Bank interview: how to behave, what you need to know, what questions are asked

Work at the bank is considered stable, reliable, prestigious. The selection of employees is tough, as the requirements are high. The device requires knowledge, a presentable appearance and ethical behavior. An equally important stage is the interview at the bank. How to get through it is described in the article.

Requirements for Applicants

Finding a job in a bank is real. To do this, you just need to spend time and make some effort. What are the requirements for applicants? The main ones include:

  1. Higher or incomplete higher education.
  2. Russian citizenship.
  3. Use of PC, MS-Office, Internet.
  4. Sociability, determination, stress resistance, learning ability.

bank interview

This is the main list of requirements for applicants who want to get a bank. In each institution, they may vary slightly. Usually, when working in the first months, you have to learn a lot of information, perform various operations, and work with clients.

What qualities are needed for a cashier?

A special category of workers is occupied by cashiers. Many begin their careers with this position, but not everyone can be professionals. The position of a cashier is complicated in that you need to work with money every day. Moreover, many thousands, or even millions, pass through an employee.

Bank job in Moscow

For some, the need to work with money is considered the reason for the end of a cashier’s career. This requires attention and concentration. In addition, employees are considered financially responsible persons.


The advantages of the work include:

  1. Social package.
  2. Fast career growth.
  3. Interesting job.
  4. Continuous development.

Disadvantages of the profession

Like any job, a bank employee has its drawbacks. Probably for some they will become insignificant, but still you need to know about them. In this area, the rule "The customer is always right!" Even if a client speaks unfavorably about a bank or an employee, he cannot be rude. Therefore, work requires a lot of patience.

It should be noted that the bank is a financial institution that operates according to the instructions of the National Bank. Due to dishonest performance of duties, responsibility arises: material, disciplinary, criminal.

Work searches

How to get a bank? Jobs can be found on the labor exchange, according to advertisements in newspapers and the Internet. There are special sites where the required posts are posted. It is advisable to learn more about some of them. Often, after submitting a resume, the applicant is invited to an interview.

how to behave at a bank interview

Interview stages

The banking sector involves competitive selection. First, the resume is studied by an employee of the personnel department who is responsible for the selection of personnel, then a telephone interview is performed. Selected individuals are invited to an interview at the bank. It can be carried out by the head or head of the personnel department. In Sberbank, a group interview at the first stage is popular.

During a face-to-face interview, testing is often offered. A person needs to answer some questions. At the end, a final interview is held in the bank with the manager. It establishes how a person fits the position. Often the decision to enroll in a job has already been made, and the candidate is invited to convince himself that he meets all the characteristics. The final stage is also important. Therefore, you need to remember the appearance.

Resume writing

To get a job at a bank in Moscow or any other city, you need to correctly compose a resume. To do this, you should take a form from any work site. It is important to briefly and succinctly describe your skills and experience. Everything must be checked for errors and typos. Indeed, care is required in the banking sector.

job interview at the bank

The resume should be prepared for the vacancy for which it is planned to find a job. It should be emphasized those skills that are designated as requirements for applicants. The photograph must be taken where you are in a working environment, in business clothes. A cover letter must be attached to the resume.


If you are being interviewed at a bank, what do you need to know so that everything goes well? Clothing style should be strict, business. Things should be chosen classic: light top and dark bottom. Colors should not be bright, pastel shades are more suitable.

questions at a bank interview

A jacket will not be an extra thing. Girls can choose shoes with heels up to 4 cm, with closed toes. Hair needs to be collected in a strict hairstyle. Perfume should be applied to a minimum. As a complement to the image, there may be a light daytime make-up and manicure.


How to behave at a bank interview? It is necessary to choose a line of behavior. It is advisable to practice in front of the mirror. After all, this will allow you to tune. You should pay attention to your manners, gestures, behavior. The pose should be moderately relaxed. Eye contact with the interlocutor will make it clear that a person is interested in a conversation.

Banking workers must be emotionally stable, as they have to work with different clients. Therefore, at the interview stage, employers check the employee for resistance to stress.

The applicant needs to clearly answer the questions. Phrases need to be confident. Do not use phrases testifying to self-doubt: "as if," "maybe," "maybe." It is advisable to use verbs of a perfect form, for example, “completed”, “achieved”, “done”. Often the interview is conducted in a harsh manner. No need to be nervous, you should answer calmly.

When interviewing, one should not sit down first until this is offered. You need to carefully listen to the interlocutor, follow the direction of the conversation. Before answering, you need to make sure why this question is asked, since the strengths should be emphasized in the answer. If you have to discuss your previous job, you should not criticize the former leader and colleagues. No need to talk about personal and financial problems if you are not asked about this. After the conversation, you should thank the person you are talking to.


To get a job at a bank in Moscow or another city, you need to go through all the stages. Before the interview, you should familiarize yourself with the rules of the law relating to the financial and banking sector. Questions at the interview at the bank are standard, they relate to work.

how to get a bank

Among them, the most popular are:

  1. Tell us about yourself. This question is difficult for many applicants, especially young ones. On it will be possible to determine the ability of self-presentation. It is necessary to briefly talk about past positions, achievements, plans.
  2. Why do you want to work in our bank? The advantages of the institution should be mentioned. These may include perspective, stability, and the possibility of development.
  3. Why did you quit your previous job? This question is asked to determine if the employee is in conflict. Answer should be without negativity. A change in work may be associated with a desire to develop, to fulfill oneself. The neutral answers are considered valid: remoteness of work, moving.
  4. Your plans for the next 5 years. This allows you to find out how long a person wants to work in this institution. Indeed, almost everywhere permanent employees are required.

In almost all interview examples, the bank asked similar questions. They are basic. But you should prepare for additional ones.

Practical recommendations

In order for the job interview at the bank to be successful, you need to prepare for this event. There are some tips to help you do this:

  1. Punctuality. You should not be late. It is necessary to leave the house earlier, to plan the schedule so that everything is in time.
  2. Information about the bank can be found on the Web. This will allow a better study of the institution.
  3. In a conversation you have to be friendly. Even if there is a stressful interview, you don’t need to lose your temper.
  4. Make eye contact. You do not need to look away or look at the person you are talking to.
  5. You need to prepare a list of questions about the bank. They are usually asked at the end of the event.
  6. You should not immediately ask questions related to salary and conditions specified in the announcement or voiced during a telephone conversation.
  7. It is important to control gestures, do not hide your hands, shrug.
  8. If tea or coffee is offered, you should not refuse, it will allow you to gather, and the conversation will be confidential.

How to increase your chances?

You must first prepare the documents. A summary is required in 2 copies. A passport, work book, diplomas are also required. You should first familiarize yourself with the history of the company, its direction, achievements. To do this, you need to visit her official website, use directories and other valuable sources.

interview at the bank what you need to know

You should think over the route in advance and calculate the time. It is advisable to check out earlier. You need to think about questions and answers. It is important to prepare for psychological tests, IQ tests and professional questions. A psychological attitude is needed. We must tune in to success, and then everything will surely work out.

Thus, thanks to preparation and confidence, the interview at the bank will be successful. You should consider all the nuances regarding the event. Only with this approach can you expect a job posting.


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