What is industrial design? Kinds

There is a sphere of artistic and technical activity, the purpose of which is to determine the formal characteristics of industrial products - this is industrial design. This industry plays an important role in the structure of world manufacturing companies engaged in the manufacture of automobiles, household appliances, communication devices and other types of consumer goods.

Industrial design is

Historical information

The first specialists in the field of industrial technology and design appeared in Great Britain in the 13th century. At that time, the production of fabrics was actively developing. As for the very definition of decoration, it was first mentioned in 1919. The founder of the school was a German architect.

Industrial design really began to develop in the second half of the 20th century, when in the USA they organized a special board, the members of which formed a clear definition of this direction. According to them, this is a creative activity aimed at improving the external data of the produced objects.

Development basics

Since industrial design is an activity that combines elements of marketing, art and technology, the coverage of the consumer sphere is very wide. Developments are being carried out not only for high-tech products, but also for various trinkets. Intellectual property in this area can be protected by obtaining a patent for a specific product.

The development process in this case is divided into certain stages:

  • search for ideas;
  • choice of concept;
  • sketching;
  • modeling in three-dimensional editors;
  • object visualization;
  • model design;
  • implementation of the prototype.

Industrial Design

Designers themselves usually have an education in engineering, mechanics, and visual arts. Many modern specialists graduate from specialized universities of industrial design. They do not create drawings, are not responsible for the operation of inventions. Their task is to optimize the product.

Examples of Innovation Strategies

In any industry there should be general development planning. This is achieved through the introduction of special strategies that determine the future path for months, years and even tens of years. Industrial design in this case is of particular importance. In this regard, it is necessary to consider the general trends of progress in the industry by examples.

In the living space is usually used not one, but several devices that can interact with each other. Therefore, in the manufacture of household appliances, products are not separately designed. The combined approach is often called socio-technical.

It was industrial design that played a significant role in the development of the aircraft industry. This is expressed in the fact that a modern aircraft is capable of performing not only its direct function - transport, but also entertainment. On board airliners, you can now use various means of communication, communicate, have a snack and do much more. When developing, you can not ignore these nuances.

In the automotive industry, special emphasis is placed on vehicle maintenance. This trend is clearly seen in the construction of educational and entertainment centers in the immediate vicinity of various services. Modern manufacturers are trying to implement their product directly into residential infrastructure.

Industrial Technology and Design

Successful decisions in the field of design innovations are primarily associated with scientific research, which allows to develop the industry as a whole. However, today there is some fragmentation. Often there is no relationship between specialists in two areas.

Priority Industrial Designs

It was said above that there are a huge number of devices and devices that perform various functions, so they must be classified according to their purpose. A specialist cannot perform his work qualitatively directly in all areas. The main categories are presented in the table.



Engineering equipment

This group should include devices that are used for scientific research, construction work and special research.

Medical devices

The category includes a set of products necessary for the comfortable conduct of diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive measures.


This includes all existing modes of transport. A huge role in the development of this category is played by pressure from environmentalists.


Home appliances should not only perform the main function, but also have an attractive appearance. Items should fit well into the overall interior.

Elements of interior and exterior

Home and office furniture should look organic, so there is a separate direction in the field of industrial developments.

Industrial Design: Universities

Consumer Benefits

All the work of a specialist at the University of Industrial Technology and Design is aimed at the end customer. This has some benefits for the consumer environment. There are several main tasks that can be solved thanks to industrial design:

  • comfortable use in various conditions;
  • convenient service;
  • suitable external data that matches fashion trends;
  • optimal features in terms of functionality.

The development of specialists allows us to determine the main reason for the success of a product. In most cases, the average consumer buys a product that looks decent, easy to use and has a relatively high quality.

University of Industrial Technology and Design

Role in Product Development

Previously, manufacturers thought about design solutions in the last turn. The priority was developed technology, not style and ergonomics. Due to high competition, modern companies are forced to use additional opportunities to take their rightful place in the market.

The result of the specialist’s successful work in creating the product is directly the attractiveness of the product, as well as the satisfaction of the end user. Industrial design is a considerable cost in product development. However, investments are paid back by a price premium for each unit of the manufactured product or by calculating the final profit, taking into account increased demand.

As for the costs, they are not only the cost of the services of specialists. Funds are additionally spent on the implementation of the basic elements of the object, as well as on the conduct of certain studies with long-term development.

Petersburg University of Industrial Technology and Design

The largest educational institution in Russia

To master a useful and well-paid profession will help St. Petersburg University of Industrial Design. In Russia, it is the largest. The educational institution is a multi-level complex. It includes higher schools, educational centers, research institutes and colleges, preparatory faculties.

St. Petersburg University of Industrial Technology and Design is currently implementing more than two hundred educational programs for which more than 15 thousand students are studying. Training is conducted in different forms of training. There is a correspondence system for obtaining knowledge using distance technology.

St. Petersburg University of Industrial Design

In conclusion

To create a sketch, industrial designers should not only be engaged in analytical and artistic activities, but also be able to use modern graphic programs. They allow you to most effectively translate concepts into reality. In fact, there are a lot of applications, but it is recommended to choose from those that are popular among developers.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C3391/

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