, for example, to nature or a summer house.

Secondly, the chair is lightweight and equipped with special handles, which allows you to easily carry it from place to place, even if the child is in it.

Premium Jet Wand

Thirdly, all the fabric elements that can be washed at any time can be easily unfastened on the chaise lounge "Zhetem". You can not worry about the safety of the appearance of the material, its freshness and cleanliness, leaving the child without a diaper or using a chair as a highchair. Manual washing of stains is not necessary at all, because the elements are sewn from fabric intended for washing in an automatic washing machine.

The entertaining and developing center for the child

When the baby does not sleep, he actively learns the world for a long time. Today, for small children, many devices have been invented that allow them to take their attention, develop motor skills, coordination of movements, and auditory perception. In children's stores you can find various mobiles in the crib, hanging toys in the stroller, developing mats. An excellent option for the early development of the baby can be a chaise lounge "Jet".

chaise longue for newborns
Reviews of happy parents about this acquisition are mostly positive. Many people also note that the kids really like hanging toys on the removable panel of the deck chair and the melodies that he plays. Beautiful toys made of antibacterial and hypoallergenic material can occupy a child for a sufficiently long time. If desired, they can be removed and replaced with others. And three calm, measured melodies played by an electronic music center with a timer will easily distract the baby in those moments when it is so necessary.

Additional Benefits of the Premium Model

The manufacturer Jetem has two models of sun loungers, which are widely distributed in Russia. The first of them is the Jetty Premium chaise lounge, the features of which were described above. But besides this, this model also has other advantages that can play a role when choosing in its favor. These include support for the head. This feature is important because newborn babies are not yet able to hold their heads independently, and in the first months after birth, the cervical region requires additional support. Another plus of the model is in equipping the inguinal belt with an extra gasket. Thanks to this, you don’t have to worry that an overly active baby while in a chair will be able to injure the delicate skin of the inguinal region. Another feature of this deck chair is that the seat tilt automatically adjusts to the weight of the child. Undoubtedly, the baby's parents will also appreciate the affordable price of the device. After all, preparing for the birth of the baby and the first months of his life is a rather expensive undertaking, so reasonable savings when buying such a thing will be very useful.

Or maybe a chaise lounge "Jet Relax"?

When buying something for a newborn baby, I always want to make my choice in favor of the best and high-quality. The previously described model of a chaise lounge, of course, meets all the necessary safety requirements, perfectly copes with its purpose. But speaking of the best, you can pay attention to another chaise lounge "Jet" - model Relax. The main difference between this option is that the seat is able to rotate around its axis 360 degrees. This will allow the baby to easily watch the world around him and not lose his mother from his field of vision. If you want to rock the baby by hand, then the chaise lounge easily turns into a rocking chair.

The level of comfort and safety of the child in the Relax model is an order of magnitude higher. In this chaise lounge, the seat belt safety system is already 5-point, and the bowl for the child to sit is deeper and wider. The model is also equipped with stable rubberized legs that will not allow even the most restless baby to tip over.

The choice of modern parents

All kids are very individual. Some can be reassured by the unpretentious melodies built into the electronic devices of the devices, others begin to sniff sweetly to classical music or children's songs, while others are only affected by their mother’s lullaby. Modern parents will definitely appreciate another feature of the chaise lounge "Jet Relax" - the MP3 connection function. Thanks to her, you can include exactly those songs and melodies that soothe the baby. And if you record an MP3-track with the voice of your beloved mother, there is no doubt that being in a chair will not cause discomfort even to a child who cannot be left without her presence for a second.

deck chair jetty reviews

When and where to use?

Any model of the German company Jetem is designed to use the device from birth. The maximum weight of the child, which is allowed for use on the recommendation of the manufacturer, is 8-9 kg. That is, a deck chair can become an indispensable assistant from the very birth of a child until about six months of age.

It is convenient to use a chaise lounge chair as a temporary sleeping place, where a child can comfortably rock out and put him to bed. For example, if a child falls asleep perfectly on the street, but the weather does not allow for long walks, the device can be placed on the balcony. Fresh air and soothing functions of a chaise lounge instantly do the trick.

In addition to a place of rest, a deck chair can also act as a whole entertainment complex for crumbs. He can enthusiastically play with toys hanging on an arc, listen to tunes, watch what is happening around him. In this case, the mother, doing her own business, can put a chaise lounge in her field of vision and absolutely not worry that something could happen to the baby.

Chaise lounge "Premium Jet". Model reviews

Many mothers call a chaise lounge their faithful assistant from the very birth of a child until they reach the age of 6-7 months. They note the convenience of removable covers that perfectly tolerate machine wash, affordable price, a good security system and the presence of functional parts of the device, such as a hood for street walks, a pocket for small things. Most of the responses that the Premium model receives from its real customers and users have a positive connotation.

deck chair jet premium reviews
There are couples who talk about using a deck chair for more than one child - after giving birth and using a chair for the first-born, the thing has kept its perfect condition: nothing went bad, it didn't break.

Deckchair Jetem Relax. Customer opinion

The chaise longue "Jet Relax" receives reviews no less flattering than his brand brother. Parents who made such a purchase notice that the convenience, versatility and safety of the child more than justify the money spent.

chaise lounge jet relax reviews
Those who used this device or bought as a gift to young parents distinguish among its advantages: practical colors, each of which is suitable for both a boy and a girl, calm melodies and the ability to connect MP3s, frame material that does not fade in the sun and does not lose its qualities over time, a five-point system of fastening seat belts. The minuses of the model, according to reviews, are rather ambiguous - someone did not like the quiet sound when connecting mp3, others were wary of soft toys on a removable arc, believing that they were collecting a lot of dust, the third seemed to be a pale color of the presented sun lounger.

Where could I buy?

You can find a chaise lounge of a popular German manufacturer both in specialized children's stores for newborns and in large chain hypermarkets. The main convenience of buying in such places is that the goods can be felt and “tried on”, to evaluate all its pros and cons on the spot. You can also order via the Internet - it is convenient to make such a purchase for those moms and dads who do not have the time or ability to go shopping. It’s not possible to try the product in business anymore, but to choose the Jeto chaise lounge photo of the device’s models from different angles, real user photos will help a lot. It is worth remembering that the delivery from the online store can be quite lengthy, so if the item is purchased as a gift, you need to take care of the purchase in advance. Another pitfall of online shopping - you can run into an unscrupulous seller. To avoid this, you should choose online stores with a good reputation and positive feedback from real customers.


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