How to restore hair after lightening? Restoring hair masks after lightening

Blonde was and will be in fashion, but lightening hair is always fraught with some difficulties. After the procedure, the hair often becomes dry and naughty - she needs care. Therefore, many women are wondering about how to restore hair after lightening.

You can always contact a professional and sign up for several salon treatments. But hair restoration after lightening is possible at home. So what tools can I use? How to care for damaged curls? The answers to these questions will be interesting.

How to use restoring hair masks after lightening? General rules

How to restore hair after lightening

Since ancient times, beauties from all over the world have successfully used traditional medicine for treatment, rejuvenation, skin and hair care. And to this day, numerous recipes for masks have been preserved, which will surely provide your curls with care, nutrition and hydration.

Hair restoration after lightening is possible - expensive procedures are not necessary for this. But proceeding to the "home therapy", you need to familiarize yourself with some rules.

  • Masks on the hair should be kept for 30-120 minutes. Use a shower cap or cling film to fix hair and avoid contamination. To achieve maximum effect, it is better to wrap your head with a terry towel.
  • The procedures are repeated 2-3 times a week. The course of such home therapy should last at least 3 months - this is the only way to achieve a noticeable and, most importantly, lasting effect.
  • Every 1.5-3 weeks, the recipes of the used masks need to be changed.
  • To rinse blond hair after the mask, you need to use a nettle broth or warm water with lemon juice.

Kefir mask

How to restore hair after lightening? A simple but incredibly useful product, kefir, will help you in this matter. It contains useful proteins, amino acids and fats that moisturize the strands, make them soft and lush, return a natural healthy glow.

Using kefir is simple - you just need to apply it to the hair, rub it into the scalp with massaging movements. The locks are then fixed on the crown, covered with ordinary cling film (or a shower cap), insulated with a towel and left for about an hour. After that, the remaining mask should be washed off using a mild shampoo. By the way, it’s better to take natural kefir for the procedure, since there is hardly a sufficient amount of nutrients in the composition of the store product.

Effective aloe mask

Hair restoration after lightening

How to restore hair after lightening? After chemical exposure, the curls need nutrition. This is exactly what aloe oil provides them with. It’s easy to cook. You only need to take one part of the following components:

  • honey (it is important to choose a natural product);
  • castor oil (available at the pharmacy);
  • fresh aloe juice.

All components must be mixed in a clean, dry container. The resulting homogeneous mixture is applied first to the scalp, and then to the hair, distributing along the entire length. It is better to cover the head with a shower cap so that the mask does not drain onto the neck and face. Wash off the remnants of the product after half an hour. Hair after the procedure must be rinsed with a nettle broth.

Nourishing Glycerin Mask

Masks for bleached hair

Perhydrol, as you know, dries curls. How to repair damaged hair after lightening? This will help you nourishing mask of glycerin, which, incidentally, protects and moisturizes hair. The list of necessary products looks like this:

  • 60 g of glycerin;
  • tablespoon;
  • raw egg yolk.

We lay out the ingredients of the mask in a container, mix thoroughly, and then put on a small fire. For several minutes, warm up the mask. As soon as the mixture cools down to a temperature comfortable for the skin, it is applied to the scalp and curls. Cover the head with plastic wrap, wrap with a towel. The mask should remain on the hair for two hours, after which its residues can be washed off.

Green clay express mask

How to restore hair after clarification with clay

How to quickly restore hair after lightening? You can use green clay to make a mask. The list of ingredients is small:

  • a teaspoon of clay (it can be found in a pharmacy or cosmetics store);
  • a teaspoon of mustard powder;
  • the same amount of olive oil (can be replaced with ordinary castor oil).

First you need to thoroughly mix all the components to obtain a slurry of a uniform consistency (make sure that the clay does not slide into lumps). Gently spread the resulting mixture over the entire length of the hair. Wash off the rest of the product after 10 minutes. After the first procedure, you can enjoy the shiny, smooth and soft curls.

Vegetable oils and herbs

How to quickly restore hair after lightening

Do not forget about medicinal plants. Regular rinsing with decoctions of sage, thyme, burdock root and oak bark will make your curls strong, smooth and shiny. Preparing a “medicine” is simple - you just need to pour 2-3 tablespoons of plant material 1.5 liters of boiling water, let it brew for 20 minutes and strain. Therapeutic hair conditioner is ready.

You can restore curls after exposure to perhydrol using vegetable oils. For example, burdock oil is considered useful, which not only nourishes and strengthens the strands, but is also used to combat hair loss. It must be applied to dirty roots and kept under a plastic cap for 1-2 hours.

Curls can be processed with castor, olive, peach and almond oil. Avocado oil is considered beneficial. These products can be used both separately and in combination.

Vitamins for hair

If you are interested in the question of how to restore hair after lightening, then do not forget that your hair needs vitamins.

These products can be applied directly to damaged strands. In any pharmacy you can buy an oil solution of vitamins E and A. They need to be applied to the hair roots, carefully rubbing into the scalp.

1-2 times a year, experts recommend preventive courses of vitamin therapy. In the pharmacy you can buy special complexes containing B vitamins, as well as minerals that are so useful for hair, like calcium and zinc.

How to restore hair after clarification by professional means?

If the situation with the hair is critical, then it is better to consult a specialist. Many beauty salons and cosmetology centers offer a lot of firming procedures that will help curls to recover and create much-needed protection.

  • Biolamination - during the procedure, the hair is covered with a protective layer of cellulose, as a result of which it becomes silky, shiny and more resistant to environmental factors.
  • The famous cosmetology company "Loreal" has released a professional tool "Botox" for hair. It is not worth using it yourself - it is better to entrust the hair to a specialist. During the procedure, a special solution is applied to the curls, which fills each hair with nutrients, vitamins, keratin and completely restores its structure.

General rules for the care of damaged hair

How to repair damaged hair after lightening

Even the most expensive professional and home-made medications will not help restore hair after lightening, if you do not provide the strands with appropriate care.

  • In the first few days it is contraindicated to use hair dryers, curling irons, irons and other hair styling tools. By the way, they should not be abused in any case, since the strands from such an impact become brittle and weak.
  • To comb your hair you need to use wooden combs or brushes made of natural materials. Plastic and metal combs damage curls.
  • In winter, you should not give up the headgear - it protects not only the ears, but also the hair. Hair does not like low temperatures.
  • From time to time, dry, split ends of the hair need to be cut.

Following such simple rules will help preserve the strength and beauty of your curls.


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