Moving to Anapa for permanent residence: pros and cons, reviews

Many Russians know Anapa as a resort city located along the Black Sea coast, in a zone of mild healing climate, inviting its guests to relax in health resorts, lie on wonderful sandy beaches and wander through the forests. Convenient and the location of this village. It stretches along the federal highway, which begins in Novorossiysk and reaches the Kerch Strait. Other transport links are well developed in Anapa. A railway has been laid here, there is an airport, as well as a seaport of international importance.

The attractiveness of the place contributes to the fact that those who decide to change their place of residence, having settled in the southern region, tend to move here for permanent residence.

City development

A house by the sea ... Isn’t it a dream of many Russians, which can be realized by moving to Anapa? It is worth noting that recently in this city there has been a serious construction boom. In Anapa, construction of buildings is in full swing. New microdistricts are literally growing before our eyes, streets are appearing, those areas of the resort are developing, which, as it seemed, had never been mastered before. High-rise buildings are not uncommon not only in the most prestigious areas of the city. They are growing among the private sector.

high-rise buildings in Anapa

And it is not surprising that vacationers who come to this resort from almost all regions of Russia begin to look for an apartment for themselves to live by the sea permanently. Moreover, many categories of citizens dream of moving to Anapa for permanent residence, from successful businessmen to retirees who have accumulated money for housing in the south.

But it is worth noting that the inhabitants of the country, as a rule, see this city only in the summer season. That is why Anapa seems to them a kind of sea paradise.

empty water park in Anapa

However, tourism and immigration are two different things. And before deciding to move, it is worth considering all the pros and cons of such a decision. After all, the daily life of the resort town has its own characteristics, which can lead to certain difficulties for the new Anapa residents.

Where to begin?

Should I move to permanent residence in Anapa? Before making a decision, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the real estate market. In this regard, Anapa is considered a rather promising city due to the flat relief of the area on which it is located. That is why today you can see the active growth of new neighborhoods in which non-resident citizens prefer to purchase housing. However, before moving to Anapa, you will need to determine where the apartment should be located, which would be optimally suitable for its cost and location.

Anapa on the map

It should be borne in mind that the most expensive areas of Anapa are closer to the sea. Judging by the reviews, moving to Anapa for those who are not ready for significant housing costs is possible with the acquisition of real estate on the outskirts. These are sleeping areas, which are quite far from the sea. In order to get from them to the beach, you will need to spend an hour, or even more. However, this location is unlikely to be considered a big minus. After all, the residents of the city most of the time they spend not at the beach, but at work. That is why when purchasing real estate for moving to permanent residence in Anapa, one should take into account the availability of the sea at all. It is more important that near the house there is a workplace, as well as medical and child care facilities.

Nevertheless, the most popular property in this resort town is the property, which is located in the central area. Indeed, judging by the reviews of many buyers, it is here that the city beach, the largest shopping centers, as well as a large number of attractions are located. Leaving home on the street, you can immediately get into the cycle of loud music, noisy youth, numerous discos and clubs. Of course, in this regard, prices in Anapa for real estate, which is located in the center, are the highest. However, despite this, there are fewer and fewer offers on the market. Today, the bulk of housing in the center of Anapa is represented by the private sector, guest houses, as well as hotel complexes.

Sleeping areas are preferred not only because of the availability of jobs and developed infrastructure. Many Russians, who decided to move to Anapa for permanent residence, are also eager to get a measured, calm atmosphere. That is why they are considering housing options where there is no noisy entertainment and an abundance of tourists as an option for living.

In general, multi-storey buildings were erected throughout the city and there is a highly developed infrastructure. On average, one square meter of housing costs in the city from 56 thousand. Ross. rub. If you want to buy a house, you will need to pay 7 million rubles. The cost of commercial real estate starts in the city from 90 thousand rubles. for one square meter.

Features of the areas

Very popular with property buyers are houses that are built on a steep shore near the Black Sea. This is one of the most prestigious neighborhoods, which is actively being built up with multi-storey buildings. It is called High Coast. Locals praise this place for its fresh air and clean beach.

Not far from the High Bank are also popular with buyers new buildings in the form of high-rise buildings and private cottages. This is a neighborhood of Nut Grove.

The most comfortable and quiet place is the sleeping 12th microdistrict, which is located in the eastern part of the city. It is built up with five- and nine-story brick houses. In this microdistrict, most people who came from other cities for permanent residence prefer to purchase apartments. And this despite the distance from the sea. The fact is that the microdistrict is well provided with various infrastructure. It consists of markets and supermarkets, schools and kindergartens. There is a veterinary clinic and a library in the 12 microdistrict. You can get from here to the center of Anapa by minibus. Travel time is only 10 minutes.

