How to develop endurance and breathing at home?

Athletics is a universal way to bring your body into a sporty fit state, accelerate fat burning and develop endurance. But what if, when trying to run at least a kilometer, severe shortness of breath begins, stabs in the right side and dizzy? Such symptoms are characteristic of every beginner athlete. In this article, you will learn how to develop breathing and stamina for running at home.

How to guarantee success?

All of the tips below will only help with regular execution. Only perseverance will help develop stamina and breathability for both men and women. If you practice once a week or from time to time, then there will be no sense, the athlete will remain at the usual level of physical development.

Not so important what kind of sport was chosen - long-distance running, short marathons, aerobics, powerlifting, bodybuilding. For any physical activity involving a high intensity of movement, a large volume of lungs is needed to avoid shortness of breath.

air training

What types of stamina exist?

There are several types of stamina:

  • aerobic;
  • anaerobic;
  • common.

Determination of total endurance implies the ability of the body to perform non-specific activity, which does not require large energy costs from the body.

Anaerobic involves the work of the body with oxygen deficiency. The body is forced to spend a large amount of internal resources to perform the exercise. Aerobic endurance involves work thanks to oxygen nutrition.

Anaerobic endurance is divided into several types:

  • high-speed;
  • high-speed power;
  • coordination;
  • power.
endurance training

Why shortness of breath occurs when running very long and short distances

When watching sports broadcasts, one involuntarily marvels at agility, endurance, speed and coordination of movements. All this has been accumulated over years of hard training. How to develop breathing and stamina for boxing, running and cross-fit? First you need to understand why shortness of breath and weakness occur during physical exertion.

There are two types of shortness of breath:

  • physiological (occurs in poorly trained people when running, climbing stairs and other loads);
  • pathological (occurs at rest).

The cause of any form of dyspnea can be various cardiovascular and pulmonary problems: heart failure, pre- and post-infarction conditions, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, pneumonia. With frequent occurrence of pathological dyspnea, you should consult a doctor. If you notice only physiological shortness of breath, you need to exercise and increase the ability of the lungs to exercise.

group work out

Is it possible to train at home?

Of course, at home you can also develop endurance and breathing. How to do this without special equipment and simulators?

For those who are just starting their journey into the world of athletics and sports, home complexes from professional trainers are very effective. It’s not necessary to buy them for money - there are many free training examples. For starters, you should opt for workout style workouts for beginners. The sequence is something like this:

  • light joint workout;
  • unhurried running on the spot will accelerate the heart rate and make breathing quicker;
  • performing plyometric exercises - burp, jumping, lunges in a jump, jumping with a turn, but active execution should be alternated with a minute rest;
  • in the middle of a workout, you should switch to a low-intensity pace of exercises, for example, make an approach to twisting to press or squats with a body bar;
  • repeat the cycle of plyometric exercises in the following rhythm: five minutes of activity - one minute of rest several times.

The basic principle of training is a change in the intensity of movements. This will develop endurance and breathing. How to do this as efficiently as possible and not harm yourself? You will read about this below.

how to quickly improve your breathing room

Sports Doctor Tips for Beginners

Safety precautions should be followed when performing athletics training providing anaerobic exercise:

  1. Keep track of the pulse (ideally, you need to buy a wrist heart rate monitor and monitor the number of heart beats per minute), and when it accelerates to 130-140 beats per minute, stop the workout.
  2. During the lesson, you can drink as much clean water as you want.
  3. If you experience dizziness or darkening in the eyes, stop training.
  4. During the lesson, you need to monitor your breathing and try to take slow but deep breaths (this will allow you to quickly develop breathing and stamina).
  5. Try to move on to outdoor activities as quickly as possible - clean air perfectly ventilates and heals the lungs.
ways to improve your breathing room

How to develop breathing and endurance at home?

For beginners, it will be quite enough to perform exercises in the apartment. Over time, of course, you will have to go outside or to the gym to increase the load. Many athletes practice even in winter.

How to develop a breathing room and endurance for running, if it is possible to engage only in the apartment? At first, you can do without additional equipment (barbells, dumbbells, harnesses, exercise machines). It is advisable to have clean running shoes, as jumping and plyometric exercises performed barefoot are often the cause of ankle injury.

The best athletics training you can do in the apartment

Here is a list of the most popular activities from professional trainers aimed at increasing anaerobic endurance:

  • β€œBurn Fat, Accelerate Metabolism,” by Gillian Michaels;
  • "Insanity" by Sean Ti;
  • "How to achieve perfection" Cindy Crawford.

These workouts will help increase overall stamina. They are not used to build muscle mass, these are classes for beginner athletes. If a beginner is interested in the question of how to develop breathing and stamina in boxing, kickboxing, karate, then you should also pay attention to such training for athletes. They are ideal for both men and women in the absence of contraindications from the musculoskeletal system and other chronic diseases.

In any sport, anaerobic endurance is important, without it the athlete will simply be sweaty and go to rest on the bench after ten minutes of active movements.

endurance jogging

How to develop breathing room and stamina in the gym?

The gym is very important for building indicators of endurance, speed, strength. Mid-level athletes simply need to purchase a subscription: they will be able to wind up kilometers on a treadmill, warm up on an ellipse, visit the pool and build muscle with dumbbells and a barbell. Entry-level athletes can practice at home for some time.

There is only one minus at the gym: in the presence of a huge number of visitors, air conditioners often do not cope with their task and stale air is in the room, which can extremely negatively affect the athlete's lungs. It is worth choosing a room with fewer visitors and a well-regulated air conditioning system. Through the air at high humidity, you can become infected with many diseases, so it is worth approaching the issue of choosing a gym seriously.

Useful exercises to help increase lung capacity

If with a breather everything is completely bad, then before training it is worth doing the following complex daily for a month:

  • diaphragmatic breathing by the abdomen for four to six minutes (when inhaling, maximize the abdomen and draw into the lungs as much air as possible, when exhaling, draw the abdomen into yourself);
  • chest breathing for five to ten minutes (the abdomen is motionless, the inhalation is carried out as deep as possible and the chest is bulging out at the same time, and when exhaling is retracted);
  • breathing at a fast pace, on the count of two - inhalation, on the count of one - exhale (perform until dizziness);
  • relaxed, slowest and deepest breathing.

If there are problems with the lungs and alveoli, it is better to do such a respiratory complex before training for a month. How to develop asthma breathing and endurance? In the presence of such a serious disease, even breathing exercises should be performed only with the approval of the attending physician. But do not despair, because even with asthma you can become an athlete - the main thing is not to rush and the load build up very gradually.

jogging equipment

The Importance of Proper Equipment for Endurance

Often beginner athletes forget about the importance of equipment. What should be used so as not to damage the ankle and spine during athletics? Here is a sample list:

  • running sneakers with quality cushioning;
  • compression tights to prevent the development of varicose veins;
  • during classes in autumn and winter - special sports thermal underwear;
  • when practicing on the horizontal bar - special gloves to prevent the appearance of corns.

It is important that clothing for training should be selected from natural materials to prevent sweating and hives.


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