How to upgrade your laptop as much as possible: step-by-step instructions

Desktop computers have become especially popular now. Despite the fact that they do not have mobility at all, they still remain more profitable devices. Laptops with powerful systems are very expensive, and their cooling system often does not cope with heating. Nevertheless, users are not always able to change the laptop to the computer. Therefore, they are trying to learn how to upgrade a laptop.

What for?

Why, in principle, deal with how to upgrade a laptop? There can be many reasons for this. In fact, it is worthwhile to understand that the system is "aging" not because a lot of time has passed and the components have failed. Most often this happens because programs load for a long time, the operating system takes up more space, sites need more and more time to display their content, etc.

All this happens not only because the components begin to wear out. In many ways, the problem is associated with the rapid development of technology. Resource-intensive programs, high-resolution video, complex games, and multimedia resources appear. Therefore, the old components can not cope with the work, and you need to think about how you can upgrade the laptop.

Gaming laptop

Market situation

It is no secret that most manufacturers produce “disposable” goods. That is, the buyer receives a device that is not easy to improve, and in case of problems you just have to throw it away. This is beneficial for the manufacturer, because the user is going to buy a new gadget. But many would like to get a more versatile device that could be modified or repaired.

More recently, manufacturers have begun to focus on how to improve new models. Of course, each device has its own specifics and modernization, and repair.

Advanced User Tips

In the question of how to upgrade a laptop, many experienced users advise changing it. In fact, it turns out that improving the laptop will not give a big increase in productivity. Therefore, if you really want to make a serious upgrade, it is better to look at the new device models.

Of course, many who think about how to upgrade an Acer laptop or a device of any other company, consider that the improvement is a more budget option. Everything will depend on the laptop model.

In some cases, you can spend more than half the cost of a new laptop, and get not so serious a performance boost. Therefore, it is worthwhile to carefully calculate the costs of new components and remember that upgrading the laptop only for a while will help you forget about the lags of the system.


How do I know if a laptop can be upgraded? This is a very important issue, which largely depends on the model of the device. Most of the older models that were released 5-6 years ago can be modified, but there is a certain risk group.

Each laptop has a repair manual in which the manufacturer explains to the user how to disassemble the laptop.

If the instructions for some reason are not clear, you can find video guides on the Internet. Usually it is easy to understand from them which bolts need to be unscrewed, which covers are easy to remove, where the components are located, etc.

Laptop upgrade

But there are among laptops and those that are practically unsuitable for modernization at home. Most often, such models include tablet, ultrabooks and other similar options. They are almost impossible to improve and even disassemble.

What to improve?

To determine what can be replaced in a laptop, can anyone who at least approximately understands the principle of operation of the device. Otherwise, you will have to carry the laptop to the service center, so that specialists would do it.

But unfortunately, many experts believe that upgrading a laptop is a futile affair, arguing that the manufacturer has already taken care of a balanced hardware-software complex. If the user makes changes on his own, he will only ruin the available parameters.

But in fact, you can wisely come up with a laptop upgrade. The main thing is to carefully study this issue and do everything carefully. Some components will be easy to replace, while others may cause some problems.

You can replace:

  • random access memory;
  • HDD;
  • wireless network module;
  • CPU;
  • video card;
  • display.


So, in the question of how to upgrade an Asus laptop or any other, it is important to understand what is the use and cost of replacing one or another component.

RAM can solve a lot in the performance of the system. Even if you double it, the upgrade will be noticeable. The browser will work faster, and games will not be turned off. Several tasks can be kept active.

RAM replacement

Replacing RAM is a simple and low cost process. To reach it, just unscrew the back cover to see a small module. It is very similar to the one installed on a PC, but more compact. To change it, just pull it out of the special connector and install the purchased one.

On some laptop motherboards, you can install a couple of RAM modules at once. In this case, it is better to purchase the exact same one to the existing RAM so that they work correctly and efficiently.

Changing RAM may not work if you have an ultra-thin laptop or tablet model in which the RAM chips are soldered to the motherboard.

Hard drive or solid state drive

How to upgrade your HP laptop? Almost all models from this manufacturer and laptops of other brands provide the ability to replace HDD or SDD. This is usually necessary when the storage is occupied by personal files and some system files cannot find their place. In this case, the laptop starts to slow down and lag. Of course, this problem can be solved by purchasing an external hard drive, but it is not always convenient and appropriate.

If you want to speed up the system, you need to think about buying an SSD. This will help to make the OS boot instantly, and resource-intensive programs and games will start working faster. But here it is worth considering that not all models have the ability to install a solid state drive.

The process is simple and will not cost a lot of money. But HDD and SDD on a laptop are more expensive than on a PC. Replacing components is also easy. Sometimes you need to remove the entire back cover or find a special compartment under which the rail is installed. The device is bolted with several screws.

There is an option that in an ultrabook the hard drive is hidden so far that it is almost impossible to get to it. In this case, many are trying to figure out whether it is possible to upgrade the laptop. It is undesirable to do this on your own, since components can be damaged during disassembly.

Railway Replacement

In the question about upgrading the laptop's memory, you need to mention the method that enthusiasts found. Since the use of CD-ROMs is now unpopular, and optical drives are practically not used, users have decided to install SDD instead. To do this, remove the drive, buy an adapter and install a solid state drive.

