Andrey Sychev: biography, year of birth, conscription, tragedy and consequences

Sychev Andrei Sergeevich - a Russian soldier who served in the army, like thousands of other guys. It would seem that there is something special? But the fact is that the history of this young manā€™s service shocked the public and caused a storm of indignation. Weā€™ll find out what happened.


Andrey Sychev was born on November 24, 1986 in the Northern Urals in the city of Krasnoturinsk, Sverdlovsk Region.

After graduation, he entered a professional lyceum in his city, where he acquired the profession of a car mechanic.

In the fall of 2005, the young man was called up for service in the ranks of the Russian army. Until December 2005, he stayed at the collection center in Chelyabinsk-Yuzhny. Then he was sent according to the distribution to the battalion for the educational process of the Chelyabinsk Tank Institute. And already on December 30, an irreparable happened in the biography of Andrei Sychev - something that changed the whole future life of a nineteen-year-old guy.

Andrey before the tragedy

The tragic incident in the army

What goes into the army, Andrei Sychev always knew. Even in his thoughts he did not have an idea to evade service. The guyā€™s mother, Galina Pavlovna, repeatedly said that it was his duty to the motherland, repeated that the officers would help him become stronger, as befits a man.

There were a lot of plans: after the army, help my mother finish building the house, since there were no other men in the family except him (they lived in a hut). And most importantly - get married and have children. Andrei was very fond of children, he was an excellent nanny for his nephews. But these plans were never destined to come true.

A terrible thing happened on New Year's Eve, which no one could have expected. Old-timers decided to take up the education of new arrivals, of whom there were eight, including Andrei. Having drunk a lot of vodka, the soldiers first drove the guy down the parade ground, and then forced him to take a semi-squat position and began to beat him in the legs. They beat smartly so that there were no fractures. In this position, the guy spent three and a half hours.

Four hours later, due to an uncomfortable position and squeezing veins, severe swelling of the extremities and necrosis formed. Andrei Sychev did not tell anyone about the tragedy that had happened to him. No one even paid attention, they noticed something was wrong only after Andrei was unable to leave the premises of the barracks.

Consequences of the crime

Everything was kept in deep secret. High-ranking army officials learned about the incident only 25 days later. The unit commander reported that Private Andrei Sychev was in a military hospital for a completely different illness, in no way connected with the service.

In the hospital

Motherā€™s boyfriend never complained about troubles in the army, he only asked to be taken home, at least for the holidays. He said that he was tired of looking at drunken faces.

It is extremely rare to know about such egregious cases that occurred in the army, and usually the circumstances of the incident were not disclosed. If the case ends in tragedy, then finding witnesses, establishing the cause and course of events is incredibly difficult. Witnesses are afraid of trouble, as they still need to continue the service.

The fact that the fact of the crime was hidden for a long time and the measures were not taken on time turned out to be more dangerous for the soldier Andrei Sychev than the bullying itself. The silence of witnesses played a fatal role in the state of health of the guy and his future fate.

Andrei was so intimidated that he decided to testify only after the prosecutor provided guarantees of his safety.

The doctors did everything possible and impossible to save the life of a young man. They assured that there was hope.

As a result, amputation of the legs, organs that are important for human life, and blood poisoning.

The accusation of lying

After a terrible incident, the whole public came to the defense of the injured soldier. But the leadership of the army, trying to build at least some protection from false statements, accused the mother of the soldier and Andrei himself of deceit.

The Sychevs family was immediately accused of receiving an apartment in Chelyabinsk due to some ā€œmiserable incidentā€ that occurred in the service. Rivers of lies flowed violently towards the victim. At the same time, the perpetrators of the incident were actively shut off. The protection of the uniform has acquired such a global scale that it has become like an information war against its people.

Causes of Complications

As it turned out during the treatment, Andrei Sychev had health problems even before the army. He had a genetic disease - thrombophilia, which could "shoot" at any time. Both parents of the guy were carriers of this disease. But before the army, these features of his health did not manifest in any way.

Any hypothermia or squeezing of the extremities could serve as a provoking factor. In September, boils were present on Andreiā€™s fingers, which could also complicate the situation with his health. In addition, the guy also has a pathology that leads to bleeding. Working as a car mechanic, Andrei could drop a tool on his finger, and the result would be the same.

