Acer Iconia B1: specifications and user reviews

Compact tablet computers have always been in fairly high demand. There are many reasons for this: firstly, this is functionality (it is always convenient to have a device on hand that can perform many tasks); secondly - small dimensions (the display diagonal of such devices is 7-8 inches, which allows you to carry them with you); thirdly, an affordable price (almost all gadgets from this category cost no more than $ 100-200).

In this article we will talk about one of these devices. It is called Acer Iconia B1, however, you will no longer find this gadget on sale. The reason is simple: the computer was introduced back in 2014. During this time, according to its technical characteristics, the device is outdated and it was replaced by new, more advanced devices.

In the article we will give a description of the tablet, describe its capabilities and special differences from other similar devices. We also turn to the reviews left by customers, and try to form some general conclusion regarding the device.

Acer Iconia B1


An overview of an electronic device should traditionally begin with the characteristics of the kit in which it is supplied. In the case of the Acer Iconia B1, nothing special can be noted. The computer comes in a classic set: along with a charger, consisting of a cable and an adapter for connecting to the network, with user instructions, as well as a warranty card that provides customer support in the event of a malfunction.

As noted by the reviews describing Acer Iconia B1, the model is offered in a white box with a picture of the device and standard Acer markings. You can’t say anything special about this: everything, just like in other computers.


Speaking generally about how the manufacturing company is positioning itself, it can be noted that, at a price, its products occupy a middle place between cheap Chinese tablets (such as Fly, TeXet and others) and more expensive equipment developed by Samsung, Asus and the like brands. However, again, in addition to low cost and belonging to a renowned manufacturer of computer equipment, the Acer Iconia B1 model also boasts a rich filling that includes a GPS module and a Bluetooth transmitter. And in general, in terms of its characteristics, the device is ahead of many competitors with higher technical parameters, which we will discuss later in the article.

tablet Acer Iconia B1


In fact, describing the design of the model, it is even difficult to focus on any of the elements of the latter: it may seem so unpretentious and ordinary. The appearance of the Acer Iconia B1 stands out, except due to the bright blue line on the border. Do not be her - and this “baby” can not be distinguished from the mass of Chinese devices that have the simplest layout.

As users of the device note in their reviews, the build quality of the tablet can be called quite high: the model does not “play” and practically does not make any sounds while working with it. The only thing you can pay attention to is pushing the front panel of the gadget while pressing on certain areas. However, this move is hardly noticeable and does not cause much discomfort.

The dimensions of the case are classic: around the screen (which we will characterize in the future) there is a thick frame made of plastic, which is quite convenient to hold on to if you place the tablet in one hand. The weight of the device (320 grams) allows you to conveniently handle it while reading, watching movies or for “toys”.

The case of the model is plastic, but the quality of the material allows us to talk about its durability and wear resistance. According to the reviews, even after a couple of months of active work with the tablet after purchase, small scratches are hardly noticeable due to the special texture of the coating.

Acer Iconia Talk B1 723


Speaking about how computer control works, we should mention the classic set of “rockers” for changing the volume, the screen unlock key, as well as the system keys at the bottom of the display. All this is identical to the control system used on other tablets, including inexpensive Chinese models.

The device speaker is located on the back cover, at the bottom of the case. By the way, the Acer Iconia B1 sounds clean and relatively loud. The hole is covered with a special protective mesh in order to avoid dust and sand.

The connector for charging the tablet was placed at the bottom, while the hole for the headset was installed on the upper edge (in a classic way). Near the USB-input you can see the hole for the memory card. Also, in some reviews, there are versions in which there is empty space (reserved, possibly for a SIM module, which Acer Iconia B1 does not have).


The resolution of the tablet is not the largest and is only 1024 x 600 pixels. Based on this characteristic, you should not count on a high density of dots: it is 170 units per square inch. They also saved on the matrix that reproduces the image by installing instead of IPS (inherent in many cheap tablets) a version based on TN technology.

Due to this, one does not have to talk about both color saturation and wide viewing angles: it is enough to tilt or rotate the device slightly - and this will seriously change the tonality of the picture.

Acer Iconia Talk B1

This disadvantage, however, is compensated by the rather high brightness settings. According to the comments of users who bought the Acer Iconia B1 tablet, at night this figure can be lowered to a minimum, which will allow you not to “go blind” in the dark from bright light. At the same time, in bright sunlight, the situation worsens: the device cannot provide a high level of screen illumination.


The main factor affecting the autonomy of the device and its ability to work on a single charge without additional connection to a power source is the battery capacity and the level of energy consumption. Regarding the first one, you can notice that the battery on the tablet has a capacity of 2710 mAh, which is a relatively low indicator (if we take into account the fact that most Chinese tablets are equipped with 3000-4000 mAh batteries).

Acer Iconia B1 723

The position of the Acer Iconia B1 723 is only partially rehabilitating the fact that the device is not equipped with the most powerful and colorful display, which does not require significant energy costs. In the end result, we have 5-6 hours of active surfing or just 3-4 hours of watching high-quality video at maximum brightness. Of course, this device cannot be called the leader in energy saving and battery life.