The lowest prices in Anapa for housing are in the 3A, 3B residential districts, as well as in the Sukko region. These are new buildings, cottages and houses in the old private sector, remote from the coast of the sea. You can get to the beach from here on foot in 30 minutes.

The main street of Anapa is Pionersky Prospekt. There are many boarding houses, sanatorium complexes, recreation centers and children's camps. That is why property prices located on Pionersky Prospekt are quite high. There is an extensive landscaped area designed for visitors to relax, where club establishments, cafes and restaurants work. That is, on Pioneer Avenue is always fun and noisy.

night Anapa

The South Market microdistrict has a good location. This is a private sector with many hotels and guest houses. This microdistrict is located just 15 minutes walk from the beach.

Judging by the reviews of those who moved to Anapa for permanent residence, a good option was to purchase a cottage located on the territory of New or Old Alekseevka. In addition to residential buildings, there are supermarkets, as well as entertainment centers designed for adults and children, and even close to the sea.

Price level

Anyone who plans to move to Anapa needs to be prepared for high spending on food. And this is despite the fact that the city is located on the territory of the Krasnodar Territory - the granary of Russia, as well as the place of concentration of large livestock and agricultural centers. For those who decided to move to Anapa from Moscow, the cost of meat, fruits and vegetables will be familiar from the price tags in the supermarkets of the capital. Sometimes it defies any logic. After all, it is surprising that fish sold at the pier, just caught from the sea, is offered at the same price as in Moscow stores. The only advantage of this product is its guaranteed freshness.

In order to reduce the cost of life in Anapa after moving, it’s worth doing the same as the locals do. They go for groceries over tens of kilometers to large villages and rural districts. In the markets located in such settlements, you can buy cheap and environmentally friendly products that were recently in the garden. For thrifty residents of the city in Anapa itself, deliveries are organized. Here, farmers or producers exhibit their products. One of these markets, Vostochny, is located on Anapa Highway.

As for the prices of services, as well as all the most necessary goods, they grow with the onset of the holiday season.


Based on the experience of moving people of working age to Anapa, it should be borne in mind that the city is almost completely focused on providing tourist services. In this regard, work in Anapa is easiest to find in the field of trade and service, entertainment and the hotel business.

A similar fact cannot but have an impact on the regional labor market. It will be great if a person who moved to Anapa for permanent residence specializes in the tourism industry. It’s good if there is also some kind of remote work, for example, in the IT technology industry.

It should be borne in mind that most residents of the city earn their living by renting premises or apartments to vacationers. Things are going well for those who are engaged in private transportation. If a person does not have the opportunity to make money in the ways listed above, he will be able to take a position in the public sector. In Anapa, there is a continuing need for medical workers and teachers. By the way, you can get a teacher in the city even without work experience, having only a diploma on hand at the end of the corresponding educational institution. However, it should be borne in mind that living on a public sector salary will be very difficult. That is why many residents of the city are looking for jobs in the field of trade.

Builders can find work quickly and easily in Anapa. They are constantly required for facilities that are built year-round in the city. Based on the available reviews from those who regretted moving to Anapa, we can conclude that it is difficult to find people with a technical education. This is explained by the lack of factories and industrial enterprises in the city.

Only Novorossiysk invites specialists with technical education. After all, this city is famous for its highly developed industrial sector. However, this option will not suit everyone. The fact is that Novorossiysk is located 40 kilometers from Anapa, and driving there every day is not at all easy, especially in the absence of a personal car.


Before moving to Anapa for permanent residence, it is worth seriously considering the issue of job search. Indeed, sometimes the lack of vacancies in an existing profession can be the main reason for changing the initial plans.

Another important point is the high saturation of the labor market with labor. Due to the large competition of candidates for vacant positions, wages in the city are growing very slowly. After all, it makes no sense for an employer to even think about paying their employees more. There are always enough people who want to take their place.

The highest paid majors in Anapa are:

  • taxi drivers with a salary of 62 thousand rubles;
  • loaders with a shift work schedule - 43 thousand rubles;
  • chefs - from 38 thousand rubles;
  • sales consultants - 25 thousand rubles;
  • cashier sellers - 20 thousand rubles.

Moving to Anapa from Siberia or the northern regions of the country is very attractive. Almost all the inhabitants of this region who realized the dream of moving to the south consider their choice to be right. After all, the low level of salaries in the resort town is offset by food prices. They are much lower than those installed in the North.

The choice of young families

Parents often dream of moving to Anapa with their children, dreaming that their child should grow up in a climate conducive to recovery, and breathe fresh and clean air rich in iodine.

Anapa beaches

Reviews of young families indicate a high level of the educational system of the city. Graduates of Anapa schools can easily enter the most prestigious universities in the country. Moreover, several branches of universities and institutes of Russia are open in the city itself. This allows students to receive a specialty without leaving their home.

