Fundamentals of entrepreneurship or how to open a business

Entrepreneurship in Russia is developing in full swing. This has become possible recently, thanks to the creation of state support programs for aspiring businessmen.

Today, being registered with unemployment, everyone can study free of charge on the courses "Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship" and subsequently receive a subsidy for opening their own business. Thus, the dream of many is to work for oneself, to become a reality. Although in reality the process of obtaining a subsidy is much more complicated than it might seem, nevertheless this is a unique opportunity that should be taken while the authorities are ready to encourage your undertakings.

But what to do if you are not unemployed and do not want to risk refusing your work. You can go the other way, having studied the basics of entrepreneurship on your own, having registered for yourself an individual entrepreneur, try your hand at small business. True, you will have to invest your own funds or take a loan.

Where should you start studying this specific area of ​​activity? First, study the legal foundations of entrepreneurship: the law, its interpretation, tax code. And then turn to other aspects of small business, including the psychological aspect: negotiating, management psychology, ethics of communication with the client. And the basics of marketing will help you understand how to study the market for services or goods.

Having studied the theoretical foundations of entrepreneurship, you should prepare a quality business plan (based on real data on the demand for your service or product). With such a document, you can contact the bank to provide you a loan for business development. Include monthly payments in the "Expenses" column of your plan so that bank employees can evaluate the solvency and relevance of your business project.

Having received the necessary amount, it remains to purchase everything necessary, rent a room. And then you will need a lot of effort to not only stay afloat, not to work at a loss, but also to take its place among competitors. We have to show a lot of business and very useful qualities in business: entrepreneurialism, resourcefulness, ingenuity, focus on results, the ability to see the situation as a whole, and forecast. Only relevant knowledge will help to show the necessary abilities.

The basics of business and entrepreneurship just boil down to the ability to introduce a new service or product, the active distribution of which (which) would lead to the development of the economic situation in a specific region of the country, to improve the living standards of the population. Private kindergartens have recently become such a service; they have solved the problem with queues for kindergarten; advertising agencies in small towns where they were not yet, brokerage houses, services for advising citizens on various issues and other unique business projects.

But there were ideas that were not destined to develop - for them the time had not yet come. For example, a company that provides cleaning services (something similar to the popular “husband for an hour” service) has taken root in large cities, but does not develop in small towns in our country.

It is in order to learn how to be a true entrepreneur, and therefore be able to take risks, but take risks reasonably, it is necessary to study the basics of marketing (ways to study the market), the psychology of business, to be a little accountant, a little lawyer, a direct executor and director all rolled into one. Otherwise, the idea is doomed to failure.

Start learning the basics of entrepreneurship today if your dream is to have your own business. You may not be able to achieve the desired results right away, but the ability to learn from your mistakes and determination will play a role sooner or later.


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