Taishet aluminum smelter: construction, production, contacts

Taishet Aluminum Smelter (RUSAL) is a metallurgical enterprise under construction in the Irkutsk region. According to the business plan, after commissioning, it will become the third largest aluminum smelter in the country. New technologies will be used here that will minimize the harm to the environment.

Taishet aluminum smelter

Creation Background

Southern Siberia is the richest region with not fully developed natural reserves and industrial potential. Since the days of the Soviet Union, powerful mining, processing and manufacturing enterprises have been operating here. A well-developed scientific cluster.

Considering the accumulated experience in implementing large-scale projects, the possibilities of construction and installation organizations and the availability of highly qualified personnel, the RUSAL group of companies decided to create from scratch a modern metallurgical plant in the city of Taishet. It is designed to become one of the leaders in the industry, becoming an example of a high-tech enterprise with a high production culture.


Energy is life

After the commissioning of the Boguchanskaya hydroelectric power station in the region there was an excess of energy capacity. Accordingly, favorable conditions have been created for the implementation of projects using cheaper electricity. Since electricity is used instead of hydrocarbon fuel for aluminum smelting, the launch of the BoHPP has become an important prerequisite for the construction of the Taishet aluminum plant near the power plant.

Also an important role in choosing a site for construction is played by proximity to Asian countries. China, Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asian countries are the largest consumers of aluminum in the world. Given the developed transport network, UC RUSAL will be able to significantly increase the export of metal and products based on it to the Pacific region.

From project to implementation

The idea of ​​building an aluminum plant near the Boguchanskaya hydroelectric power station was in the Soviet era. However, the construction of the facility was delayed. It took nearly 40 years to complete the large-scale project. By the way, it was RUSAL together with RusHydro who participated in the completion and launch of the power station in 2012.

Even at the design stage of the Taishet aluminum smelter, the company firmly decided to introduce the most advanced technological solutions into production. According to the development program of the Lower Angara region, the enterprise should not only provide the population with jobs, and the budget with taxes. An important task is not to upset the fragile ecological balance of the richest natural region. The technologies used are designed to significantly reduce emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere, and complex hydrotreatment systems - to prevent the ingress of toxins into water and soil.

RUSAL Taishet aluminum smelter

Problems and Solutions

Taishet aluminum smelter (TaAZ) is an expensive project; billions of dollars are required for its implementation. Construction began in 2007, and in 2011 it was planned to get the first metal. However, the company was faced with a lack of its own funds to continue work, and the construction of the complex slowed down.

According to official figures, more than 60 main and auxiliary production facilities have been built and continue to be built. There is a mobile concrete plant. The first start-up complex is 30% ready; at the moment, equipment is being supplied and installed. To search for finances, RUSAL turned to investors, in particular, the China Development Bank. He shows interest in the project and RusHydro. According to reports, by 2016 the company has invested about $ 700 million of its own funds. To complete the construction will require the same amount. There is no doubt that the enterprise will be built, as this is in the interests of the company, the country, and the consumers.

Taishet aluminum smelter contacts


Taishet aluminum smelter is designed for the annual production of 750,000 tons of valuable metal. More than 3,000 people will find new jobs here. Initially, employees of the current Krasnoyarsk, Sayan and Bratsk factories belonging to RUSAL will be involved in the enterprise. In the future, the backbone of the team will be the best graduates of technical universities in Siberia.

Initially, TaAZ will consist of four main workshops:

  • electrolysis (4 cases);
  • energy (1 building);
  • foundry (1 building);
  • anode (1 case).

The highlight of the enterprise and its “locomotive” are the unique electrolyzers of the RA-400T model. They are one of the most powerful, environmentally friendly and energy efficient in the world. One such installation is capable of smelting up to 3000 kg of aluminum per day. By the way, the RA-400T is the brainchild of the RUSAL Engineering and Technology Center.

During the construction of the plant, close attention is paid to environmental problems. The project has been comprehensively evaluated by interested organizations and recognized as environmentally friendly enough. In 2008, FGU Glavgosekspertizy of the Russian Federation issued a positive opinion on the construction. Effective dry gas cleaning systems will be installed at TaAZ; water treatment facilities will be built. In addition, the design of electrolyzers includes a system for automatically feeding alumina, which will reduce the amount of harmful emissions by an order of magnitude.

An important point is the creation of good social conditions for future workers. Not far from Taishet, a new microdistrict will be built, where factory workers and their families will live. The total area of ​​housing will be about 150,000 m 2 . In addition to houses, it is planned to erect various cultural and social objects.

Contacts: Taishet aluminum smelter, 665010, Irkutsk region, Tayshet.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C3394/

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