Treatment of nail fungus on the legs with folk remedies

Nail fungus is a disease in which the nail plate becomes porous and brittle. It loses its external gloss and smoothness, acquires a dirty yellow color and is covered with numerous tubercles. A diseased nail does not look very aesthetically pleasing. This disease is not customary to discuss in public, since, according to many inhabitants, the background for the appearance of mycosis of nails is non-compliance with personal hygiene rules. In fact, the true cause of this disease does not boil down to sloppiness.

According to most dermatologists, every fifth inhabitant of the Earth is infected with various forms of mycosis, it is simply that the disease is almost asymptomatic or secretive. With the advent of disposable factors, the fungus begins to become more active and manifest.

What causes mycosis of nails

The nail fungus on the legs or hands most often appears due to the ingress of pathogenic microorganisms onto the surface of the plate. Another name for such phenomena is onychomycosis. This disease is contagious. Usually it can be "purchased" in public baths, saunas, pools or on the beach. They can become infected when visiting manicure rooms, trying on someone elseโ€™s shoes or using some personal hygiene products belonging to another person.

In favorable conditions, the fungus begins to develop rapidly, quickly covering the entire area of โ€‹โ€‹the nail plate. If the necessary measures are not taken in time, then soon the surface of all nails will be affected by the fungus.

nail fungus at home

Types of fungal lesions

Dermatologists distinguish several types of nail fungus, characterized by characteristic manifestations and the severity of the disease. Among them there are such species as:

  • Yeast fungus. It occurs due to damage to the nail plate by the fungal pathogen Candida. With this form of mycosis, many tubercles and yellow spots appear on the nail. The nail bed begins to exfoliate gradually. In the absence of treatment of the nail fungus, the plate may completely fall off, which often causes serious complications.
  • Dermatophyte. It occurs due to a fungus that eats keratin. With the development of this form of mycosis, the nail loses its transparency, white or yellow stripes appear on its surface. The structure of diseased nails becomes very dense, which is why they resemble a beak or claws. Over time, the plate begins to crumble and exfoliate.
  • Moldy fungus. It appears only on the surface of the nail in the form of areas covered by a formation very similar to mold. It is able to affect not only the nail, but also the skin and hair. Such a disease is recommended to be treated under the supervision of a dermatologist, since there remains a risk of infection in other areas of the body.

Treatment of nail fungus at home can be quite effective, but in this case, the disease should not have neglected forms. The sooner mycosis will have a healing effect, the more effective the outcome of treatment.

What contributes to the development of fungal diseases of the nails

Despite the fact that mycoses can occur at absolutely any age, it is believed that the incidence rate increases with age. This is due to the physiological slowdown of metabolic processes in the body. Additional risk factors include:

  • symptoms of diabetes mellitus and other endocrine disorders;
  • pathology of the blood vessels of the limbs;
  • immunodeficiency syndrome;
  • the presence of fungal infections in the body;
  • injuries of the nail plates and adjacent tissues;
  • labor risks.

Therefore, sometimes before starting treatment of the nail fungus, it is necessary to undergo an examination. Perhaps this will help to identify and prevent some serious diseases.

Traditional medicine in the treatment of nail mycosis

As medical means of combating the manifestations of external mycoses, local remedies are more often used. This can be a special ointment, antifungal cream, spray or therapeutic nail polish, created on the basis of synthetic and herbal medicines. In severe cases of the disease, tablets for oral administration and antiseptic drugs for the treatment of affected areas can be prescribed.

healthy nails without signs of fungus

When treating a nail fungus, folk remedies can also be recommended by a doctor. For these purposes, mainly plant components are used that have fungicidal (inhibiting growth) or fungistatic (destroying) effects.

In the treatment of various nail mycoses, hardware and laser therapy have proven themselves well. The procedure of complete removal of the nail, popular in the past, is practically not used in modern medicine.

Alternative treatment of nail fungus: iodine against mycosis

Just a few decades ago, people did not even hear about onychomycosis. Nevertheless, with its manifestations, they used affordable folk medicine and were quite successfully cured of unwanted symptoms.

To treat and alleviate the symptoms associated with nail fungus, iodine has always been widely used in people. Many people still use this tool. Iodine helps to quickly and easily eliminate the manifestations of mycosis in the early stages and prevents infection of other nails. In addition, if the disease has affected the skin between the fingers, then this remedy will be able to effectively cope with such manifestations.

iodine for nails

To achieve the desired result, iodine is most often used as a surface treatment. The treatment procedures are carried out using a conventional pipette or cotton swab, distributing the drug throughout the nail plate. Such manipulations are done twice a day for 30 days. After a week of such treatment, you can feel a slight burning sensation and tingling in the area of โ€‹โ€‹fungal infection. However, this indicates that the process of getting rid of the disease is proceeding normally.

When using this means of treating a nail fungus on the legs, it must be remembered that iodine strongly dries the skin and in some cases can lead to a chemical burn. A similar effect of the drug is quite capable of provoking the development of dermatitis. To protect the skin from undesirable consequences, it is necessary to lubricate the finger with a protective cream.

