Environmental pollution and its consequences

Man is inextricably linked with the environment that surrounds him. Environmental pollution is a global problem. Due to the development of industry, transport and scientific and technological progress, human intervention in the environment has become more significant. This sometimes leads to disastrous consequences. Environmental issues are resolved at the highest level. But even in this case, it is not possible to control this process.

The most harmful effect is caused by chemical pollution. They are released into the atmosphere in large quantities by industrial enterprises, boiler houses and other organizations. In addition, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air increased, which can lead to an increase in temperature on the planet. This can be attributed to the global problem of mankind.

The oil industry is doing great harm to the world's oceans. Wastes from this area enter the environment and can cause a malfunction in the exchange of water and gases between the atmosphere and the hydrosphere.

Agriculture also harms nature. Pesticides, falling into the soil, destroy its structure, and, as a result, the ecological system is destroyed. All these factors are the main reasons why environmental pollution occurs.

There is also biological pollution of the environment. In this case, the destruction of the ecological system characteristic of each individual area occurs. Atypical types of viruses and bacteria appear in it, which negatively and even destructively affect the entire system. The cause of biological pollution is the discharge of industrial waste into nearby bodies of water, landfills, irrigation measures, and sewage. It is from there that destructive microorganisms penetrate the soil, and then into groundwater.

The greatest concern is pollution by infections and parasites. Interacting with each other and other inhabitants of nature, they can change their properties and create populations that are detrimental to both animals and humans. Therefore, in recent years, cases of infection of people with dangerous infectious diseases have become more frequent.

Humanity, engaged in new biotechnologies and experiments at the genetic level, can cause irreparable harm to nature and all living organisms. Neglect of basic safety rules leads to the release of hazardous substances and microorganisms into nature. In this case, the gene pool of humanity could be affected.

Radioactive pollution is one of the most dangerous. The consequences of such a catastrophe can become irreparable. As a result, the background radioactive, which is natural to the atmosphere, rises. This occurs at the time of nuclear explosions, accidents at facilities with increased danger, as a result of coal mining (during field explosions). And again, man becomes the initiator of these phenomena.

The development of science has led to the discovery of new sources of radiation that are created artificially. This has become a potential danger to the whole world. The possibilities of such sources are much more natural, to which the environment has adapted.

The increase in radiation background was the result of the application of some technical and scientific developments (x-rays, medical diagnostic devices, etc.). Also, the development of new deposits and the extraction of certain minerals can be called the reason. Reactions using radioactive substances lead to disruption of the general background. The use and production of nuclear weapons has become a problem for the entire world community.

Thus, environmental pollution is caused by people. To prevent a catastrophe, you should be more careful about nature.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C33881/

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