Do not remember dashingly! What does it mean, or one shade of sadness

In this article you will find the answer to the question of what it means "do not remember badly." We will also talk about the original source of the origin of this statement, we will analyze the interpretation and appropriate use in colloquial speech.

what do you mean don't dare

Interpretation of the expression

The expression mentioned above is often used in colloquial speech. It was used in past centuries, and it is relevant today. This expression is used at the moment of farewell for a long time. What does it mean "do not think badly," that is, say this phrase differently: "remembering me, do not speak or do not think badly." In this expression, there is a kind of request or even a kind of desire from a certain person or from an indefinite group of persons not to speak negatively in the absence of the latter.

don't dare remember what it means


The origin of this expression, as they say, has its roots in the distant and mysterious past. We call it mysterious because in those days, signs were of great importance. Although many of them have taken root in our time. So what does it mean, "Do not remember dashingly"? “They don’t remember the dead”, - this is how our ancestors used to say in the old days, and it was in this form that it was originally used by the people. It was believed that bad people should not be talked about dead people, as this can harm them in otherworldly life. Our ancestors also felt a certain fear of the afterlife and believed that the dead have superpower and are capable of taking revenge on their wrongdoer with unkind words about them. And finally, one can distinguish such an aspect that an expression of this kind encourages people to be considerate, not to talk bad about the dead, in other words, everyone should have respect in the face of death.

The expression has changed and over time it has been rephrased a little. Also in antiquity such an expression was used when going on a long journey, and in our time this phrase is used in everyday life, just as in ancient times it is said, saying goodbye for a long time. The people believed that if you talk about a person with anger, then troubles and misfortunes “stuck” to him, so the expression was a kind of amulet from evil tongues.

Proverbs and sayings, semantic meaning

Proverbs and sayings are not only the property of the Russian people, but a kind of storehouse of wisdom, experience, enclosed in one general idea. As an example, one can cite such proverbs and sayings that have common features: “Do not wake famously, while it is quiet,” “dashing misfortune is the beginning,” “dashing dispute will not die soon.” The common word is “famously”, the meaning of which is translated from ancient Slavic as “trouble”, “evil”. I would also like to note that you can feel a certain sadness, which this phrase conveys to us. What does it mean, "Do not remember badly"? In the expression one feels the sadness of parting, covered with a tear of a smile. The one who says this phrase, as it were, takes care and encourages himself and his friends at the moment of farewell.


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