Clinging to these facts, army officials began to develop the idea that, in fact, the army is not to blame for what happened. The reason is only in genetics. But itā€™s obvious that the draft committee sent to the ranks of the defenders of the Fatherland a man completely unsuitable for this. But how to explain the fact that a guy was brutally bullied, and this served as an impetus to the progression of that same genetic disease?

The answer is obvious: the events in the army served as a ā€œred buttonā€ to launch the mechanism of the disease. And no matter how someone tried to justify themselves, it looked very pathetic and ridiculous.


And then there was the court. Given the grave condition of the patient, the Chelyabinsk court gave permission for the absentee examination of evidence.

Andrei was connected to mechanical ventilation, and could only answer with questions with his head nods. Everything was recorded on videotape.

Andrei confirmed the guilt of co-worker Alexander Sivyakov, agreed that he had to sit in the semi-squat for three and a half hours, and categorically denied the assumption of rape.

The prosecution required to impose a sentence of six years in prison for Sergeant Alexander Sivyakov, and for ordinary Bilimovich and Kuzmenko - 1.5 years and 1 year, respectively.

During the trial, six witnesses changed their testimony, accusing the military prosecutor of exerting pressure on them. Allegedly they were beaten in order to obtain evidence against Sivyakov. Then, according to them, some generals came from Moscow and forced them to give false testimonies.


On September 26, 2006, the Chelyabinsk military court passed a final sentence.

Alexander Sivyakov received four years in prison, was deprived of the rank and opportunity for three years to occupy positions involving command.

Alexander Sivyakov

The remaining participants in the crime, Bilimovich and Kuzmenko, were sentenced to one year of imprisonment.

Whether this punishment is fair is a moot point. The victim's family considered her too soft, and the Sivyakov family - too harsh. Both of them tried to appeal the verdict of the court.

The Sivyakov case gained great resonance and, finally, attracted the attention of society and officials to such a serious problem as hazing.

How to live further

After Andrei returned home, to the apartment in Yekaterinburg, which was provided to them by the Ministry of Defense by order of Putin, the disabled guy had a question: what is next? What can a disabled person do to live fully?

Andrew created a network diary in which he talked about himself and received comments from his readers. The guy made the impression of a living, sociable person. He shared with people emotions from books read, films watched and tried to find the answer to the main question: how to live on. The photo of Andrey Sychev shows a room where everything that a guy lives after the tragedy is concentrated.

Andrey today

The young man who talked so easily in the virtual world was afraid to leave the apartment and meet real people. He knew that the neighbors were talking about his family, as if such happiness had fallen on their heads undeservedly: they got an apartment for nothing.

But on the Internet I had to meet not only with friends, but also with enemies. When Andrei shared his desire to go to university, he received not only words of support, but also the statement that nobody needed him there.

Andrey Sychev today

At first, after the tragedy, the guy had increased attention, he was besieged by calls, journalists were not left alone. His face constantly flashed on television and in the press. Today is complete silence.

The criminals who crippled the life of a young man have long served their sentence and live life to the fullest, making plans and turning them into reality.

And Andrey has a room and a computer, which for many years after the terrible events replaced his friends. The guy does not like to remember about the experiences. He is more and more silent, smiling very rarely. Only in these rare moments can one recognize the former Andryusha in it. A young man in a wheelchair is moving. Mom helps him.

Andrey with mom

Of all the desires, Andrei realized only one thing - a car. At first it was a used Ford with special management. The acquisition of the car gave the guy great joy. Andrew spent two years saving funds from a disability pension, the missing amount was added by philanthropists.

Sychev driving

Andrei studied computer installation, but at first not a single local television or radio company agreed to hire a disabled person. The guy worked at home as a packer shoe covers in containers.

Andrey at work

But in May 2011, luck smiled at him. Andrei nevertheless managed to get a video editing editor in one of the companies.

In 2012, wanting to replace the old Ford with Subaru Forester, Andrei turned to VTB Bank for a loan. Since the guy worked and received a good salary and pension, his application was approved, but when he saw a man in a wheelchair, they immediately refused a loan. Andrei sued. He nevertheless bought a car, taking a loan from another bank.

Apparently, the young man today does not suffer from a lack of funds, as he managed to exchange his apartment for a country cottage specially equipped for the disabled.


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