Milk liquor Baileys: reviews

Liqueur “Baileys”, reviews of which are mostly positive, is a drink with caramel flavor. Yes, it is quite sweet, but, unlike ordinary sweets, it seems to burn, after using it you can feel how your eyes, cheeks begin to burn, your heart begins to beat more often. In this article we will analyze the history, features and reviews of Bailey's liquor.

History of creation

This legendary drink is recognized as the No. 1 liquor worldwide. Moreover, it is the very first creamy liquor in the world. It is created on the basis of Irish whiskey and fresh cream.

bailey's delicious liquor

If you take into account the numerous reviews, the Baileys liquor has practically no drawbacks. The soft taste, delicate aroma and amazing tenderness of the drink won the love and recognition of many gourmets.

The world's first creamy drink of this brand appeared back in 1974, or rather, on December 26, in the suburbs of Dublin. His appearance was a natural result of the labor invested in him. Baileys Irish Cream (officially named Bailey's) was the idea of ​​a group of dreamers who worked for Gilbeys of Ireland in 1970. David Dend, being a company manager and a real Irishman, immediately drew attention to products that for many centuries have glorified his native Ireland. These include Irish cream and Irish whiskey. Young entertainers mixed these two ingredients and the taste met their expectations. But the whole snag was in the inconsistent consistency of the alcoholic beverage.

Four years of searching and experimenting led to the development of a uniform consistency formula, which David subsequently patented. The magical taste of Bailey's creamy liquor, the reviews of which we will consider in this article, was given by flavoring additives such as chocolate, sugar, caramel and vanilla. After that, David Dand registered the new company R&A Bailey & Co, which introduced not only the glorious Irish, but the whole world with a masterpiece of alcoholic beverage.

bailey what is it

Baileys production method is kept in the strictest confidence. The cooking technology, the use of advanced equipment and quality control systems allow you to achieve an amazing result, which is confirmed by thousands of positive reviews. Bailey's milk liqueur is made exclusively from fresh and natural products with the addition of aromatic additives. And, although no preservatives are used in its production, it is stored for 18 months - this is the longest shelf life among all creamy liqueurs.

In 2005, there was an addition to the Baileys family - Baileys with a hint of Mint Chocolate (Baileys with mint and chocolate flavor) and Baileys with a hint of Creme Caramel (Baileys with creamy caramel flavor) appeared, which won hearts not only experts, but mere mortals. You can buy this drink in 170 countries.

How to drink liquor

There are few women who do not like the taste and aroma of coffee, vanilla cream, caramel and chocolate. Men, trying to please the lady of their heart, try to appease her sweet. These are cakes, and ice cream, and fragrant cappuccino.

But the surest way to win women over is the amazing Baileys liquor. Women’s reviews of him are the most flattering: even persons negatively inclined towards alcohol will not refuse to sip a sweet alcoholic drink a couple of times a year.

baileys for heavenly enjoyment

Oddly enough, in the candy-bouquet period, the cavalier is not allowed to give alcoholic drinks to the lady of the heart, but Baileys liquor is awarded such an honor. It is perceived more as a dessert than a strong drink. That is why Baileys is considered a female liquor, although men sometimes are not averse to indulging in sweets.


In addition to Irish cream and whiskey, the liquor includes: refined vegetable oil, cocoa, vanilla. Varieties of flavors for liquor include peppermint, coffee and caramel. Reviews about Baileys liquor are not without interest for potential buyers. It seems unbelievable, but, as practice shows, the cream does not deteriorate, thanks to the ideal ratio of alcohol. Therefore, the famous liquor does not stain its honor using preservatives.

milk bailey

Undoubtedly, the taste of Baileys liquor is cloying and sweet, which, however, is not liked by everyone. Many are simply delighted with his creamy sweetness, but there are also people who put this characterization in a drawback.

Drinking rules

First of all, it is worth remembering that this is liquor. It is customary to drink it after eating. Liquor is a digestif (improves digestion), so it is opposed to an aperitif. Its task is not to stimulate the appetite, but to put a beautiful ending chord to a romantic date or emotional conversation.

As a standalone drink

Liquor can also be served as a standalone drink for coffee or ice cream. Serving in such cases requires special liquor glasses that resemble wine or martini glasses, but smaller. The volume of glasses is 25-50 milliliters. Pure drink is served.

Coffee companion

Coffeemans definitely appreciated this idea. “Baileys” combines elegantly with coffee, turning it into a drink of the gods. Any informal event can be seasoned with such a coffee dessert. Just adding liquor, you should not sprinkle coffee with sugar.


If you really want to combine cream liqueur with something else, you will have to take a larger glass, for example, a wine glass. Baileys can be served with ice cubes, crushed ice, or whiskey stones that are now fashionable. Sprinkle it with cocoa powder or grated dark chocolate.

baileys story

Also on the edge of the glass you can hang a piquant strawberry or put it in a glass. As the fans of the drink say, liquor combines well with meat in cream or berry sauce, as well as with fruit and vegetable salad. Do not mix liquor with pasta, seafood or sushi. According to the rules of etiquette, no meal is provided for Beiliz at all, since the taste of food is lost under the flavoring fountain of a creamy drink. Liqueurs are better to combine with a sweet table or buffet.

What to drink liquor with

Traditionally, “Bailey's” is usually served for dessert, but if sweets are not expected after dinner, strawberries will always come to the rescue, which will prevent you from consuming extra calories.

sweet liquor

Banana is a great companion of liquor. There are different options: a salad of strawberries and bananas, sliced ​​and chopped banana slices. You can also make boats out of bananas - you get a fruit hot dog: you need to peel the bananas, cut them in half, take out the pulp with a spoon and fill the notch with various fillings, here there are nuts in melted chocolate and cream cheese in tandem with powdered sugar and softened banana.

Liquor Baileys at home: reviews

The home version, as lovers of sweet strong drinks say, tastes just as good as the original drink.

creamy baileys reviews

Yes, the consistency is not the same, but the taste is nevertheless amazing. Reviews of Baileys homemade liquor confirm the successful decision to try out the homemade creamy liquor recipe.


  • vodka - 0.5 l;
  • condensed milk - 1 can;
  • 4 egg yolks;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vanilla sugar;
  • instant coffee - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • 0.4 l of cream with a fat content of not more than 30%.

Preparation: first you need to mix condensed milk, vanilla sugar and egg yolks with a mixer until smooth, then add instant coffee there and mix again, then, without turning off the mixer, pour cream and vodka, mix everything thoroughly with a mixer again. Greater similarities to the original can be achieved by replacing vodka with whiskey. Serve the drink not immediately, but only after several hours of exposure in the refrigerator.


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