Anyone who is interested in how to move to Anapa with a large family should keep in mind the fact that there are catastrophic places in the kindergartens of the city. However, this problem exists not only here. It is typical for all regions of Russia.

Young parents also note a high level of extracurricular education. It is just wonderful in Anapa.

On the territory of the city, 11 sports children's municipal schools are open and operating. In addition, the city authorities took care of the leisure of the children. So, in each of the districts of Anapa, as well as on the territory of all rural settlements, multifunctional sports complexes or venues are equipped. 10 music schools and art schools are open for children, as well as more than forty children's centers, cultural centers and libraries.

Moving for business people

Sometimes, permanent residence in Anapa is decided by entrepreneurs conducting their business in other regions of the country. Judging by the reviews of those who have already realized their dream and settled by the sea, the investment climate in this city is quite favorable.

Entrepreneurs point to a significant growth potential in all areas of the resort services sector, including hotel services and catering.

guest house in Anapa with a pool

Today in Anapa there are over 14 thousand small and medium enterprises associated with the tourism business. In addition, the region is distinguished by a highly developed agricultural sector. Livestock, viticulture, vegetable growing and crop production flourish here. The construction industry has great potential in the city.


How to move to Anapa for permanent residence? To do this, you will need to draw up the relevant documents. It should be borne in mind that Anapa is an open city. Any Russian or a foreigner can choose it for permanent residence, subject to migration law.

As for the residents of our country, it is enough for them to have with them a Russian passport, military ID, as well as certificates of marriage or divorce, the birth of children, documents proving their education, a compulsory medical insurance certificate and SNILS.

Foreigners and stateless persons in Anapa will have to collect documents that the legislation provides for any region. That is, obtain a temporary residence permit or present it, if available, attach a copy of the residence permit or confirm the citizenship of the Russian Federation.

Pros of Anapa

What are the positive reviews of people who moved to this resort city for permanent residence?

bay in Anapa

The advantages of Anapa are:

  1. Environmental friendliness. The absence of factories and plants in the city contributes to the preservation of clean air, saturated with marine minerals and useful for everyone who suffers from pulmonary diseases.
  2. Black Sea. This is a big plus resort town. After all, the sea attracts people with its beauty, the sound of the surf, beautiful sunsets and health benefits.
  3. Warm winters. Many residents of the northern regions are tired of frosts of 30-50 degrees. For them, winter in Anapa will be a wonderful gift. After all, the average temperature, even in the coldest period, rarely drops below zero.
  4. Fresh fruits and vegetables. Kuban land is famous for its agriculture. In addition, there are many nuts and berries.
  5. Geographical position. Anapa is located near the Caucasus Mountains, but is located on a flat terrain. In this regard, the city has no steep climbs and descents. In addition, not far from Anapa are Krasnodar, Novorossiysk.
  6. Friendly people. Indeed, the locals are very friendly.
  7. Fast and cheap taxi. Anapa is a small town. That is why a taxi on call arrives almost instantly. The fare is in the range of 70-130 rubles. And despite the fact that in summer prices rise by about 2-3 times, Muscovites say that it is very cheap for them.
  8. Long embankments. Fans of cycling feel great in the city. They enjoy rolling along the long promenade, which stretches along the coast. It is worth noting that there are no special bike paths, so driving at high speed does not work.
  9. Great roads. For those who came to Anapa from other regions, the streets of the city seem ideal. They are flat and have a markup. In the morning, watering machines wash all roads.
  10. Well-developed tourism industry. Thanks to this factor, the city is constantly kept clean, painted, cleaned and decorated with flowers that are planted on flower beds in March.

Cons Anapa

What does not suit people who have moved to this resort town?

  1. Summer heat. It is especially difficult to survive high air temperatures for those who come south from the northern regions. Those who have already celebrated their housewarming in Anapa are advised to install air conditioning in the apartment. Without it, summer will be very hard. Walking around the city is best before 12 and after 17 hours. At this time, the sun is not so scorching.
  2. Strong winds. Many people complain about them, having moved to live in Anapa.
  3. Seasonal work. This is due to the fact that the influx of vacationers is observed only in the summer months.
  4. Water. It flows from the tap is very bad. That is why it is recommended to use bottled water for drinking.
  5. The Internet. He is rather slow in Anapa. This fact is especially sad for bloggers, photographers and those who work remotely.
  6. Public transport. Buses in Anapa do not go on schedule, and after 21 hours they do not even meet on the streets of the city.
  7. The shops. Many of them work without following their schedule. And if in the summer, retail outlets can be open until late in the evening, then after the holiday season the smallest of them open and close at their discretion.
  8. Seaweed. Soak up on Anapa beach does not work for those who decided to come here in August. The fact is that most of the sandy coast during this period is covered with algae. Being in the sun, they rot, giving off a terrible smell.


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