Mandela effect: definition, examples and explanation

The Mandela effect is a phenomenon that is a possible proof of the presence of holes in the Matrix, as well as the existence of parallel worlds and the multiverse. Still with this phenomenon the concept of a break of a template is closely connected.

In simple terms, this phenomenon manifests itself in the appearance in several people of similar, even identical false memories of events that happened in the past.

mandela effect

Name Origin and History

The Mandela effect was discovered at a fan congress of Dragon Con, during the communication of several of its participants. Suddenly during the conversation it turned out that they all had a strange memory. Allegedly, Nelson Rolilahla Mandela - a South African statesman and politician, as well as a former president of South Africa - died in prison back in the 80s. In fact, of course, this was not so. Mandela was released from prison, built a political career and died in 2013 at the age of 95.

How did it happen that in the minds of completely different people amazingly accurate false memories arose on one topic? No one knows. But there are speculations. Allegedly, in the mass consciousness, the images of two characters mixed up - Nelson and Stephen Biko, who was a famous fighter for the rights of South Africans and fell victim to the police.

But then, after one of the participants in this congress began to popularize the Mandela effect, stories began to appear about other similar cases. It turned out that cases of matching alternative memories in practice are enough.

Manifestation of the effect

So what is the point? The Mandela effect is manifested as follows: suddenly a certain number of people (large, as a rule) suddenly recalls a certain phenomenon that took place in the past, in their opinion. They equally describe the details and even claim that they remember everything as if it happened yesterday.

But in reality, as it later turns out, nothing of the kind happened. The event, which a whole group of people remembers, was completely different. Or this did not exist at all. The result is massive internal dissonance.

mandela effect examples


In fact, the phenomenon under consideration is a phenomenon of false memory. Many are skeptical of him, especially scientists. Swiss scientists even conducted an experiment to find out if there is a connection between the formation of false memories and sleep disturbances.

Several people who were given the task were invited to learn a certain series of words related to a particular concept. For example, the nouns “night”, “dark”, “cat” refer to the adjective “black”. But he is not in the list of words.

So, people were divided into two groups and told them to go to bed. While they basked in the arms of Morpheus, they edited lists of words - replenished with new ones.

Then the members of one group were abruptly awakened and showed them updated versions of the lists. The task was to name those words that were present in them initially. The awakened participants made many mistakes. Many of them unanimously claimed that some new words were on the lists from the very beginning. But those people who woke up themselves made practically no mistakes. Therefore, scientists concluded: sleep disturbances can indeed be the reason that fake memories appear.

By the way, a little later they conducted a similar experiment, but with a “supplement”. Members of one group were still awakened, but they were immediately given them coffee or water. People who drank an invigorating drink made 10% fewer mistakes. Based on this, another conclusion was made: caffeine has a positive effect on the prefrontal cortex , which is responsible for the selection of concepts. She is very susceptible to bad, poor quality sleep.

Mandela effect exposure

About parallel worlds and failures in the Matrix

Many are trying to explain the effect of Mandela. This is a controversial phenomenon, of course, and they try to argue it in different ways.

The first option is anti-scientific. His supporters believe that the notorious effect is the result of the movement of people between parallel worlds. Allegedly, there are alternative realities that differ from ours. And at some moments they move, and people fail in them, without even noticing it.

You can often hear a similar previous version: there are alternative timelines, and they overlap each other, uniting into one reality.

The second option is pseudoscientific. His adherents, studying examples of the Mandela effect, assure: this is nothing but the result of a failure in the Matrix. Some really believe that our universe is a huge hologram. Therefore, failures in it are not surprising.

Logical Scientific Explanation

In addition to the opinions mentioned, there is one more that seems to many to be the most probable. They say that this phenomenon is only the result of fuzzy memories. Or much distorted. Everyone knows that it is common for people to embellish events that happened long ago and generously season them with nonexistent details. This is especially true for children, because they see everything in a different light, and remember everything brighter than adults.

In general, all the memories entrenched in the subconscious of early childhood are a solid effect of Mandela. Fact: there is such a thing as “infantile amnesia”, which means the loss of memories of the period when a person still vividly reacted to various kinds of impressions. But when he grows up, some fragments of memories of that time “pop up” in his brain. False, as a rule. They come up as if by themselves, and in hindsight.