Wireless network

This is the least important component that users are trying to improve. The fact is that not always replacing a module can improve the Internet connection. Usually this should be done if the device has stopped working at all. Although it’s easy to determine that the Wi-Fi module has become worse. To do this, you can check the speed on a smartphone or tablet.

If the problem is really in the component, it is better to look for one of the most recent so as not to complain about the speed and stability of the connection in the near future. In this case, you need to understand the technologies that the router supports. If it is also outdated, you may need to replace it.

Replacing the wireless module

Basically, changing a wireless module is easy. Usually it is also under the back cover. To change it, you do not need to be a specialist in the highest class. Just look carefully at the connectors that are available. Usually the module is screwed in; you also need to disconnect the antennas.

The situation is more complicated if the chip is located next to RAM or a hard drive, it will not be easy to get it.


How to upgrade the Lenovo G700 laptop as much as possible? This model and any other requires a replacement processor. This is the main component that can significantly affect the efficiency of the system.

Of course, a more productive chip will speed up all processes and tasks. But the question is that some devices have a certain limit of capabilities. Therefore, having improved the processor to the very best, you can get a zero result. Most often, almost all laptop owners face this situation. Accordingly, replacing the CPU is unlikely to change anything.

The Lenovo G700 laptop has a removable processor, so in theory you can try to replace it with a more advanced version. But it is worth remembering the "carrying capacity" of the device. Further Intel Core i3 does not make sense to stare. The purchase will cost a pretty penny, and productivity will increase slightly.

In general, in the matter of how to upgrade a Lenovo laptop or any other manufacturer, the main thing is the replacement of the main components. But extremely rare are models that have a removable processor. Therefore, replace it does not work. Although there are no problems with the replacement process itself. It is much more difficult to choose a new chip for the system, so that it opens completely and really gives a performance boost.

CPU Replacement

Video card

Understanding how to upgrade a laptop, you often think about replacing a video card. Many believe that this will solve many problems. On the one hand, they are convinced that they are justified, since both the video card and the processor strongly affect system performance. This is another matter.

It so happened that manufacturers produce several modifications of the same model. Each one costs differently, it all depends on the “filling”. The buyer often has to purchase a cheaper version, and then complain about the state of the system. In this case, you can just try to get components that were in the same, but more expensive laptop. At least in this case there should be no compatibility issues.

To install a new video card in a laptop, you need to understand the system and what is on the motherboard. In this process, you need to completely remove the board from the case and find the place where the graphics adapter is located. Only in this case, start trying to connect a new component.

As mentioned earlier, you need to try only if the model of the laptop had other modifications with more powerful components. Then you can just pick up a normal graphics adapter.

Gaming laptop

On the question of how to upgrade a laptop for games, it is worth noting immediately that there will not be a strong increase in FPS. Although in some cases, users notice the acceleration of the overall system operation not only in games. It all depends on the original power of the device. If your laptop was purchased for working with office programs and on the Internet, there is no point in figuring out how to upgrade a laptop for games.

Laptop internals

If it was originally a gaming machine, then some changes can be made, but they are likely to be minor. In addition, gaming laptops are usually designed for a possible replacement of components, so this issue will be easier to understand.

Also, many are concerned about the question of how to upgrade video memory on a laptop. There are two options: buy a new video card or increase the quality of memory. There are no other options. Therefore, it is necessary to accelerate the frequency of the memory by some software methods.

Of course, some experts may advise you to solder one of the microcircuits, but with a high probability the adapter will break, and still have to buy a new one.

Display replacement

Oddly enough, the laptop upgrade includes a display replacement. Usually, those users who are tired of flicker, glossy surface and low resolution will be happy to accept this option. Then you can think about changing the matrix. The difference with the new screen will be immediately noticeable, so the upgrade is considered extremely useful and necessary.

But whether it will turn out to replace the matrix on its own is another question. This is not easy to do, because you need to remove the cover from the hinges, then remove the matrix from the frame, and then disassemble the rest of the laptop. The last step is necessary in order to be able to turn off the old display and connect the new one to the motherboard.

Display replacement

But it’s more difficult not even to turn off and turn on the screen, but to find out which screen is suitable. Some laptops, whatever one may say, can not cope with a two-channel loop. There may also be problems connecting to the motherboard.

What will have to face?

In the process of upgrading a laptop you will have to face some problems. For example, in the selection of RAM, you need to check the memory frequency supported by the motherboard, otherwise there will be no point in buying a model with acceleration. It will be enough to choose a larger amount of RAM.

The cost of modules for laptops is very high, so many do not see any expediency in this matter. There is also a chance that you will have to buy another cable, since budget laptops are configured for one channel of work. In this case, you will have to spend money again.

When choosing a processor, you should carefully check the compatibility of chips and generations. They must be absolutely identical. The difference can only be in the frequency of the new chip. On a non-native component, overclocking will most likely not work.

Changing the railway, it is better to think only about increasing the volume, since a higher rate can increase the temperature in the case to a greater extent. In buying a video card, support compatibility in BIOS is important. If the laptop supports the MXM standard, then it is possible to use an external graphics accelerator.


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