How to cook broccoli

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  Every hostess periodically wants to diversify the familiar menu with something, complement it with tasty and bright dishes. Often we pay attention to cabbage, as it is healthy and appetizing. There are many types of cabbage , but when thinking about buying broccoli, women often ask how to cook such cabbage. Often the question arises, is it worth it to cook inflorescences with a leg or is it better to separately. There are always a lot of questions in this case, but now we will try to figure out how to cook broccoli properly so that it remains just as healthy and tasty.

And this cabbage has many useful properties - broccoli promotes more active nutrition of the heart with oxygen, is the prevention of cancer of the stomach, mammary glands and prostate, and is extremely useful for pregnant women and young children. Doctors recommend eating at least 5 servings per week for the prevention of cancer.

How to cook broccoli

Scientists claim that the effectiveness of its fight against cancer cells depends on the method of cooking broccoli. This is due to the fact that the preservation of nutrients in cabbage depends on the time of heat treatment. How to cook broccoli cabbage to preserve all the vitamins?

Before cooking broccoli cabbage should be thoroughly rinsed in running water. Then gently cut it into inflorescences, after which it is soaked in salted water for about ten minutes (if cabbage is from your garden, and not from the store, then soaking can be skipped). At the same time, they put a pot of water on the fire; inflorescences should be put in it when the water boils. The main thing is not to digest it, so that broccoli does not lose either its beneficial qualities or taste.

It is also worth taking into account the fact that there are products that enhance the effect of cabbage on the human body. Among these products you can find the ones that you like, here is a partial list - wasabi, mustard, arugula.

Broccoli Cabbage Recipes

Having learned how to cook broccoli, you can cook a variety of dishes from it. For example, such a salad. It will take a pound of broccoli, a couple of medium carrots, a pickled cucumber, 50 grams of green onions. Carrots and broccoli need to be boiled, after which the first is grated on a coarse grater, and finely chop the inflorescences. Chop the onion finely and chop the cucumber into slices. All this needs to be mixed and seasoned with a special sauce, for the preparation of which you will need two tablespoons of olive oil, lemon juice, sugar, salt, ground pepper and a little vinegar.

Another amazingly delicious way to cook broccoli is to bake it with cauliflower in a creamy sauce. To prepare this dish you will need broccoli (four hundred grams), cauliflower (in the same amount), half a liter of cream, cheese (one hundred and fifty grams), butter (one tablespoon), flour (a couple of tablespoons), salt and pepper taste. Before you cook broccoli, first divide it into inflorescences, and only then cook in salt water for ten to fifteen minutes. After that, you need to throw it in a colander to glass water. Then cabbage needs to be laid out in a baking dish. While cabbage is cooked, you can prepare the sauce. The flour must be fried by adding butter first, and then cream. Bring all this to a boil and pour grated cheese into the mixture. Stir until the cheese is melted, then add salt and pepper. Pour the resulting sauce onto cabbage and put in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees. When a golden crust appears on the cabbage, the dish is ready.

Now you know how to cook broccoli and you can diversify the spring menu with delicious and healthy food. Bon Appetit!


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