Compresses for angina at home: effective recipes

Compress with sore throat is as effective as inhalation, rinsing and resorption of propolis. However, this procedure must be carried out with extreme caution, otherwise you can get a burn, increase body temperature, thereby causing complications. In this article we will tell you whether compresses are effective for tonsillitis and whether they can be done.

The benefits of the procedure

Sore throat is a disease caused by an infection. Treatment of such an ailment should be comprehensive so that subsequently there are no relapses. Compress is included in the general list of techniques to get rid of a sore throat.

What does the procedure give:

  1. It has a sedative property, that is, it calms the excited nerve endings, relaxes the muscles and relieves inflammation.
  2. Improves the blood circulation process.
  3. Causes mild local sweating, causing the lymphatic system to work. As you know, pathogens come out through sweat.
  4. Muscle and blood vessels are relaxed locally.
  5. Painful sensations in the area of ​​the pharyngeal ring pass, it becomes possible to eat and drink without discomfort.
    Compress against sore throat for children

What is needed

Do compresses for sore throat? The answer is yes. Only before carrying out this procedure, it is necessary to carefully prepare:

  • Take a cotton cloth long enough to wrap it around your neck.
  • Prepare a woolen or flannel fabric (such as a scarf) to cover the first layer of the compress.
  • Safety pin for securely attaching tissue to the throat.
  • You can use polyethylene or cling film to achieve maximum effect.
  • If you don’t find a safety pin, just tie the ends of the scarf together.

Precautionary measures

  1. Compress with angina can not be performed if the patient has a fever.
  2. Try not to touch the thyroid gland.
  3. Never use too hot or cold water so as not to cause complications.
  4. Apply compresses every 8 hours, allowing the skin to rest for at least 1 hour. After the procedure, when the tissue is removed, the throat must be dried with a soft towel.
  5. Do not wind the fabric too tight so that the process does not cause suffocation.
  6. Consult with your doctor if after a compress it gets worse or no improvement comes.

Salt compress for angina

This procedure perfectly warms the throat, and it is not necessary to use alcohol for it. It can be used in two forms:

  1. Dry method. Prepare a pouch of cotton so that ordinary table salt can be poured there. Do not forget to prepare a scarf and several more layers of any fabric so that this compress does not burn the skin, but only pleasantly warms the throat. Take half a glass of salt, put it in a dry frying pan and heat until it starts to heat. Please note that salt should not blacken. Pour it into a cloth bag and then evenly distribute. Attach to the throat, fix with a scarf. If you feel a burning sensation on the skin, then remove the compress and put more tissue under it.
  2. Solution. Take 1 liter of water and dilute 1/3 cup of salt in it. Dampen a cloth in the solution, wring it slightly, and then gently attach it to the neck. Fix the compress with polyethylene or cling film, and then cover with a scarf.
    Salt compress for angina

Alcohol or vinegar?

Since compresses for sore throats should warm you, many use alcohol or ordinary vodka, which is diluted with water. Do the same with vinegar in a ratio of 1: 1. For example, if you take 50 ml of water, add at least 40-50 ml of alcohol to it.

Apple cider vinegar for angina

A cotton or tissue swab is wetted in the resulting solution, which could completely cover the patient’s neck. So that such a compress with sore throat does not dry out and does not cool, it is covered with cling film or an ordinary plastic bag, and fixed with a woolen scarf on top. This will keep warm and the patient will receive maximum benefit.

Cabbage with honey

This is another popular compress recipe for sore throat at home. To make it, you will need 1 shallow bowl, boiling water, cabbage leaves (2-3 pieces), honey not candied. Stages of manufacturing a compress for angina:

  • Take the cabbage leaves and dip them in boiling water for a few minutes, so that they become soft and it is more convenient for them to wrap the throat.
  • Remove them from the water, dry them slightly with a napkin or towel.
  • Spread a thin layer of honey. If your bee product is sugared, then first place it in a steam bath.
  • Apply a cabbage compress so that the honey touches the skin.
  • Wrap polyethylene around your neck to create a vapor effect.
  • Fix the compress with a woolen scarf.

From vinegar and raw potatoes

Take 1 large root vegetable, rinse under running water, removing adhering dirt. Grate the potatoes in a deep bowl on a fine grater, and then add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar.

