Cold is a symptom of many diseases.

As young Albert Einstein said in one of his statements, cold is the absence of heat. If you take it from this point of view, it’s enough to put on warm clothes or take cover under a duvet so that this unpleasant feeling will go away and warmth reigns. But there is another side to this sensation. Feeling of cold - this may be the first bell to many diseases. Consider the possible causes of constant chilliness.

Poor blood circulation

There are people who have legs or arms freezing at normal body temperature. This is the first sign that there is a problem in the blood circulation. Some factors may affect this:

  • Poor patency in the arteries in the limbs. Due to the fact that blood circulates poorly in them, the legs and arms are constantly cold.
  • The heart provides enough blood to the body, and the limbs are slightly deprived of such attention.
Bare feet

If we consider such a case from a medical point of view, then little help can be done with medicines. Sport, sport and sport again. Walking will help energize the heart and add power to give warmth to the whole body.

Thyroid pathology

Feeling of cold is the most common symptom that there are pathological problems in the thyroid gland. People with hypothyroidism often complain of chills throughout their bodies. But cold is not the only symptom, even dry skin, fatigue, frequent headaches and constipation.

To know the exact diagnosis and start treatment, you need:

  • Pass an analysis on TTG, T4, and T3.
  • Make an ultrasound of the thyroid gland.

With proper treatment, you can get rid of chills and improve the general condition of the thyroid gland.

Raynaud's disease

Cold is the most obvious sign of this chronic illness. With such a disease, a person suffers from attacks of chilliness of the limbs. If the attack worsens, then not only the legs and arms suffer, but also the mouth, ears and nose. The duration of the attack can be up to one hour.

warm your hands

If your feet freeze

Cold feet, what could it be? Feet freeze not only in the elderly, as many may believe, it is also the cause of many disorders of the body. There are a lot of reasons for freezing feet, and especially fingertips. Let's consider some of them:

  • Lack of fatty tissue under the skin. It retains heat in the body, and if it is not enough, then a person feels a constant cold.
  • Vascular dystonia, varicose veins.
  • Difficult blood circulation.
  • The work of the heart muscle is impaired.
  • Thrombosis, etc.
we warm legs

If girls and women adhere to low-calorie diets, then they can feel cold in their legs and arms. An indicator of a lack of vitamin A and E in the body is a cold in the limbs.

Alcohol consumption

People who are addicted to alcohol or often drink strong drinks experience frequent body chills. When drinks are abused, alcohol dilates blood vessels and creates a deceptive sensation of warmth. When the vessels return to normal, a feeling of warmth passes and chills come, which can last a long time. From this, alcoholics are looking for supplements to get rid of this sensation.

In solving this problem, only one method will help - stop drinking.

Causes of Chills

When there is a constant feeling of cold, there are many more reasons for this phenomenon. It can indicate both serious problems and those that can be quickly fixed, and which do not have serious consequences. It could be:

  • Body structure. Thin people are more prone to cold than full. The fat layer of a well-fed person retains the necessary heat, which can not be said about a thin subject.
  • A number of medications can cause a cold in the body. Such drugs include: vasodilating, sedative, to increase blood pressure, etc.
  • Chronic fatigue. If the body is subject to constant load, then this can affect the nervous system, which in turn includes a thermoregulation mechanism. The production of the necessary energy slows down, and the body feels a chill.
    body chills
  • A sharp fluctuation in blood pressure. People who suffer from pressure spikes feel cold in their limbs. Properly selected medicines relieve a person of illness and a feeling of chills.
  • At the first symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections, cold often occurs throughout the body. From this you want to wrap yourself in a warm plaid and pull on all the warm clothes. A warm drink will help to cope with this.
  • The lack of iron in the body also exposes a person to a sensation of cold. Such a microelement supplies blood cells with oxygen. Thanks to this, there is a correct regulation of heat in the body.
  • Strict fasting or all kinds of diets do not give enough calories to the body so that it can produce the right heat. A properly composed menu can fix this problem.

Love the cold

Cold hardening will help you with this. In a healthy body healthy mind. Reception of water procedures and physical exercises in the fresh air can harden the body.

Cold hardening will help in the formation of beneficial hormones. Histamine-like substances, adrenaline increase the vitality of the human body. The body's reactions to cold affect the nerve endings of the motor apparatus. Cold helps narrow the small vessels.

temper legs

You need to temper your body gradually and after consulting a doctor. You need to start small:

  1. Wash your feet with cool water in the morning and evening. It is possible at home. You can rinse your mouth. The procedure lasts no more than 2-3 seconds. Water temperature is 10-15 degrees. So two days.
  2. On the third day, the procedure is increased by 6 seconds, the water temperature is lowered by 1-2 degrees.
  3. So, every two days we lower the temperature, and increase the time.

So we can improve our body, and it will be more resistant to many diseases.


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