Contempt is not charity at all, but rather, on the contrary

One letter is almost nothing, a trifle, a trifle. In fact, it can completely change the meaning of the word. Can you imagine the difference between contempt and contempt? The whole abyss.

Contempt and Charity: Lexical Meanings

Words with a one letter difference, but absolutely polar meanings.

Contempt is

In the beginning, I would like to note that contempt is a feeling, and charity is a verbal noun, which means action.

โ€œContemptโ€ - this word literally means: โ€œto look from top to bottom, that is, to relate to someone or something with an extreme degree of neglect bordering on a deliberate insult:

  • "For kindness and sincere love, Vadim Alekseevich paid Vera Andreyevna an offensive, black contempt."
  • "Words of contempt painfully hit her in the back, it seemed she could no longer get up."
  • "How can one explain the coldness and neglect of Nicholas, if not contempt."
  • โ€œProposals should be sent as soon as possible,โ€ the senior manager of the department muttered with contempt and left the office, slamming the door loudly.
  • "Contempt for others, inability to forgive - the qualities that distinguished Emma Bronislavovna."
  • "Contempt is a very bad feeling, it destroys not only those who are despised, but also those who despise."

I must say that the value is not always negative. For instance:

  • "It was a brave old warrior, contemptuous of any danger and going ahead to his noble goal."
  • "Alexander despised all fears and doubts from himself."
    Contempt offer

The noun "charity" means "care, look after, patronize":

  • "During his reign, many almshouses and charity houses were opened for orphans and the disabled."
  • "The charity with which the kind mother belonged to her wards was remembered by him for life, the memory of her warmed them with long lonely evenings."

Morphological characteristics

Both "contempt" and the word "charity" are common nouns, inanimate nouns of the second declension.

Nominative*** He burned him with a terrible frightening cold.*** the one with whom the guest was surrounded warmed and comforted.
GenitiveIn their house, a slaughtered unfortunate creature did not see anything but *** and beatings.In the society of these pitfalls, she did not find a drop ***.
Dative*** ju this is no excuse.*** ju there should be no reason.
AccusativeMary saw them perfectly ***.The sister felt *** and was very grateful for this.
InstrumentalFor all the good, Mr. Smirnov awarded them *** eat.In this shelter, they were engaged *** in the care and care of those in need.
PrepositionalI would talk a lot about *** and dirt.What do you know about *** and care?

Phrases with words

What can be contempt and charity?

Contempt happens:

Contempt and charity

  • extreme;
  • the highest;
  • deep
  • icy;
  • cold
  • scorching;
  • sizzling;
  • vile;
  • fair;
  • deserved;
  • unfair;
  • cruel
  • desperate
  • reckless;
  • impudent;
  • crazy.

Charity happens:

  • warm
  • good;
  • sacrificial;
  • selfless;
  • unconscious.

What verbs do these nouns combine with?

Contempt humiliates, insults, offends, torments, suppresses, afflicts, saddens, warps, kills, trampled down.

Charity warms, embarrasses, pleases, consoles, enlivens.

Sentences with the words "charity" and "contempt"

It is useful to be able to compose sentences with the words being studied in order to catch deeper and more subtle all shades of meaning.

We advise you to carefully study the examples below and try to come up with your own:

Words of contempt

  1. "For the rest of his life, Raisa Timofeevna was accompanied by humiliation and cruel ***."
  2. "His *** ick to the arguments of common sense served Anatoly a bad service."
  3. "Women and girls belonged to those like Marianne with a *** em, in which she envied jealousy."
  4. "Until his death, Mityushka wandered around the houses of *** and lived in alms."
  5. "*** her was not offensive, it was akin to the love of her mother or older sister."
  6. "Not everything can be forgiven: *** the one with which he awarded me for all efforts, there is no way to forget, no matter how I want it."
  7. "The organization, headed by Verkhovna Radmila Pavlovna, is responsible for *** elderly men and women who do not have relatives."
  8. "Nikolay Vladimirovich bequeathed all his movable and immovable property to a fund dealing with *** the poor."
  9. "As long as I'm alive, nothing but *** and hatred these people will not see from me."
  10. "Did I deserve all this ***?"
  11. "All his life, Mr. Bremm was engaged in *** the destitute, and spent his last days alone and oblivion."
  12. "Contempt is a very bad feeling."


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