Sheep breeding: a business plan. Sheep breeding as a business from "A" to "Z"

Often, beginning entrepreneurs living in rural areas, when choosing the direction of their activity, prefer to engage in sheep farming. Sheep breeding is considered a traditionally popular business, and there are several reasons for this. First of all, the case attracts to itself because of its relatively small complexity. This is explained by the fact that sheep are quite unpretentious animals.

sheep breeding business plan

The second reason for the popularity of these animals for breeding is their relatively low mortality. It is also attractive that you can start such a business from the smallest herd. The entrepreneur will not have problems with feed, because sheep are pasture animals.

Business prospects

According to statistics, the population of our planet is constantly growing demand for food. Lamb is no exception. The annual consumption of this meat is about eight and a half million tons. As for Russia, sheep breeding is experiencing a period of deep crisis.

sheep breeding business plan

Confirmation of this fact is a rapid reduction in the number of animals. Farms contain only 1 million sheep, herds of agricultural enterprises number 4.4 million animals, and 9 million of these animals are raised in private households.

Start of business

If in order to earn income you have chosen a type of activity such as sheep breeding, a business plan, as in any other business, must be drawn up without fail. In this document, reflecting the main stages of the formation of the farm, such a point as the registration of the company must be indicated without fail. Only in this case will your activity be considered legal.

The legal form of the company is peasant farms (peasant farm). Registration of a sheep breeding business is similar to registration of an IP. Organization of a legal entity in this case is not required.

Anyone who draws up a sheep’s business plan should definitely study the list of documents that must be collected for submission to the registration authority. This list includes:

  • application for registration of FH;
  • power of attorney at the MFC;
  • receipt confirming the payment of state duty for registration of the farm;
  • the original, as well as a copy of the passport of the head of the peasant farm;
  • a document confirming the Russian citizenship of the person who registers the farm;
  • original as well as copy of birth certificate.

Another document, the receipt of which should include a business plan for sheep breeding, is the permission of the SES. Without it, it would be impossible to open a farm.

Pasture selection

The business plan of the farm, in which sheep breeding is the main activity, should consider animal nutrition. To provide feed, you will need to find a suitable pasture option.

farming business plan sheep

When planning a business such as sheep breeding, be sure to draw up a business plan taking into account the fact that one hectare of pasture will be required per animal (with offspring) during the year. This should be taken into account when calculating the planned number of sheep.

Choice of premises

Where can sheep and sheep be bred? The business plan should mention options for choosing the right space for the farm. It can be an ordinary wooden paddock. Today it will not be difficult to find one of the abandoned farms, which are many in villages and villages.

sheep and sheep breeding business plan

It is not necessary to provide for any kind of room system, because the sheep tolerate frosts very well. In case of severe cold weather, it is enough to install only a stove-potbelly stove.

Breeding stock

What animals should be in the herd in order for a business such as sheep farming to become as profitable as possible? The business plan should have an article providing for the costs of buying livestock. Agree on the supply of animals only with proven, certified farms. This condition will protect the newly created economy from possible problems with offspring. And in order to prevent interbreeding crossing of animals, it is desirable to acquire individuals from different sellers.

sheep breeding business plan

Which livestock breeds will prevail in the peasant farm should also describe the business plan. Many entrepreneurs raise sheep for meat. That is why they buy the Romanovskaya breed of sheep. She is meaty. However, it should be borne in mind that in practice the advantage of the Romanov breed over the others is not confirmed. You can buy long-haired Russian, prekos, etc. But if the business plan sets the implementation of meat as the main task of the business, then the Romanov breed should still be preferred.

Staff recruitment

After the registration of the peasant farm, the solution of questions about the placement and purchase of livestock, it will be necessary to hire workers on the farm. Without additional staff, it will be impossible to organize sheep breeding. The business plan should have a section in which a list of professions will be presented and the number of people that will be needed for proper housekeeping to be indicated. For every three hundred cattle, four workers must be hired. These will include:

  • shepherd (shepherd);
  • veterinarian;
  • milkmaid;
  • haircut specialist (available on a temporary basis).

When creating a small-scale sheep farm, members of the same family will be able to cope with the work on it.

sheep farming is a profitable business

If you correctly organize the schedule of the working day and plan the necessary activities for the whole year, then sheep farming is a profitable business for an entrepreneur. Breeding these animals, requiring low costs and time, may not be the only direction for the farm.

Product Sales

Wool, meat and milk - this is what will bring income to the entrepreneur. The value of possible profits is also preliminarily calculated by a business plan (sheep breeding). The finished product in the form of wool today does not have a particularly high price. That is why it is not worth it to make special bets. It is problematic to sell large volumes of sheep milk. Decent profit can give only meat. It can be offered to restaurants, cafes, barbecue, as well as marketed. Of course, the demand for lamb is much lower than for pork, but concluding contracts with regular buyers will make a business based on sheep breeding as cost-effective as possible.

Calculation of costs and profits

The sheep breeding business plan should include the financial issues of the future project. Below are approximate estimates of the costs of organizing, as well as generating farm income, which totals three hundred animals.

So, in order to open his peasant farm, a novice businessman will need:

  • for renting pastures and premises - 100 thousand rubles each;
  • for the payment of wages to employees (per year) - 600 thousand rubles;
  • overhead costs (per year) - 50 thousand rubles.

All these expenses will amount to 850 thousand rubles. A novice entrepreneur will need to invest in the purchase of animals. How much does one sheep cost? The price of an animal will depend on the purity of the species. Consider the most popular Romanov breed. The cost of one sheep will be 250-300 rubles. for 1 kilogram of live weight. In general, it will be 8000-12000 rubles. Fat tail lambs will cost a little cheaper. Each of them will cost 5500-8000 rubles.

sheep breeding business plan

What is the profitability of such a business? If you sell the whole sheep, then a year you can help out five hundred thousand rubles. An entrepreneur will receive one hundred thousand rubles for the sale of wool. Half a million can be obtained by selling meat of fifty heads. Thus, the annual income of peasant farms will be 1,100,000 rubles.

All the above figures are, of course, approximate. Much will depend on the region of doing business and on the existing average market prices for the final product. However, even the most conservative estimates make it possible to talk about the payback of sheep breeding within one year. This is a pretty good indicator, which in the current economic situation clearly testifies in favor of this business.

Increase profits from sheep breeding will allow fattening and further resale of lambs. Young growth can be bought in the spring for little money - 120 rubles. per 1 kg of live weight. By autumn, animals reach 60-65 kilograms. During this period they can be sold profitably.


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