And this is not a rare case. Many people who have experienced the effect in question turn to what happened to them in childhood. Finding videos from early years, watching them, they automatically compare what is happening in the frame with the image of memories. And they are surprised at how much the information diverges.

mandela died in prison

Effect Spread and Examples

The phenomenon began to multiply at an astonishing pace. It would seem - well, it happened so that several people thought that Mandela died in prison, and so what? And the fact that from that moment many anomalies were recorded in a not so long history.

By the way, he also reached the Russian-language segment, penetrating into old Soviet films, video parodies, and winged expressions. And there are some striking examples of the Mandela effect. These are obvious substitution facts, considered by many people as outright mockery of the past. Here are just six sample ones:

  • The most famous communist slogan. How to correctly end the phrase "Workers of all countries ..."? "Unite"? Or "connect"?
  • The assassination of John F. Kennedy. Who was in the car with him? Three (wife, governor, driver) or five (wife, governor, driver and two security guards)?
  • Chocolate paste Nutella. Was there a two-tone, with a white, spiral twisted layer? Or not?
  • The human skull. Is there no bone behind the orbit?
  • The emblem of the Volkswagen. Double “V” in a circle ... with a gap in the middle or solid?
  • The emblem is Ford. Equal "F" or with a curl?

The vast majority of people with absolute certainty will choose the first answer options. And ... they will be wrong. Having experienced thereby the effect of Mandela.

The anatomy has changed! A bone has appeared behind the eye! A delicious 2-color Nutella with white chocolate, it turns out, never existed! In images and flags with a communist slogan, “Unite” suddenly changed to “Unite.” A curl appeared on the Ford logo at the letter F, and a double “V” on the Volkswagen logos suddenly crossed out the line.

Okay that. But killing Kennedy? There is a video on the Internet of that chilling moment. And there it is clearly visible that 4 people are sitting in a convertible. But why is it said in all sources that there were two additional passenger seats where the above-mentioned persons were sitting?

Here they are, evidence of the Mandela effect! People who choose the first option are unlikely to find evidence of their truth in history, songs, books and videos. Only memory remembers them. But the reality around is completely different.

mandela effect who needs it

Or maybe it's just inattention?

Not excluded. But then it’s too massive. Many people whose purpose is to expose the Mandela effect, attribute everything precisely to carelessness.

After all, we do not store in our head information that does not mean anything to us. The presence or absence of curl in the logo? But who will focus on this?

Discrepancies in literary works? Well, it is written in the novel "Eugene Onegin" not "Here is the north, catching clouds ...", but "Here is the wind, catching clouds ...", and so what? Just a mistake made first when recruiting, and then when publishing textbooks.

And people massively simply remake some winged expressions into more harmonious and universal ones, without noticing it. Everyone knows such a dialogue from the movie "The Hound of the Baskervilles":

“What is it, Barrymore?”
- Bunting, sir!

So, the phrase sounds different. In fact, there is “Is this porridge, or what?”, Followed by the answer: “Oatmeal, sir!” Why did everyone completely redo it into the aforementioned version, and why did everyone succeed the same? Because the principles of thinking of people are not very different, and what else could be in this case, variations of expression?

Conspiracy and zombies

In continuation of the discussion, I would also like to consider the following question: “What is the Mandela effect and who needs it?”

Many believe that everything happens like this: one invents a particular circumstance / detail, colorfully and even logically argues what has been said, and the rest picks it up. People who are not well aware of the subject of discussion can cling to the option they are offering and accept it so as not to bother with a detailed study of the topic. As a result, the events in their heads get confused, mixed up, but nobody pays attention to it. Such is the story.

The Mandela effect can indeed be considered a phenomenon of mass suggestion on the scale of an entire planet. Because many people remember other dates of famous events. People simply grabbed some facts from the words of their parents, to whom they were told by their own, who are not direct witnesses of what happened. And other locations of continents and countries? This is not the effect of Mandela - geography just needs to know better.

