Grappling - what kind of martial art is this? Grappling techniques and rules

Grappling - what is it? This kind of martial art is based on the struggle in the ring. In this variety of martial arts, the techniques and techniques of many combat disciplines are harmoniously combined. Grappling includes techniques of sambo, freestyle wrestling, judo and jujitsu. The decisive role in martial arts is played by the athlete's technique. The weight category and physical data do not matter. There are almost no restrictions on pain and asphyxiation.

Grappling what is it

Grappling Features

Grappling differs from other military disciplines in that in this case, victory is determined not by the use of technical, but by the use of painful and suffocating techniques. Another feature of this kind of wrestling is the athlete's uniform - a set of clothes, in addition to shorts, includes a rash guard (a tight-fitting T-shirt with a short or long sleeve). By the way, today the art of grappling (what is it, what are its rules, etc.) is known all over the world. This kind of combat discipline is also called "fighting on the ground."

About 70% of street fights end with a fight on the ground and in this case, grappling skills will be very useful. Any aggressor will be shocked in such a way of repelling an attack as throwing him to the ground. At this point, you dominate the enemy and take control of the situation. Grappling gives significant advantages to a fighter of short stature and helps to defeat a more experienced and strong opponent. Even if you are not a professional athlete, information about the art of grappling is also useful to you, which is what techniques are used in this fight, since this is a wonderful tool for maintaining excellent physical shape. In addition, the skills acquired in the classroom can be successfully used as self-defense techniques.

grappling techniques

Clothing form for grappling competitions

In the fighting world, victory in grappling competitions is very much appreciated, since only the best fighters take part in them . To win the world championship in Abu Dhabi and win the trophy is not an easy task. In training, athletes use jackets (sambovka), which play an important role in training. In amateur grappling, a uniform is adopted - a body-fitting T-shirt and special MMA shorts, pants, sambo or kimono. In competitions, wrestling is carried out without a jacket (sambovka).

"Chess on the tatami"

Wrestlers say about the martial art of grappling that it is chess on the mat - "chess on tatami." This name can be explained by the fact that for technical techniques a wrestler needs to take the most advantageous position. Sometimes grappling is also called a “fight to surrender”, since the main task is to force the opponent to surrender using painful and suffocating techniques. In the amateur version, especially dangerous grappling techniques that affect the spine and knee joint are prohibited.

grappling rules

Allowed and forbidden grappling techniques

In this kind of struggle, the following techniques are considered permitted:

  1. All kinds of strangulation, except for covering the airways with hands.
  2. Any locks on the shoulder, wrist, levers on the hands.
  3. Pain on the legs and ankle.

The following methods are considered prohibited:

  1. It is not allowed to use t-shirts and shorts during the bout.
  2. "Crucifixion" and the full Nelson.
  3. “Hook”, or squeezing eyes with a finger.
  4. Hair pulling, ear grabs.
  5. Grips of fingers, toes, thumbs.
  6. Bites, tweezing, scratching.
  7. It is not allowed to touch the opponent’s face with hands, elbows and knees.
  8. Touching the groin area.
  9. The use of slippery substances on clothing and the body is prohibited.

What are effective exercises for grappling

Grappling is often used as an effective method of preparing wrestlers for various mixed martial arts competitions, which are also called fights without rules. In such tournaments, those participants who are perfectly proficient in wrestling in the stalls, that is, on the floor, mainly win. At the grappling competitions, many MMA (mixed martial arts) fighters practice and perform. Today, wrestlers prefer to first achieve high results in grappling, and only then move on to a variety of mixed martial arts, which combines shock and wrestling techniques.

grappling exercises

Grappling is a great way to protect yourself in a wide variety of situations. A person who is on earth feels unprotected, and this type of struggle is most effective in such a situation. At the same time, grappling rules teach you to confront the enemy not only in the stalls, but also in the fighting in the stance. You will learn to control the opponent, dominate him and use not only arms and legs in the fight, but also his whole body. Your concentration, strength and endurance will increase with each lesson. This is an excellent training not only to improve your fighting qualities, but also for the whole body, in general - your figure will become more athletic and fit.


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