Creative idea for business: description, conditions, tips, reviews

Any experienced businessman will say that the most important component of your business is a product. Without fail, he must have a unique trading offer, so that he is noticed, chosen. And to make such a product noticeable, you need to use some kind of creative idea for the business. This is what we will talk about in our article.

Why do you need a creative idea for a business?

What only today do not come up with marketers and manufacturers to distinguish the product from other competitors. Sometimes creative ideas for business from the most enterprising reach the point of absurdity and absurdity. And the most amazing thing is that such ideas often work, while pleasing the market with something unusual, completely new. As a result, such a creative idea for business brings a multi-million profit to the entrepreneur.

Below you can find incredibly unusual ideas for your business that have already worked and brought considerable income to their owners. Therefore, if you want to start a profitable business from scratch, a creative idea is simply necessary for this. It should be noted that innovations and scientific developments will not be presented here.

idea for business

Superhero Restaurant

Once the owner of a small restaurant in the capital of Thailand, he dressed all the staff in costumes of Spiderman. The restaurant was all dressed up: delivery men, barkers who work on the streets, waiters. After such an innovation, sales from the entrepreneur almost doubled.

However, after some time, Marvel demanded that the unauthorized actions of the creative entrepreneur be canceled. But the Thai was not at a loss and after a week changed all his subordinates into a costume of Austin Powers.

The owner of the Austin Powers copyright is WPM Film International, which not only granted the restaurant owner the right to use this character image to attract guests to the restaurant, but also sent 10 knitted costumes to the owner of the restaurant so that team members could change clothes. In addition, the outfits were transferred to the owner himself, his wife and children.

for business from scratch

Currently, a Thai businessman is in talks with the owner of the copyright for the character Catwoman, Batman, Lara Croft, as well as other popular heroes.

Therefore, if you decide to start your own restaurant business from scratch, a creative idea for you using the costumes of famous superheroes is a great solution.

Elephant wash

Once in one nature reserve, the flow of tourists was reduced, so the leadership came up with the idea of ​​how to attract new people to visit this place. For this purpose, a special service was organized in the reserve - car washing with elephants. These animals watered cars from the trunk, and then washed the car with a sponge. Literally in a short period of time, the flow of tourists in the reserve quickly increased, since everyone wanted to try such an unusual service. Take on board if you are looking for some kind of creative idea for a small business.

business from scratch

Ironing board for men

A small company from the city of Wales began to produce ironing boards that can please men when they are doing their homework. These boards depict beautiful girls in bikinis. When the material heats up, the bikinis begin to disappear, and the beauties appear in front of the man completely naked.

Such ironing boards have gained great popularity among single men. In just 1 year of existence, this small company, which started its business in the home office, increased its turnover, which currently stands at $ 1 million. Perhaps this venture can be attributed to the most creative business ideas.

Ironing lessons

For those representatives of the stronger sex who can not iron things, in Austria there are special courses that teach such a thing. The cost of such training is $ 50 for 4 hours. It should be noted that the courses are very popular among bachelors, as well as among those women who purchase gift certificates here. They subsequently give them to their chosen ones. Such a creative idea for a business in a small town would be ideal. In addition, its development will require minimal investment.

new creative ideas

Erotic paintball

Several entrepreneurial businessmen from the United States, Nevada, came up with, and then organized an unusual entertainment for men - paintball-hunting for naked girls. This entertainment was called "Bambi Hunt."

These girls run through a specially equipped area in the manner of roe deer or graceful gazelles. Shooting with special bullets with paint is allowed only in the area below the belt, and if a man shoots, he will get the opportunity to take a photo with the girl.

If desired, he can then take his prey to the hunting lodge, arrange it in a special device that simulates the torso of a hunting trophy. The cost of one game is very high. It is $ 4,800 for each participant. However, such an attraction is incredibly popular in the USA, bringing its owner an excellent income.

If you are looking for rare types of small business, a creative business idea with such a game would be just perfect for you.

Compliment service

One Japanese company established a compliment service that could be heard on the phone. If you are not confident in yourself, you can simply dial the phone number, after which a pleasant voice will assure you that you are a person who has no shortcomings, has many positive qualities, and in the future you will find great success in your endeavors.

interesting ideas for business

Such a compliment service is incredibly popular among Japanese young men. Who knows, maybe this is such a creative idea for a business with minimal investment and you will bring incredible income in the future.