What is the result? The real "spoiled phone." That which easily distorts the essence of events that actually happened. And everything would be fine, but there is a frightening moment. There are enough amateurs of hysteroid pseudology in our reality, and who knows, suddenly gossip and myths once launched by them will cast doubt on history itself. Everything can begin with an innocent embellishment of events, and end with its complete rewriting.

Cases of mass delusion

In fact, there are many more examples of the Mandela effect. Given all of the above, you can call it still a mass mistake, delusion, myths. Anyway, here are some more striking examples:

  • Disney screensaver. How does she look? Many are sure that the Tinkerbell fairy from Peter Pan, flying over the castle, draws an arc with a magic wand and writes out the phrase: “Walt Disney”, putting a dot over i at the end. But no. The original screensaver looks like this: the fairy only touches the wand of the castle, which immediately explodes with sparks and is replaced by the name Walt Disney.
  • A book about a rogue fox with a long title: "Tutta Carlson the First and only, Ludwig the Fourteenth and others." Who is its author? Astrid Lingren? Most people think so. But no. It turns out that it was written by Jan Ekholm.
  • What did Darth Vader say in the famous saga at the climax? "Luke, I am your father"? Not at all. The hero says: "No, I am your father." Because this phrase is an answer to Luke's cry: “It was you who killed my father!”
  • The film "Prisoner of the Caucasus." What does one of the many phrases taken out of context sound like? “I’ll ask you not to express yourself in my house,” almost every respondent will answer. But no. In the original phrase sounds without asking.
  • The film "The meeting place cannot be changed." There is a phrase that viewers remember in this version: “Well, you have a mug, Sharapov!” In fact, the hero insulted the opponent not by last name, but by name. In the end, not Sharapov, but Volodya.
  • Adolf Gitler. In all portraits of the German Fuhrer depict with sky blue eyes. But in fact, the Reich Chancellor had a brown eye color.
  • Haruki and Ryu Murakami. Famous Japanese writers who are considered either siblings or cousins. This is not so, they are just namesakes.
  • Alaska. Rented by Catherine II for 99 years. It's a lie. In fact, this peninsula was sold to the Americans by Alexander II in 1867. And for eternal use, and not for a while.
  • The sculpture "The Thinker" by Auguste Rodin. How does a figure rest on a hand? Many will say that forehead. But this is not so, The Thinker props up his chin, and not with his fist, but with the back of his hand. But if you look at the numerous photographs of tourists, you can see that they are sitting next to the sculpture and ... propping their forehead with their fists. And where did this image come from in the mass consciousness?

geography effect mandela


Most people are of the opinion that even no exposure of the Mandela effect needs to be done. Because any false memories, a mixture of the present and the past, fictional and real events are simply disorders and memory impairments. That is paramnesia. Which is often characterized by a person reevaluating the influence of his own person on the outcome of certain events that happened once. In fact, paramnesia is a qualitative perversion of memory.

Also related to this topic is the concept of “fantasy”. This term also means memory impairment. It seems to a person with a fantasy that in fact there were some events that he thought up or imagined. Here, by the way, there is a small classification. The following fantasies are distinguished:

  • Hysterical. A person invents or embellishes a story, and after a while, he himself believes that everything was the way he composed. This is not a pathological deceit, which implies a tendency to knowingly report false information. A person with a hysterical fantasy is truly convinced that his “memories” are real. He sincerely believes in them.
  • Paralytic. Phantasms manifested when a person has psychoses. Especially with progressive paralysis. Or amid euphoria, dementia. In contrast to the Mandela effect, the concept of paramnesia was formulated and introduced into everyday life back in 1906 by the scientist Theodor Qian. And even earlier, in 1886, the term "deceptions of memory" appeared, coined by Emil Kraepelin.

anatomy mandela effect


There is much more to say about the Mandela effect. There are people who aggressively insist that this is an absolutely anti-scientific phenomenon, which even in theory has no right to exist. Others with interest go deeper into the study of this topic and search for examples, and find that something strange and mystical in this really exists.

Be that as it may, in the lives of most people such cases have occurred. Some write them off to deja vu, sleepy paralysis, fatigue, carelessness, brain failures. And others prefer to see a secret and a riddle beyond unknown phenomena that go far beyond the usual and rational.


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