Mytishchi: population, history of the city, districts, infrastructure, communications, convenience for living, reviews of citizens and visitors

"Mytishchi is a city of dirt and stink." For some reason, the first association that comes to mind. And those who did not love their city invented it. He is really beautiful. A lot of greenery, there are places to relax. All this is combined with modern style and developed infrastructure. Read more about the city of Mytishchi, the population in it, infrastructure, read the article.

Short story

How did the city come about? The first mention of it dates back to 1460. Then there was no city at all. There simply was a commercial river route, and merchants needed to get to this route. And they walked along the territory of the present city dragged. A fee was charged for the passage. Then it was called "wash." And the resulting settlement, respectively, became known as Mytishche. With emphasis on the first syllable. This means the place of collection of washes, as we found out.

In the 19th century, the village of Mytishchi was renamed Big Mytishchi. In the early 1800s, the first Mytishchi-Moscow water supply system was laid here, which is valid to this day.

In the middle of the same century, the first workers' enterprises were organized in the village. In 1861, a railway was laid through Mytishchi. The famous carriage building plant (named after Mamontov) began its work in 1896.

At the beginning of the 20th century, this village became a very popular place among summer residents.

In August 1925, the village of Bolshoye Mytishchi officially assigned city status. And his name from this day is Mytishchi.

In 1932, the city expanded. Perlovka, Taininka, Leonidovka, Rupasovo, Druzhba adjoin it.

What is the population of Mytishchi for 1932? About 23 thousand people.

Geographic location

The urban settlement of Mytishchi is located 19 km from the center of the capital. The city is located in the north-east of Moscow, on the Yauza River. It is considered its satellite city, one of the largest industrial centers. The city has places that are included in the list of cultural heritage. Its borders lie along the Moscow Ring Road, Yaroslavl and Ostashkovsky Highways.

Station bridge

Climatic conditions

What is the population of Mytishchi for 2018? We will talk about this a bit later. Now let's touch on the climatic conditions of the satellite city of Moscow.

The territory belongs to the temperate zone. The average temperature in winter is -10 degrees. In the summer, 20 degrees above zero. The average annual temperature is about +4.5 degrees.

As for the snow cover, it falls around the beginning of November. Active melting begins in mid-April. On average, snow lies in the city for about 150 days.

Prevailing winds: south, southwest and west. The average speed reaches 2.2 m / s. The amount of precipitation reaches 700 mm per year. The average number of days with precipitation is 180.

City infrastructure

This includes industry, transport, life support enterprises.

Perhaps it is worth starting with the industry of the city. Before we talk about it, I would like to note that the population of the city of Mytishchi has increased significantly in recent years. More accurate data will come later. In the meantime, back to the main industrial sector. This is engineering. The largest metro car factory in Russia is operating in Mytishchi. In addition to wagons, dump trucks and trailers are manufactured here.

Plants such as Priborostroitelny Zavod, which produce special vehicles, operate on the territory of the city, and Mosstroiplastmass specializes in the manufacture of plastic products and the production of synthetic resins. There is a food industry, for example Mytishchi dairy plant and a plant for the production of instant coffee. And of course, the well-known brewery located in the city cannot be ignored.

As for transport, in Mytishchi organized bus service between the settlements of the district. Shuttle buses. As mentioned above, there is a railway connecting Moscow with the cities of the Yaroslavl direction. In 2019, it is planned to build a metro and extend the orange branch of the Moscow metro.

Three entrances were created for motorists: from the Yaroslavl and Ostashkovskoye highways, as well as to Trudovaya Street from the outer ring of the Moscow Ring Road.

Railway connection of the city


The population of Mytishchi urban district is growing. So, new training places are required. There are approximately 30 schools in the city. There are places in Mytishchi where you can get higher education. These are MGUL (university of the forest), RUK (university of cooperation), MGOU (regional university). For those who wish to leave the walls of their native school after the 9th grade and continue their studies at a technical school or school, the city provides such an opportunity. There is a medical school and an engineering college.


And here we start with the churches located in the city. In Mytishchi, the population is increasing, new temples are being opened. But the church, located in the village of Taininskoye, is a historical monument. Its roots go back to 1675. The temple in honor of the Annunciation is very beautiful. For those who were lucky enough to be in Mytishchi, this temple is the first recommendation to visit.

There is a separate conversation about the church in honor of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God. It is located at the entrance to the city, right on the Yaroslavl highway. Ancient, built in 1713, now it is restored. Golden domes shimmer in the sun, and the temple itself merges in color with a clear spring sky. Another place where you can and should make a pilgrimage to guests of the city.

The building of the Mytishchi station is another object of cultural heritage. It was built in 1896.

Part of the Mytishchi water supply, located in the Losiny Ostrov National Park, as well as the station building, is a cultural heritage site.

Monuments of the city

The population (Mytishchi) has changed from year to year. But more about this later, now we will slightly open another part of the city. These are the monuments in Mytishchi.

And the first place will be divided by the Great Patriotic War memorial and the Bayonet monument in honor of the victory.

Probably no city can do without Lenin’s grandfather. This leader has long been gone, the Soviet Union with its communist views has sunk into oblivion. But Ilyich continues to reach out to a brighter future, calling for descendants to this. The monument is located in the town square.

In the depths of the city, on Yubileynaya Street, there is a monument to the U-2 plane.

And not far from the Cathedral of the Annunciation is a monument to Tsar Nicholas II.

The famous monument of Mytishchi water supply consists of three pipes with multi-colored valves. This building is one of the five most ridiculous monuments of the Moscow region. In the spring, crows take refuge in the vents, they make nests there, and at the beginning of summer a funny croak comes from there.

