Blue screen error 116: what to do? Fix error 0x00000116 in Windows 7

In your daily work, have you ever encountered a situation where, for no reason, the system that is called “crashes” at the most inopportune moment or begins to be naughty at the boot stage, and it also displays the so-called blue screen of death with an error of 116 (in full version displays the stop code 0x00000116)? Many ordinary users are unable to explain this behavior of the operating system. In addition, not everyone clearly understands what can be done to eliminate this failure. Let's try to find out the main reasons for its occurrence and consider a few simple solutions that will correct the situation.

Failure with the 0x00000116 stop code in Windows 7: what is it and what are the reasons for its appearance?

It is immediately worth noting that the seventh modification of Windows will be considered solely as an example, since in other versions of these OSs the appearance of such an error cannot be completely excluded. Among the error codes of the blue screen of death in Windows 7, the described failure is one of the most common, and its appearance is most often associated with the following factors:

  • overheating of overclocked equipment (most often a graphics adapter);
  • violations in the operation of video card drivers, their partial damage or absence;
  • the presence on the hard disk of errors and bad sectors;
  • problems with RAM;
  • exposure to virus threats and incorrect functioning of antivirus software.

Error 0x00000116 in Windows 7: how to fix a crash? BIOS Prerequisites

First you need to identify a failed component, which is usually indicated directly on the screen immediately after the stop code. In the case of a graphics adapter or some other equipment, a link to some SYS file, which is a driver of a non-working device, may be displayed. For example, if the atikmpag.sys object is specified, you can say with absolute certainty that this problem relates to the ATI Radeon graphics accelerator. But for a full understanding of the problem, it is better to use a special utility called Blue Screen View, which gives the most complete picture of what is happening and is able to recognize absolutely all known error codes of the blue screen of death of Windows 7 or other versions of the system.

Now let's fix the problems. First of all, regardless of whether the overclocking of the graphic or central processor was performed, when you turn on the computer or laptop, you need to go into the primary BIOS settings and completely reset the parameters to factory settings (set by default).

BIOS reset

Most often, this item has a name like Load Setup Defaults or something like that. After saving the options (F10 + Y), an automatic reboot will be performed, after which it will be possible to see if the performed action gave the desired effect.

Problems of viruses and antiviruses

Unfortunately, a blue screen with an error of 116 may also appear due to exposure to viruses. Apparently, everyone knows about this. But the appearance of this failure due to incorrect operation of antivirus software is considered by many to be nonsense. Alas, as practice shows, the free Avast antivirus, even updated to the Internet Security modification, is capable of causing such an error. In general, somewhat distracting from the main topic, it should be noted that it is precisely this antivirus that has noticed the most number of problems. Not only does he simply ignore many threats, he also very often gives false positives, deleting important user files and programs.

Thus, in order to eliminate the appearance of a blue screen with an error of 116, two main solutions are suggested.

Kaspersky Rescue Disk antivirus settings

First of all, you need to completely check the system for viruses, using bootable media with the Kaspersky Rescue Disk antivirus package.

The second option involves the complete removal of the antivirus, which can be done by loading the computer device in safe mode, or by rolling it back to its initial state. True, the rollback raises legitimate doubts, since there is absolutely no guarantee that the upgrade will not be automatically installed again. It’s best to just remove the antivirus and replace it with something more sensible. For example, you can install some software product from ESET and update it by entering special codes every 30 days. Inconvenient? Yes! But the security of the system and the absence of errors associated with the functioning of this software are guaranteed to be one hundred percent.

Uninstall graphics driver drivers and update actions

However, as you might have guessed, the main problem with the appearance of failures with the STOP: 0x00000116 code is the graphics adapter, since it plays one of the main roles in providing visualization of the information displayed on the screen of a stationary computer monitor or laptop. To fix problems, its driver must either be reinstalled or updated. But sometimes the usual installation of a new control software on top of an existing desired effect may not give.

Driver Sweeper

Therefore, you first need to completely get rid of the old drivers, using tools such as Driver Sweeper or Display Driver Uninstaller for this. For discrete cards, it is advisable to uninstall related software like PhysX from NVIDIA or Catalyst from ATI.

Along the way, you should pay attention to recently installed updates. It's no secret that incomplete updates are in Windows 7 and can provoke a blue screen on the computer.

Removing Windows Updates

Such operations can be performed in the standard section for viewing installed updates, or use special uninstallers like iObit Uninstaller for this. But in any case, when a failed package is detected, it must be excluded from the installation list when searching for available updates again. To do this, you can use the small program Show or hide updates, which was once developed by Microsoft Corporation.

Note: if the system does not boot, all operations will need to be performed in Safe Start Safe Mode, which is selected from the boot menu (F8).

Installing New Graphics Card Drivers

As further steps that can prevent the appearance of a blue screen with an error of 116, you can advise you to install the original drivers and related software that are on the removable media that came with the purchase of the video card or computer. Also, the option to download them from the official website of the manufacturer looks good. A more advanced method is the use of automated applications like Driver Booster, for which, however, you need to have a stable Internet connection.

Clean installation of NVIDIA graphics card drivers

In the case of installing the managing director through special utilities from the manufacturer itself, it is desirable to perform a “clean” installation.

Check disk for bad sectors

Another fairly common problem with the appearance of a blue screen with error 116 is the presence of critical errors and bad sectors on the hard disk. Again, to start the test, it is better to boot the system in Safe Mode. However, if such a start option is not possible, you can use a boot disk or flash drive, call the command console and perform a check by entering the chkdsk / f / r (or / x / f / r) command . The standard test may also not give a result, therefore, if you have any utility for checking the disk that can be written to bootable media (for example, TestDisk), it is better to use it.

RAM Testing

Finally, it does not hurt to check the RAM levels. For this, standard methods are best avoided.

Memtest86 + RAM Checker

The best solution would be testing with the most powerful utility Memtest86 / 86 +. But if there is nothing at hand, you can determine the non-working component on your own, alternately removing the slats and slots on the motherboard. System boot in normal mode and will indicate that a bad bar is found. It will have to be replaced.

Physical equipment malfunctions

If the above methods are not able to identify or fix the malfunction, check the operation of the equipment itself. In particular, special attention should be paid to the possible overheating of the graphics card and central processor.

Checking the temperature in the AIDA64 program

You can use programs like AIDA64 to get this information. If problems are found, it will be necessary to adjust or replace the cooling system, and in some cases even the power supply. Programmed cooling adjustment is best done using the SpeedFan utility.


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