What is nature? The origin and all meanings of the word

The Russian language is multifaceted and rather complicated. There is no such person who fully owns the entire vocabulary. Of particular difficulty in interpretation are words that have several meanings. The meaning of such lexical units, which are called ambiguous, has to be guessed by context. This article is devoted to the answer to the question of what nature is. For reader convenience, each value is accompanied by examples of sentences.

Etymology of the word "nature"

The word goes back to Latin natura (nature). Consonant words of other European languages ​​originated from the same form: German natur and French nature.

Meaning of the word "nature"

The most common meaning of this word is associated with the characterization of the human person. What is nature and where is it appropriate to use this word?

character and temperament

When people talk about nature, they mean the nature of a person, his temperament - everything that determines personal qualities. For instance:

  • He has an artistic nature.
  • The nature of man is multifaceted.
  • Alexander is optimistic by nature.

In the second meaning, the word "nature" is used in the meaning of "man", "personality", "person":

  • Creative natures see everything around in a special way.

What is nature in the broad sense? By this word is often taken to mean nature. In addition, nature is a picturesque landscape, which is a model for the creation of art.

nature means nature

To draw from nature means to draw from an object in the original, live, and not to draw from a printed image. For instance:

  • Have you painted this area from nature?
  • What is nature in your understanding?

Sometimes called a model posing for someone in kind. In this case, the word is synonymous with the sitter, the sitter.

  • The nature of the sculptor's work was often a beloved woman.

Less commonly, this word is used in the meaning of the terrain, the background for a theatrical production or film shooting. For instance:

  • The producer is in search of nature for a new picture.

What is nature and what does it mean to "pay in kind"?

Payment in kind - the issuance of food or clothing instead of money.

  • The first salary was issued only in kind.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C3385/

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