Another effective way to relieve the main symptoms are baths with iodine. To do this, add a few drops of a 5% alcohol solution of iodine to a small amount of hot water. Soar for 10 minutes, then the softened area of โ€‹โ€‹the nail plate affected by the fungus is removed. After that, the surrounding skin is treated with hydrogen peroxide. A bandage with antimycotic ointment is applied to the surface of a diseased nail. Similar procedures should be carried out at least three times.

After treatment of the fungus with iodine, the nail plate will be painted yellow. Therefore, in the hot season, you need to refuse to wear open shoes.

Fungus Vinegar

Vinegar is usually used as a treatment for nail fungus as part of ointments or baths. However, it is important to clearly understand that the main point of acetic therapy is the optimal concentration of acid. Treatment should begin with the use of a low concentrated essence.

To achieve the best result, the legs need to be steamed well in warm water, and then gently remove the coarsened skin and the nail sections affected by the fungus. Vinegar should not be used if there are wounds or cracks in the skin in the treated area. Otherwise, vinegar therapy can cause serious inflammation and burns.

There are many recipes for treating nail fungus on the legs using folk methods using vinegar. Nevertheless, the most popular recipes remain such techniques as:

  • An ointment made on the basis of a mixture of 100 g of Kalanchoe, 30 ml of eucalyptus oil, 1 tsp. natural honey and 1 tsp. apple or table vinegar. All components of this mixture are thoroughly mixed and left in a cool place for 3 days. The finished ointment is applied twice a day to the affected areas of the nails.
  • A cream based on regular chicken eggs, vinegar and butter. The egg is placed in a small non-metallic container so that it touches the walls, pour vinegar. Leave it in this form for several days until the shell is completely dissolved, then remove the remaining film and add the butter to the resulting solution. The density of the mixture should resemble an ointment. This composition is applied to the area of โ€‹โ€‹the nail fungus and a bandage is applied.
  • A mixture of glycerol and vinegar in a ratio of 1: 1. Use daily until the disease disappears completely.
vinegar for nails

Another effective use of vinegar in antimycotic therapy is the use of compresses. The simplest recipe is a mixture of ordinary warm water and 9% vinegar in a ratio of 8: 1. Sometimes acid is bred with vegetable oils (sunflower, sea buckthorn, olive and other species) at a rate of 1: 1.

Potassium permanganate

Potassium permanganate, well known as potassium permanganate, is one of the most popular antimicrobial agents used in home medicine.

Many people note the special effect of this substance in the treatment of nail fungus on the legs with alternative methods. The healing properties of potassium permanganate are due to the strong oxidizing ability of the drug. It must be remembered that the prepared solution has therapeutic properties only 1-2 days. After that, the mixture is no longer suitable for use. Therefore, for each application it is necessary to prepare a new solution.

Typically, potassium permanganate in antifungal therapy is used to prepare foot baths. In them you can add a variety of therapeutic agents that have a fungicidal or fungistatic effect. Such ingredients can be vinegar, salicylic acid, bee propolis, and even ordinary garlic. The benefits of such wellness recipes are simplicity and affordability.

Baking soda

Very often, the treatment of nail fungus with alternative methods involves the use of ordinary baking soda. However, despite the fact that many sources recommend such a tool as a panacea for all diseases, including for the treatment of fungal diseases, this is far from the case. The optimal effect of using this technique is not at all therapeutic. Rather, it is a good preparatory, cleansing and softening procedure used before applying the medicinal mixtures directly.

soda for nails

The use of soda baths contributes to an excellent softening of the keratinized layers of the skin and nail plate. This allows the antimycotic composition to absorb well into the layer affected by the fungus and have the maximum therapeutic effect.

The easiest way to prepare a foot bath with sodium bicarbonate is to dilute 100 grams of white crystals in three liters of warm water. You can add a little sea salt, a bar of soap or a few drops of essential oil to this composition. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes. After taking such a bath, the zones of the affected areas are easier to further process.

Antiseptic oils in the treatment of nail fungus

Methods for the effective treatment of nail fungus on the legs and hands with oils of medicinal plants have been known since ancient times. Until now, many of these recipes are widely used in traditional medicine. Essential products of medicinal plants are added to the composition of antimycotic creams and ointments. They make all kinds of therapeutic baths, lotions and compresses.

The most effective types of antiseptic essential oils used in the treatment of nail fungus include celandine, tea tree, cinnamon, oregano, sage and clove oils.

tea tree oil

The effect of these agents in the treatment of fungal manifestations directly depends on the quality of preparation of the nail plate for processing. Therefore, before the direct effect of antiseptic oils, it is necessary to take a softening bath and process the nail.


Nail fungus is an insidious disease that can be infected in any public places. And as you know, any disease is easier to prevent than to treat later.

folk treatment

In order not to bother with long-term treatment, it is necessary to adhere to elementary rules of personal hygiene and perform some preventive measures.

  1. It is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the skin of the hands and feet. After all, cracks, scratches and corns are a direct way to infection with fungal infections.
  2. Regular and thorough hygiene of the hands and feet, as well as the daily change of socks and tights, is the key to the health of nails.
  3. Use only personal household items: shoes, socks, washcloths, manicure accessories and other things.
  4. Avoid being barefoot in public places, especially in showers, baths, saunas, pools or on the beach.

Take care of your legs and be healthy!


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