As noted above, Acer Iconia Talk B1 723 has a GPS module, which distinguishes it from similar cheap models made in the Middle Kingdom. In just a couple of minutes, the device can establish a connection with the satellite, which will give accurate information about where your gadget is located and how to get to the place you need.

As previously reported, there is no SIM card in the tablet, so you will have to forget about the 3G / 4G mobile Internet. Maximum - the device can connect to a Wi-Fi network operating on a stationary basis.

RAM and physical memory

The gadget that we characterize in this article cannot boast of a large amount of RAM, which would allow the device to work faster and more smoothly. Only 512 megabytes are represented here, of which no more than 200 MB is available in continuous mode. This, of course, is not enough to run some capacious (from the point of view of resource loading) applications, colorful games and other “complex” programs. Most likely, as the tablet’s operating time increases, the speed of its system will fall, as it happens with all devices.

Acer Iconia B1 firmware

As for the internal memory, the device is equipped with 6 GB of memory, of which 1 is allocated for downloading applications and 5 for serving user data. In addition, the device has a slot for a memory card, thanks to which the total memory can be increased by another 32 GB.


Naturally, the specifications of a tablet computer include a module such as a camera and its description. However, a simple buyer is unlikely to opt for a particular model due to the fact that it has good opportunities for shots, because all tablets have approximately the same poor camera settings. Our Acer Iconia B1 tablet is no exception in this regard. There is only one camera located on the front panel (directly above the screen). As you can guess at the place of its placement, it serves to create modest (in quality) selfie-shots, as well as for video communication in Skype and similar programs. As many users note, the capabilities of this module are enough for them. It is unlikely that anyone will use the front camera for photographing large-scale landscapes.


Finally, we come to one of the most important modules in any electronic smart device: the processor. This is the heart of our gadget, which, in the case of the Acer Iconia Talk 7 B1 723, does not have the best performance. Let's start with the fact that this is the MediaTek MT6517 used in budget models . The module operates on two cores, each of which has a frequency of 1.2 GHz. The processor, which ensures, in principle, fast user interaction with the device, works in tandem with the graphic “engine” of VR SGX531 modification.

operating system

We already informed you that the device was released back in 2014. Of course, even then it was not considered the flagship model, which is why the firmware on the Acer Iconia B1 was not the latest (even by that standards). Now we mean the operating system Android-modification 4.1.2. We know her as one of the earliest in the fourth generation lineup. However, since the manufacturer has provided the opportunity to "upgrade", it may well be that the gadget has already received the 5th or 6th generation of the operating system.

Speaking about the shell interface, it should be said that the development company did not work on creating an individual design for its Acer Iconia B1 7 ”. The classic theme from Android is used here, so for those who have experience with it, it will really seem “native”.

Acer Iconia Talk 7 B1 723


Since the tablet computer that we are analyzing was offered at a price of $ 120 and was, at the same time, developed by a well-known computer company, buyers were quick to order their own version of a compact but interesting device. In this regard, to find reviews of those people who have already been able to get acquainted with the gadget and experience it from their own experience, is not difficult.

After analyzing the reviews, we can draw several main conclusions. The main thing is the availability of a famous brand, on which customers so actively emphasize in their reviews. Most of them write that the gadget is worth the money, that it exceeds the cost in terms of features and functions presented here.

At a minimum, due to this, Acer Iconia B1 (16Gb) is already a profitable acquisition.

In addition, users praise the capabilities of the gadget and the overall quality of its work. Indeed, even by the way materials of the case are assembled, conclusions can be drawn about the high quality of the device and its positioning. As for the functionality, here too many were pleasantly surprised by the GPS module and a good hardware, on the basis of which the tablet works.

As for the negative characteristics, they relate to the screen, which does not have a high enough image density, to the camera that is not the most accurate, and, of course, to the battery, which does not have the longest “life”.

There is still a number of negative reviews in which they write about the termination of the device after a certain amount of time. For example, this applies to situations when the gadget functioned normally for 4-6 months, and after that the screen / sensor / speaker of the computer suddenly failed. Perhaps this refers to the Acer Iconia Talk B1, which refers to a specific marriage party. In general, most of the reviews “excellently” evaluate the operation of the device and recommend it to everyone.


What can be said about the device that we presented in this article? I would like to note its practicality. Yes, in terms of the ratio of cost and quality, this gadget is clearly the leader in the entire segment of affordable tablets with a 7-inch display. It is called reliable, easy to use and versatile in terms of application.

Also, Acer Iconia One B1 770 can be called an excellent choice if you are looking for a tablet computer for your child (so that he does not “ditch” a more expensive device), and also if you just need a gadget for surfing and periodic checking of mail. Believe me, you simply cannot find the best device! This is noted by reviews, and we completely agree with this. Hold the device in your own hands, “play” with it for 10-20 minutes, and you will understand what we mean. Acer managed to find the very balance between quality build, cheap equipment and functionality. And, hopefully, the company will be able to maintain the same “alignment” in its other products.

True, of course, now you can buy, perhaps, a used version of the gadget. More modern modifications enter the market, however, their characterization is a topic for an already new article.


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