How to get rid of longing: tips and tricks

Before answering the question of how to get rid of longing, you need to understand what it is - longing. Synonyms of this word are sadness, sadness, despondency, depression. In fact, this is a difficult state of mind, which is probably familiar to everyone.

Signs of Depression

Recently, depression has become a popular disease, most often perceived as given, something inevitable, and it is treated with all kinds of pills.

how to get rid of longing
In a state of despondency, a person becomes depressed, he is visited by gloomy thoughts, he can “wind up” himself to suicide and so on. The causes of longing are memories of failures, of the heavy losses of loved ones, dissatisfaction with oneself and even the weather.

How to get rid of melancholy and despondency, because a protracted similar state can lead to grave consequences? People in this state not only spoil life for themselves and others, but also endanger their own health.

The consequences of gloom and longing

From constant dissatisfaction with oneself and others, a person begins to have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, from melancholy and tormenting soul experiences, heart problems arise, from heavy thoughts - insomnia. Many are afraid to move forward, develop, and they have difficulties with the musculoskeletal system. Fear of life prompts some to use narcotic drugs or alcohol to stupefy the brain.

Let's try to understand what mental pain is, what it leads to and how to get rid of melancholy and sadness.

how to get rid of longing for a person

Oddly enough, but longing for someone, suffering, pain that a person experiences, has a downside, a positive side. If a person in separation with someone is homesick or feels heartache, seeing injustice, then this indicates that he has not lost everything yet, he has not completely degraded and is a person.

Own life scenario

To understand what a person is yearning for, you need to carefully remember your past life and try to find out the cause of mental pain, because it just doesn’t arise for no reason. We cannot change someone else, but it is in our power to change ourselves. Often people fall into depression because they live in a fictitious world that does not meet their needs, and when reality shows a true face, such people begin to yearn, be offended by everyone and fall into depression and even despair.

how to get rid of longing for the former

The concentration of vitality on a specific scenario of one’s own life forces a person to experience pain and does not answer the question of how to get rid of longing. But instead, one could enjoy life. And we need to be careful and accept everything that life presents to us, and not put our demands in the head.

How do adults treat a child?

From birth, the child remembers the reaction of parents to what is “good” and “bad”. If parents and other adults surrounding the child will perceive any life troubles as a catastrophe, then there is a high probability that, becoming an adult, he will develop exactly the same approach to life.

If the child is not loved, constantly reproached, insulted, then he will have a protective reaction in the form of despondency and sadness, which he directs to himself. But a person cannot constantly be in this state, so gloom, sadness and depression are automatically triggered every time after some kind of failure. All previous life was such that accumulated similar machines. Consider examples of what depression can occur from and how to get rid of longing.

conspiracy to get rid of longing

  1. Depression occurs whenever such expressions are heard: “Everything is bad,” “Life is a hard thing,” “It's hard for everyone,” “You can't handle it,” and so on.
  2. When we recall the sad events of the past: the loss of a loved one, parting, bad stories, deuces at school and so on.
  3. Memories of the dislike of loved ones, for example, similar expressions: "You are stupid", "You are fat", "Ugly" and so on.
  4. Longing and despondency are generated from the usual behavior of adults who are used to groaning and gasping at any difficulty, telling instructive stories with an unhappy ending, listening to sad songs, watching tragic films.

Naturally, opposing actions will sooner or later lead a person out of the "stagnant" depression, the problem is only in himself.

How to get rid of longing for a loved one

This is the hardest problem. If a loved one passed away, one must understand that this was the will of God and no one knows until the end why this happened. The pain of parting, mental pain, those experiences that a person experiences when faced with death, is a good condition for the soul of one who is experiencing.

how to get rid of melancholy and despondency

Many, especially women, become depressed after losing a loved one. They live only with their pain, not noticing anything around, and thus drive themselves into a dead end. Such people seem to voluntarily stop their lives, hang on the same level. They have no joy and happiness, they have only pain.

This condition is similar to the condition of people with psychological trauma of consciousness, but, unlike patients, such people voluntarily doom themselves to a dependent state. Accustomed to living in such a state, people gradually feel the need for it, get some taste, for them mental pain becomes a comfort zone. Under the pretext of tragedy, they hide from real life, do not want to solve problems both their own and those close to them.

Taste of joy

How to get rid of longing for a person who either passed away or rejected our love for him?

You need to feel the taste of joy and happiness, already forgotten by man. Try to look behind the black strip in order to feel all the joys of the bright strip, in a word, learn to enjoy life again. In fact, no one suffers all his life, just people prone to depression forget about the state of happiness, joy, they say that they don’t need anything else in life, and so on, but if they look inside themselves, they will understand that a person created for a full life where there is both grief and joy.

Any pain makes us wiser, an attentive person, having experienced mental or physical pain, draws lessons from this, explores the reasons why the trouble occurred, and tries not to repeat this anymore.

Should I go to the sorcerers

Heartache from love is especially useful, as it teaches people to love. Many do not know how to get rid of longing for the former beloved person or husband (wife), and resort to unworthy methods, going to the so-called fortune-tellers, sorceresses and other psychics. With the help of external influences or “charms” they want to force to attract to themselves with whom they would like to go through life.

how to get rid of longing for your beloved

Instead of worthily surviving such a state, they spoil the life not only of those people who rejected them, but first of all to themselves. Some go to any conspiracy. They want so much to get rid of longing for their beloved that they do not reckon with anything. But with such things, jokes are bad, and everything can turn against them.

Conclusion Life to the full

There is only one way out of this situation - to learn to look at life realistically and not to forget that, in addition to the bad, it also has good. Any pain, unhappiness, rejected love and so on make a person stronger, if only he can cope with it with dignity.

Only experiencing suffering, painful relationships, a person begins to appreciate what he has in life. Finally, he sees and sees other people around him, rejoices and becomes wiser and more interesting.

Each person will have to suffer a lot in life, survive grief, love, joy and happiness, sadness and separation. The mistake of many who are depressed is that they stop, as if frozen and freeze in life. And life is a movement, so you need to go further to live.

how to get rid of sadness and longing

It is better not to bother with thoughts about how to survive the longing and pain of loss, but in reality to survive this state and move forward. Life is multifaceted, and to feel it to the end and fully enjoy it is impossible if you do not accept what it offers us.


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