There is a library for adults in the city named after Kedrin Dm. Next to her is a monument dedicated to him.

There is a memorial complex on the territory of the Internal Affairs Directorate. It was built in honor of the fallen police officers who gave their lives in the line of duty. Among the names you can find the following: Tolstikov Sergey Mikhailovich. Unremarkable and even a little funny, this is the name of the real hero of our time.

The twin city was presented with a "Cat without a tail." This sculpture took its place in the city.

There is such a joke about the city:

- "How to get to you?

- You will pass a monument to the water supply, then a samovar and leave at the monument to the plane.

- What kind of nonsense?

“It's Mytishchi, baby!”

The pot-bellied samovar is located in the new district of the city. There used to be a field, now white skyscrapers flaunt. And among them - an eight-meter samovar. Under his nose is a red and white polka-dot cup.

Monument to the plane

Green places of the city

In the center of Mytishchi there is a city park of culture and rest. It is divided into two parts. In the first - rides. Indeed, in Mytishchi the number of residents is growing rapidly, children need entertainment places. Here you can ride a Ferris wheel and other carousels. In the center of the park is an unusual fountain. In the evening, he plays with bright colors, and streams of water simultaneously splash from different places.

The second part is an area for quiet walks and cyclists. Hungry, you can buy tea and rolls in tents located in the park. For children there is a kiosk with cotton candy. And those who do not like to eat on the go, can sit in a cafe called "Rest".

Another vacation spot in the city is Strekalov Square. It is much smaller in area than the main park. There is a playground and benches.

Perlovka has its own city park. A wonderful place where it is very nice to walk in the spring. The smell of lilac is mixed with the smell of bird cherry and fresh grass. Dandelions grow in abundance. Great place for a photo shoot in nature.

On the banks of the Yauza River, you can fry kebabs and breathe in the river air. But it is located in an urban area, so you can’t admire beautiful green views.

Speaking of Yauza. Finally, they ennobled the road connecting the Yauza shore with the current Flower City residential complex, located in Taininka. In Mytishchi, the population is actively increasing; new houses are being built. So LCD "Flower City" was built about 5 years ago. This track is divided into two bands. One for pedestrians and one for cyclists. It runs along the river and, with luck, you can meet beavers living on the Yauza.

Veteranov Boulevard, located on Letnoy Street, is the historical part of the city. Here you can relax in silence, under the spreading trees, sitting on wooden benches with carved backs. A playground has been built for the youngest residents of Mytishchi. The older generation can enjoy the conversation on the benches. The fountain on the boulevard adds its own zest to this pleasant place.

Church of Vladimir Mother of God

Where to go?

Entertainment places are available in this city. These are three large shopping centers, two theaters, a historical and art museum and an art gallery.

Let's start with the shopping center. "Red Whale", "June" and "Perlovsky" are waiting for their visitors. They are all alike: many shops with all kinds of goods, food cords, cinemas and playrooms for children. I would like to mention the 5D cinema in the Red Whale. This is a great pleasure, the feeling of virtual reality captures from head to toe. Two short films generally last 10 minutes. But there will be enough impressions for a long time.

In the center of the city is the theater "Fest". Performances for children and adults will be appreciated by theatergoers. For children it will be interesting to visit the puppet theater "Flint". It is located near the railway station, on Sharapovskaya street.

The museum in the city center, as well as the art gallery, are located next to the square. On Novomytishchi Avenue. There is something to see. In the museum you can see the works of 19th-century artists, contemporary artists, ancient utensils and paintings reflecting the life of the city in ancient times.

The gallery presents the work of contemporary artists. For children, master classes on painting are often held.

At the Department of Internal Affairs there is a museum of the Mytishchi police. There will be exhibits telling about the development of this service, starting from the time it was founded in the city.

How many residents in Mytishchi now? About 222 thousand, but more on that below.

Youth Mytishchi

Where to buy?

There are many shops in the city. Starting with the well-known retail grocery chains Magnit, Dixy and Pyaterochka, ending with the stunning farmers market on Yubileynaya Street. It is literally a miniature shopping center, where grocery outlets are located on the ground floor. Here you can buy farm products, visit a cozy cafe and taste delicious baked potatoes.

On the second floor there are clothing stores and optics. For pet owners there is a pet shop, in which a very decent choice of feed and accessories for pets.

How many residents in Mytishchi live today? You will soon find out how their number fluctuated in different years.

Monument to Tsar Nicholas II

Number of inhabitants

We got to one of the main issues. Is there a large population in this glorious town of the Moscow region?

The population of Mytishchi has changed significantly over the years. Let's start from the end of the 19th century. In 1897, there were only 1,000 souls. In 1917, there were already 7,000 people. In the year of acquiring the status of a city - 17,000 inhabitants. Before the Second World War, in 1939, there were 60,118 souls in Mytishchi. And since then, the population has been growing almost constantly. After 20 years, the number of inhabitants was 98,606. In the early 80s of the XX century - 148,000 people inhabited the city.

To date (2018), the exact number of people living in the city of Mytishchi is 211,606 people.


What did we learn from the article? First of all, a brief history of the city. The second point is the industry of Mytishchi. Places for recreation and cultural enrichment take third place in the honorary list.

The fourth line is given to the historical monuments of the city. And closes the top five population of Mytishchi.

Moscow - Mytishchi


One more open story of the town near Moscow has become more. How many of them are hiding in the shadow of Moscow, of which only the name is known? Lots of. And today we discovered the small town of Mytishchi.


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