Colorless hair dye: review, instruction and reviews

Hair coloring with ammonia negatively affects their condition. But the fair sex usually perform the procedure if there are gray-haired locks or to change the image. How to improve the condition of curls without expensive professional services? A great choice would be colorless hair dye. Its effect and use are described in our article.

general information

Colorless hair dye is a tool that does not include ammonia, which destroys the structure of curls. As a result, the strands acquire smoothness and luster, as after an expensive lamination procedure. Due to the substances that are present in the colorless mixture, a polymer film appears on the hair, which prevents dehydration and promotes the nutrition of curls.

colorless hair dye

Almost all manufacturers producing such a hair dye mark it with the tone 00. Since the composition contains no harmful components, it can be used by people with sensitive scalp, pregnant and lactating women. According to reviews, many women have already appreciated the excellent effect of such products.

Beneficial features

Regular use of colorless hair dye heals them, makes them voluminous and beautiful. To eliminate cosmetic defects, a regenerating cream mask will be a salvation. Useful properties of products include:

  1. The film that appears on the hairs protects against dehydration.
  2. The strands become shiny and resilient.
  3. The volume of curls increases.
  4. The tips will not flake.
  5. Hair will be protected from the harmful effects of the environment - moisture, UV radiation, chapping.
colorless hair dye reviews

This method of caring for strands is considered a budget type of lamination, since the effect of using both means is similar. According to reviews, colorless hair dye is convenient to use.


Not all people have healthy and thick curls. Due to improper nutrition, insufficient care, regular staining, their condition worsens. Colorless paint should be used in the following cases:

  1. The tool is used to enhance the effect after lamination, shielding, restoring masks.
  2. Products restore strands after standard staining. Hair gains shine and softness.
  3. Since the curls are protected from destruction, it is recommended to use the emulsion before visiting the beach or solarium.
colorless hair dye for shine

In these cases, the procedure for such staining will positively affect the condition of the curls, with them their appearance and structure improves. It can be done for different types of hair.

Application rules

Judging by the reviews, such paint can be used at home. To do this, just read the instructions for its use. How to use colorless hair dye? A restorative emulsion is applied to the head in the same way as regular paint, but with some features:

  1. Before using cream-paint, the hair should be washed to eliminate natural fat, which will interfere with the absorption of valuable components. Then the reconstituting mixture is diluted according to the instructions.
  2. The emulsion must be evenly distributed over the strands and left for the time specified by the manufacturer on the package.
  3. Coloring is done with a soft bristle brush.
  4. After application, the curls should be combed with a wooden scallop.
  5. Then the product must be washed off, but without shampoo.
  6. A balm is applied to clean curls and after 5-7 minutes the hair is washed with warm water.

After the procedure, the curls acquire smoothness and luster, as after elution. Staining should be done 1 time every 3-4 weeks, as with ordinary cream paint.

colorless hair dye how to use

Best paint

Before you buy a product for the shine of curls, you need to familiarize yourself with the rating of manufacturers who have the most popular products.

  1. Estel Essex Correct. It is an effective remedy for dyed and weak hair. In the emulsion there are components that can slightly lighten the tone of the strands. According to reviews, the colorless hair dye "Estelle" improves the condition of curls, making them shiny.
  2. Loreal Richesse Clear. With the cream-paint, the acid balance of the hairs is normalized, and due to the presence of a cationic polymer, the hair cuticle is restored. Thanks to these components, the strands become smooth and elastic. Colorless hair dye "Loreal" is easy to use and affordable.
  3. Matrix Color Seanc Clear. The tool fixes the result after dyeing the hair, making them silky and obedient. It has ceramides that repair damaged and porous strands. According to reviews, the colorless hair dye "Matrix" allows you to get an excellent result - improving the appearance and condition of curls.
colorless hair dye "Matrix" reviews

To provide strands of nutrition and protection, periodically use restorative means or carry out salon procedures. An excellent replacement would be colorless hair dye for shine, which has a healing effect.


Colorless paint is combined with standard. After its use, harm to curls is minimal. The product can be used after ordinary staining to protect and fix the color. The native shade is also perfectly preserved, so many cosmetologists advise you to perform the procedure before traveling to the sea. In this case, there will be no bleached, burned-out curls.

This paint is normally combined with shampoos, creams, balms, conditioners. She lets her hair breathe. After treatment, you can use firming masks. Nutrient components will easily penetrate the protective film.

Trichologists do not recommend choosing cheap paints. Some manufacturers save on composition, using cheap instead of expensive components. As a result, hair can take on an unexpected, albeit insignificant, tone. To get the result, the composition should be kept on the head for the time specified in the instructions. If you wash off the paint after 10 minutes, the effect will be subtle. Do not rinse with shampoo.

Colorless henna

Colorless henna is a natural product that includes many valuable ingredients. That is why there is a positive effect on the hair and scalp. This tool has in its composition:

  • Chrysophanol - eliminates fungi, microbes.
  • Emodin - allows you to get a natural shine.
  • Carotene - eliminates split ends.
  • Betaine - performs natural hydration.
  • Zeaxanthin - protects against hair loss.
  • Routine - strengthens hair follicles.
  • Fisalen - eliminates dandruff.
colorless henna

The paint produced by pharmaceutical companies is similar in appearance to a conventional dyeing agent. Products can be diluted with a fixing agent before application. Such procedures do not interfere with air exchange.

How to use henna

This product is suitable for oily and normal hair. If they are dry, then apply only to the roots. This is an effective method of healing, strengthening, treating curls. The product restores the strands, improves their growth, volume. In addition, with its help dandruff, inflammation of the skin are eliminated, protection against harmful factors is provided.

The product is able to penetrate into the hair and restore cell structure. If you use it regularly, then such changes occur:

  • Blood circulation improves.
  • The work of the sebaceous glands is normalized.
  • The flow of oxygen to the roots and strands is activated.
  • Hair bulbs are restored.

Henna staining does not change hair color. The exceptions are blondes. On light curls after using the product, a yellow or green tint may appear. For 3 days after the procedure, do not paint the strands with chemicals - the paint will stain. Excellent results are obtained when using henna for masks.

To achieve an excellent effect, you need to follow the rules:

  1. Quality water is needed.
  2. Wash your hair thoroughly.
  3. The composition is applied to wet curls.
  4. The tool is rubbed into the roots.
  5. The mass must be distributed along the length.
  6. Head wrapped in cellophane and a towel.
  7. Keep on fair hair for 30 minutes, and on dark - 1 hour.
  8. Rinse off before removing the henna particles.
  9. Procedures are performed every 15 days.
colorless hair dye "Loreal"

Masks are easy to perform. You need to dilute 100 g of henna in hot water (300 ml is required). If the hair is dull, a spoonful of almond oil is added. To accelerate growth, you need old kefir (2 tablespoons) and few beats (5 drops). The following components will be required from prolapse:

  • Henna - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Castor - 1 tbsp. a spoon.
  • Olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Peach oil - 1 tbsp. a spoon.

The components are poured with boiling water to get a creamy consistency. The use of colorless henna in masks restores hair after exposure to chemical paint. To do this, mix henna (1 package) with yolks (2 pcs.) And cottage cheese (3 tablespoons). Lemon juice (2 tablespoons) is added to the composition.


Women report using colorless hair dye is effective. You can buy the product in any store where similar products are sold. A similar instruction is attached to the paint, so it is very easy to breed and use it. It is enough to carry out the procedures regularly. And then the curls will always have a healthy and attractive look. Almost all women report such a result in their reviews.


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