Hats with a fur pompom: photos, models, what to wear

Fashion is amazing and changeable, so it often becomes unrealistic to comply with numerous trends. Those details of the wardrobe that seemed unacceptable several years ago are now at the peak of popularity. These with full confidence include hats with a fur pompom, which are worn not only by young creatures, but also by elegant adult ladies, without looking comical at the same time. The main secret of success is to choose the model that suits a particular woman, and choose what to combine with.

Youth hat with pompom


Women's hats with a fur pompom are wide in variety, this concerns the colors, the material from which the original jewelry is made, and the style of the headgear. At the peak of popularity, these models are now:

  • A toe cap, elongated and decorated with a rounded “tail”, most often matching in tone with the main color. But you can meet contrasting options.
  • A stocking cap, an even more elongated model that is ideal for young fans of street casual style.
  • Cap. It is these hats that are most often decorated with fur pom-poms of various sizes, from modest miniature to lush, almost head in diameter. The headpiece has a triangular cut, can be knitted with a large viscous.

Very often hats with a fur pompom are worn in a duet with a scarf of the same color and knitting, the ends of which are decorated with funny fluffy "circles", but some fashionistas refuse such a standard combination in favor of playing with flowers. They boldly combine black or white headdress with a bright scarf.

Stylish hat with pompom


For the manufacture of hats with fur pompons, a variety of materials are used, first of all, wool. In such a headdress, any frost is not terrible, and the addition of synthetic acrylic fiber can increase its wear resistance. Elegant cashmere hats look very nice, in addition, they are surprisingly pleasant to the touch.

The main decoration of the headdress is made from various types of fur:

  • A rabbit.
  • Silver fox.
  • Foxes.
  • Arctic fox.
  • Raccoon.

Faux fur is also used. Models with long fur and a kind of “tail” look original and bold, but they are difficult to attribute to the number of hats with a pompom.


Girls who choose hats with a fur pompom, in most cases are not limited to this decoration, but choose a hat that has shiny rhinestones, an original inscription, more often - related to the tastes of a particular young person (for example, “Cool”, “ Best "," Kitty "). Also, as an additional finish, a picture can be used.

The most daring beauties stop at hats with two large pom-poms that look really extravagant.

Funny hat with two pompons

Sometimes these options are complemented by a stylized finish that gives them a resemblance to the faces of cats, pandas and chanterelles - now such funny hats are very popular among young people.


Children's hats with a fur pompom are very diverse in color. They are not only familiar to many white or black universal tones, but are often made in bright colors: sunny yellow, turquoise, green, red, fuchsia, orange shades. No less bright is the fur pompom. Such shades will become a contrasting spot on a snow-white background and will improve the mood for both the child and his parents.

Baby in a hat with a pompom

For adults, the options are more strict, most often there are white, cinnamon, beige and black hats with a pompon in tone or natural color.


When drawing up a harmonious image, it is important to think about what to wear a women's hat with a fur pompom. The most successful option is a down jacket, while the headgear should be of a strict shade, combining with or contrasting with outer clothing, but suitable for one of the accessories (scarf, mittens) or shoes. It is better to use no more than 3-4 colors when compiling the image, the only way to avoid bad taste.

No less interesting is the cap with a pompom paired with a short jacket. For example, you can safely put on a snow-white plain hat and the same mittens to outerwear of a delicate mint color, you will get a very fresh winter look.

Bright winter hats with a fur pompom look beautiful - blue, red, green - worn together with a plain coat. In this case, other accents should be abandoned, and the image will turn out catchy. Large-knit models with one-color large fur ornaments that can be worn with jackets and down jackets look especially good on girls.

When dressing your child, you can safely experiment with flowers, since in childhood bright colors are not only acceptable, but even welcome.

Hat in delicate colors.

Secrets of a Successful Choice

For a knitted hat with a fur pompom to look the most successful and become a real decoration for its owner, it is necessary to choose it correctly, taking into account the features of your appearance. First of all, the model largely depends on the shape of the face:

  • Options "stocking" and "sock" are perfect chubby.
  • Owners of an oval or rectangular face are better to try on several options for models with a lapel.
  • Disguises the imperfections of a triangular face will help takes with a small pomponom.

Miniature girls should not buy a product with a huge fur pompom or two “fluffies”, the best option for them is a modest neat “circle”. But the tall and slender girl is almost unlimited in choice. When buying a baby hat with a fur pompom, you should definitely take into account the taste of the baby, if he doesn’t like the hat, then the child will hate every fresh air.

Original hats will not only allow you to look good in the winter and create a large number of harmonious images, but also help to improve the mood with your funny fur pompoms.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C3392/

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