Why do I need samplers in magazines?

Fashion magazines have long been the constant companions of many women. Ladies cannot even imagine life without them. And although fashion is changing all the time, interest in it remains the same. Such publications introduce ladies to the realities of our time and talk about the ideals of beauty.

samplers in magazines

What are probes?

Today, quite often you can hear the word "probe" in women's conversations, see it in magazines. More recently, they were ancillary products at promotions, which were handed out absolutely free. Nowadays, such mini-samples of cosmetics and perfumes can often be seen as an independent product. They have other names: samples, which means “samples” from English, or trials, which in translation sounds like “probes”.

Mini Sample Requirements

samplers and gifts in magazines
To date, quite often there are samplers in magazines. They look completely different. Most often, this is a small copy of standard products. They have the same design and composition. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that the concentration of aroma in the mini-sample is much lower than in the original. Their volume is usually from 3 to 6 ml. Like large counterparts, they are often packaged in a box. However, this is not always the case. Samplers in magazines can be without it. The main requirement that is presented to them is the maximum similarity with their counterpart. Today, there are a huge number of samples that have plastic packaging that follows the shape of their original bottle. But such a capacity is a cheaper option compared to glass. Quite often, samplers in magazines are made in the form of napkins with the aroma of perfume, mini-tubes, pencils, ampoules and so on. The most common form is sachets.

fashion magazines
Can I get samplers for free?

Until recently, all mini-samples of cosmetics and perfumes had the inscription “Not for sale”, which means “not for sale”. They were simply received as a gift. Nowadays, manufacturers have decided that they can make good money on this and began to sell them, having previously drawn up them in more expensive packaging. Many companies started producing a whole set of probes, which are very convenient to take with you on a trip or give as a gift. Only fashion publications try to attract readers by placing samplers and gifts in magazines. For example, in large stores in Spain, customers receive packages with mini-samples of their products for free. They suggest that the buyer will try several flavors, and the next time they will definitely return for one of them. In our country, this is not found anywhere else.

Can I trust the probes?

In fact, no one can be absolutely sure of their content. Elite brands such as “Christian Dior” or “Chanel” do not produce mini-samples of their fragrances at all, but they still exist. It turns out that many samplers in fashion magazines are just fakes. They are similar only in shape and packaging, and their smell is very vaguely reminiscent of the aroma of the original product. Unfortunately, practice shows that there are a large number of such samples on the market of our country.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C33894/

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