Throat Apple Cider Vinegar

To prepare a compress, you need to cut a large piece of gauze, evenly distribute the resulting mixture of potatoes and vinegar on the surface, and then curl it up. Attach to the neck and wrap with a film so that this procedure can remove the inflammatory process and swelling.

Alcohol with essential oils

Many people ask: can you make a vodka compress with angina by adding a little herbal essence there? Of course you can! Yes, and to prepare such a tool will not be so difficult:

Vodka Essential Oils
  1. Dilute vodka or alcohol in warm boiled water (ratio - 1: 1).
  2. Put in the resulting solution the essential oil of eucalyptus, juniper, lavender or pine.
  3. Cut a piece of fabric.
  4. Blot it in an alcohol solution.
  5. Attach to the neck without affecting the area of ​​the thyroid gland, and then wrap with tape.

Attention! In no case should you use this method if the patient has too sensitive skin. Otherwise, you may encounter an allergic reaction, such as hyperemia (redness), itching, rash. If you decide to make a compress from vodka to the throat with a sore throat for a child, then change the ratio of alcohol to water (1: 2). For example, if you take 50 ml of liquid, then add 25 ml of vodka. But this procedure must be done very carefully!

From brown bread

Such a folk recipe was often used in small villages, where the nearest pharmacies were located 5-10 kilometers away. It is ideal for both adults and children. How to make such a compress:

  1. Take a loaf of brown bread, cut off the crust, and put off the pulp - it will not be useful for this procedure.
  2. Prepare gauze and a scarf for the future compress.
  3. Soak the brown bread in boiling water, wait until it gets wet, and then transfer it to the cooked cloth.
  4. Take your time, because the compress should cool slightly so as not to burn the delicate skin on the neck. You can check on your hand by putting gauze with bread on your wrist and wait a bit. If the compress starts to burn and it is unpleasant to warm, then let it cool further.
  5. So that the heat does not go away, it is important to use a cling film, but since it was not there before, it was just that every 20-30 minutes the compress was changed to a new one.

Aloe to the rescue

This compress is recommended only for adults, as it contains a large amount of alcohol. Before carrying out this procedure, it is necessary to consult with a specialist.

Aloe against sore throat

Compress Recipe:

  1. Take 1-2 branches of aloe, chop with a blender or grate on a fine grater. Squeeze the juice using cheesecloth.
  2. Place pre-heated vodka and honey in a bowl. The main thing is that these ingredients should not be hot, but warm!
  3. Mix with aloe juice, and then cut the fabric or cheesecloth into several layers.
  4. Stir our compress mix thoroughly. Then moisten the prepared cloth with it.
  5. Attach to the neck, insulate with a film and a towel.
  6. You need to keep such a compress from 2-3 hours or more. It all depends on the preferences and comfort of the patient.
  7. The ratio of ingredients is 1: 2: 3 (aloe juice, honey, vodka). For children, their number can be changed.

Garlic with laundry soap

To prepare this compress, you will have to try a little. Take laundry soap, cut the fourth part, and then grind with a fine grater. Please note that it should not be too soft, it is better to use a new bar, not loose from moisture.

Garlic and Laundry Soap

Squeeze 2 garlic cloves into the resulting chips: drive them through a press or use a grater. Mix thoroughly, and then evenly distribute the pulp over the gauze, folded in several layers.

Before putting a compress, it is necessary to lubricate the skin with a fat baby cream, since the soap contains alkali and can dry very much. Instead of regular cream, you can use any vegetable oil. Do not hold the compress for more than 4 hours!

From boiled potatoes

Another simple recipe for a compress. Boil a few tubers in their skins. Finished potatoes, without peeling, chop with a blender or rolling pin. Allow to cool slightly, and then evenly distribute over cheesecloth, folded in several layers. Fix the compress on the throat. Do not hold it for long, enough 20-40 minutes until the mashed potatoes slowly cools. Repeat this procedure every 2 hours, no more than 3 times.

Compresses are a simple and popular method of getting rid of a sore throat. However, this procedure must be carried out carefully, otherwise complications, allergic reactions and skin burns can be caused. It is recommended to consult a specialist to choose the best remedy against sore throats, as well as to check for an allergic reaction. This is especially true for parents who decide to treat this disease in children with compresses.


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