Topless hairdressers

One entrepreneurial businessman Brian Sells became rich and opened his own topless hairdresser. In such establishments, clients not only make themselves a beautiful hairstyle, but also enjoy looking at half-naked employees. If you are still looking for a new creative idea for business, and you have an initial capital, you can safely open such an institution in your city. Surely you have not had such hairdressers.

Labyrinth in the corn field

We continue to consider creative mini-ideas for small businesses. One farmer in Colorado realized that he was not happy with the benefits he received for growing corn. He decided to earn extra money by arranging an attraction labyrinth on his own corn field, which was incredible success on Halloween.

The number of tourists was so great that such a creative idea according to a business plan turned out to be much more profitable than growing corn itself. In one night, the farmer was able to earn $ 100,000.

Unusual chewing gum

One English entrepreneur named Jan Kenyon discovered a revolutionary way of researching public opinion, which was called "Chewing Gum Marketing." The agency of this businessman provided companies with various polls, using posters and chewing gum for answers. Similar posters were placed in areas with high traffic, and residents of London actively participated in the survey.

with minimal investment

The question could be absolutely any. Each poster on itself had two sectors on which answers were placed. It was on these sectors that the gum was glued. The project won incredible success in the UK.

Feminine builders

One entrepreneur founded his own construction company, where only the fair sex acted as employees. This company provides all types of construction services. Currently, there is simply no end to orders, and I didn’t even have to advertise. In this case, it works on the principle of word of mouth. By the way, the founder of the company is also a woman. At the same time, customers of the company can be sure that sloppy and rude builders will not be present at the construction site.

Home jellyfish

One businessman from the city of San Francisco opened his own company, providing everyone with the necessary people who decided to have a jellyfish in their house as a pet. This company has opened its own online store, where, in addition to jellyfish themselves, people could also buy aquariums, food, various items for caring for jellyfish. The price of 1 jellyfish is from $ 39 and above.

Before arriving at a similar idea, the businessman analyzed the entire world pet market and realized that no one had an offer with jellyfish. In addition, this entrepreneur graduated from the Marine Biology Department, which was a definite plus in his endeavors.

Antistress Room

One businessman from the city of San Diego opened a small club where people relieved stress, and in a very unusual way. A person gets into a special room, which is filled with furniture and utensils, where it is allowed to break and break everything. As a separately provided service, javelin throwing into the picture, which depicts the boss, acts. A person can bring a flash drive with music to which he will destroy everything around.

The price in the club is quite high - if you want to break 15 plates, you will have to pay 45 dollars. However, there is no end to visitors. In addition, the club can purchase a gift certificate for friends who need to relieve stress.

Torso for rent

One resident of the United States named Jason Sadler figured out how he could earn money, and realized that for this he could rent himself, or rather his own torso. Currently, Jason receives money for putting on a T-shirt with the logo of a brand, after which he walks around the city in it.

the most creative business ideas

During the first three months of his business, Jason earned about $ 60,000. The demand for such advertising was so high that Jason even began to hire additional people who are doing the same thing. Moreover, not only professional athletes and stars are suitable for this role. Anyone can trade their own torso.

Double business

Just recently, residents of the UK, USA, France and Germany can invite famous politicians, show business stars, and athletes to dinner. Of course, not the stars themselves will come to dinner, but their counterparts. These services are provided by a special agency that has its own headquarters in New York. However, in different countries there are branches of this company. Such a service costs from $ 1,000 to $ 10,000. The price will depend on the similarity, as well as the length of stay of the "star" at a party. This service was very popular among wealthy people.

Reviews and tips for beginner businessmen

Such a concept as creative business or entrepreneurship in our country is not yet very popular. However, creative business ideas in America and Europe are developing very rapidly.

However, those residents of Russia who are already doing such a thing, note that for the successful development of their business, it is necessary to come up with something that is not yet on the market. Creative specialists often do not understand that success will depend on business promotion skills. As a rule, every creative person has a lot of ideas, so they have no problems with development.

If you decide to develop a small business, then you should start with a business plan. Of course, it is necessary that you have the initial capital for the development of your business. Therefore, before entering your business, you need to sit down, carefully calculate everything, weigh the pros and cons, and analyze the market. Who knows, maybe your crazy idea will bring millions soon.


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