5 best libraries of Perm: description, addresses

Schopenhauer said that a substantial part of people's knowledge in all fields of science and life exists only in books. Therefore, libraries are the only hope and memory of the human race that cannot be destroyed. Today, bookstores are real cultural centers where you can get acquainted with the latest in the world of literature, look through interesting magazines, work with rare copies of books, and visit a literary evening. The article lists the largest libraries in Perm.

Vitali Bianchi Children's Library

Perm library for children

It's no secret that Vitaly Valentinovich Bianchi lived and worked in this city during the war years. That is why the Perm Children's Library is named after the author of such works for children as The Little Cuckoo, The Heavenly Elephant, and How the Ant Hurried Home.

Specialists of the library pay special attention to the youngest readers. For preschoolers, there are not only bookshelves, but also educational games and small tables. Children can browse through colorful publications and magazines, draw and play.

For students of Perm kindergartens in the library they organize fascinating classes under a unique program called "Fairytale Therapy". Employees of the Perm Children's Library offer a rich collection of classic works, books on the school curriculum to older readers. By the way, on the shelves you can find thematic meetings (“In the world of technology”, “Do you know?”, “Multparad” and others). A good selection of literature is also for parents - experts offer books on the education of schoolchildren and their development.

The Bianchi Children's Library is not just a repository of books. Young and energetic employees offer to participate in local history lessons, literary quests, master classes and talk shows.

You can visit the library from Monday to Saturday. Opening hours - from 10:00 to 18:00. The institution is located at Perm, Mira street, 80a.

Library named after Alexey Maximovich Gorky

Gorky library Perm

This library is one of the oldest in the region. Information about the discovery was announced in 1832. It took three years to raise funds for its construction. The first batch of books (about 470 volumes) was donated by citizens and various organizations. The city archive has preserved information about the grand opening on January 4, 1836. This date is considered the birthday of this institution.

Today the Gorky library of Perm is the leader in the number of collections. Thanks to the efforts of several generations of employees, valuable editions and bibliographic rarities have survived to this day. You can find them in the rare books department. In addition to the repository of unique literature, the main library of Prikamye is a local history, information, cultural and methodological center. Creative venues, unusual literary exhibitions and poetry evenings work here. And in the early 2000s, a German reading room was opened in the Gorky library in Perm. This made it possible to invite here literary critics and writers from all over the world. Finding a library is easy. It is located on Lenin Street, house number 70.

Library named after Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

Perm libraries

Although this institution appeared relatively recently (in 1967), it can be safely called the largest center of book culture in the city. It is part of the library association of Russia. And he is the winner of professional competitions at the city and regional level.

There are eight departments in this Perm library today:

  • periodicals room;
  • electronic and reading rooms;
  • subscription;
  • book storage department;
  • legal information center;
  • accounting and control sector;
  • information and bibliographic department.

Library staff give lectures on classical literature. Every year, “Lyceum Day” is held in these walls. Here, readers can meet local poets and writers.

The library is located in a mansion built in the 19th century. This house is an architectural monument.

Library named after Mikhail Andreevich Osorgin

Gorky Perm library

Spacious halls, a large book fund, massive antique furniture. The Perm library, which opened in 1933 on the territory of the engine plant, boasts all of this.

Even in wartime, its halls were not empty. The factory workers read fresh newspapers here, listened to reports from the front. At one time, the guests of the institution were the famous pilots Alexei Petrovich Maresyev, Mikhail Mikhailovich Gromov, Valery Pavlovich Chkalov. And in 1966, the first in the Kama region Hero of the Soviet Union pilot Anatoly Ilyich Krokhalev came to a meeting with readers.


In 2003, a significant event took place in the library. She was named after Mikhail Andreevich Osorgin, a native of Perm, a talented writer and journalist. Today, there are more than 60,000 publications. There is a reading room, a children's department, a subscription and a legal information center. The library is located at 79 Komsomolsky Ave.

Library named after Alexander Ivanovich Herzen

libraries of perm

The fund of this Perm library is small - about 17 thousand copies. But its benefits can hardly be overestimated. It is this institution that actively cooperates with a boarding school for children with visual, hearing, and musculoskeletal disorders. On an area of ​​165.5 sq.m. comfortable reading rooms are located.

Here you can find unique manuals on higher mathematics, programming and other scientific fields. Pleasant staff helps readers to choose books. It is worth noting that at the end of each month, a sanitary day is held in the library. This means that you must take care of the delivery of publications in advance. This library is located on Vedeneeva street, 90 (on the ground floor of a residential building).

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C33846/

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