Shade of hair ashen: how to get the desired tone?

Noble and aristocratic shades of ashen hair like many girls and women. Ladies with such head of hair look incredibly impressive, but these tones can be achieved only by dyeing, as nature does not award anyone with ashen curls. These shades are very moody, so it is very difficult to achieve the desired color at home. For those who still decided to dye their curls in such a pigment, it is best to find out in advance who they are going to, and also read some recommendations regarding tinting.

Who will use the ashen color?

Before staining, you need to imagine that this tone can either positively transform the appearance, or strongly emphasize all the imperfections of the face. In the event that this pigment and the appearance of the girl make friends with each other, the owner of such curls will acquire an aristocratic look.

ash hair color
Otherwise, a shade of hair can make a face earthy or gray. The ash tone of hair will go to the following representatives of the beautiful half of humanity:

  • Women related to the summer color type. They can safely dye their curls in such a pigment, since their cold appearance and bright eyes are guaranteed to make friends with ashes.

  • Ladies who have perfect skin without any flaws. Since all those who have even minor defects should not choose such a shade of hair for their coloring. The ash tone in this case can only emphasize the shortcomings and give its owner a painful look.

It is also worth remembering that girls with a dark complexion are not recommended to be painted with such a pigment, since their ashes will only age.

Color spectrum

Also, before tinting, you should know that there are different ashy shades of hair. Photos of girls with curls painted in tones of this color can show that such a pigment emphasizes the beauty of the eyes and adds to their image of sophistication and sophistication. But if the skin has a reddish tint, then it is better to refuse an ash-blond shade.

Dark ash pigment will also not be suitable for everyone, so many stylists recommend a small experiment before tinting. To do this, you need to try on something from gray clothing before painting, and if the appearance has changed, the lady can safely choose this shade of hair. The ash tone of dark color will give her an image of mystery and mystery.

There is still this pigment, presented in bright colors. It is perfect for girls with blue eyes and smooth skin. But swarthy brunettes are better off not using such a shade of hair for coloring. Ash pigment of a light color falls better on gray or light brown curls.

shades of ashen hair color

Tinting agents

So, the choice of the right tone is made. Now you need to know how to choose the right ash shades of hair colors. First of all, many colorists advise to purchase tonics or other coloring products only in professional salons or stores.

To choose the right pigment, you need some knowledge of the basics of color. The first thing to remember: if the curls have a golden or yellowish color, then staining with an ash blond will most likely lead to the hair becoming a greenish tint. In this case, it is better to take darker tones or remove the previous coloring pigment from the hair.

ash shades of hair colors

Preparing for reincarnation

And finally, the paint with an ash tint has been acquired, now we need to move on to the next stage. If a girl who decides to repaint herself in such a tone is the owner of a red or chestnut hair, then her locks after toning can turn purple. That is why all brunettes and brown-haired women should be washed before the staining procedure, so that the pigment of the previous paint, which is especially numerous at the tips, will be removed.

For this, you can use decapitating agents purchased in specialized stores. This procedure will need to be carried out several times with an interval of a couple of days. And only after that proceed to the next stage of staining.

ash shades of hair photo


You can get an ashy shade of hair without lightening the strands if the girl has light or gray curls. A completely different thing is dark and chestnut hair, which must be discolored even after washing off the previous pigment.

To do this, you need to take a special powder with oxide and prepare a clarifying agent according to the instructions on the package. Then apply 2/3 of this substance to dirty strands, but not touching the roots, and leave it for half an hour. After that, distribute the remaining product at the base of the hair and comb the curls along the entire length. Wait twenty minutes and rinse off the clarifying agent with plenty of running water with shampoo.

After the procedure, it is necessary to apply a nourishing mask to the strands. In the event that the discoloration of the curls was successful, you can immediately proceed to staining in a selected tone.

ashen shade of hair at home


To make an ashy shade of hair at home, you can use a special tonic or persistent cream paint. To do this, the selected tool must carefully work out all the curls and leave it like this for about twenty minutes. The exposure time is mainly written on the packaging with paint, so in order to avoid unnecessary shade, it is better not to overexpose the mixture. After tinting, the hair will need to be washed a couple of times with water.

It should be remembered that ashy shades tend to be washed quickly, so you have to dye your hair every two weeks. But gradually, the pigment of this tone will accumulate in curls, so that the color will remain for a longer period of time.

get an ashen shade of hair

How to maintain the staining effect for as long as possible?

You also need to know that after some time the ashy hair can turn yellow. But this phenomenon can be prevented if only professional tinting agents are used when staining. If yellowness does appear, it can be easily removed. A tonic, balm or shampoo, which are presented in ash or silver shades, can help with this. You can buy them at any specialized cosmetics store at affordable prices.

In addition, after coloring in ash tones, many colorists recommend still going through the lamination procedure, which will help to maintain the rich color of the ash for a long time.

Useful Tips

Since this process of dyeing in several stages negatively affects the health of the hair, you need to carefully care for the hair in order to avoid deterioration of the structure of the curls.

It is necessary to make moisturizing and nourishing masks at least twice a week, as well as use special shampoos and balms for colored strands. As part of such funds should be a lot of protein, plant extracts and vitamins. You can also use folk remedies that will help to heal the hair and minimize the negative impact of paints.

make an ashy shade of hair
Another useful advice from specialists is addressed to girls who have a light shade of hair by nature. It will be harder for these ladies to constantly maintain the perfect ash tone of their hair, as the roots will grow back, and after a couple of weeks the difference between the tones will be visible. In this situation, colorists advise to wash the color before each new tinting, and only then proceed with staining.

Makeup Ashen Beauties

So, how to make an ashy shade of hair and keep it for a long period of time, it is already clear. But to complete any look you need a beautiful make-up, so you need to make out what will happen to the "Snow Queen".

In the makeup of these ladies it will be appropriate to use cold tones, but not bright and catchy. For example, eye shadow is better to choose blue or gray, which can emphasize all the elegance and aristocracy of the image. Blush and lipstick can be coral, lilac or pink, which in combination with the ashy tone of curls will look harmonious and not defiant.

With this make-up, it is better to choose mascara and pencil for the contour also in gray or blue shades. It should also be remembered that the makeup bag of "ashy" women should not contain makeup products in warm colors, as they can make their look older.

In the wardrobe of girls with such a pigment of curls there should not be black clothes. Outfits for such ladies are better to choose dark blue, yellow, pink and gray, as they will perfectly match the color of your hair.

Despite the fact that ash strands require a lot of care and effort to achieve the desired color, this shade does not become less popular over time. But if you adhere to all of the above recommendations when tinting, then you can easily turn into a charming beauty with ashy hair without even leaving home.


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