How to unlock VKontakte page?

First of all, you need to understand for yourself that the words “page locked” can mean completely different things. And each of them requires certain actions.

How to unblock a VKontakte page if the administration blocked it ? It is advisable to find out why it was blocked. There are many options and listing them in this article does not make sense. After you receive a response from the administration, you must send them a request-request for restoration. The more you fill out all the fields, the more likely the page will be restored.

It is believed that if your page contains a false name and surname, and instead of a photograph there is a regular picture, it is officially impossible to restore the page. However, as practice shows, if due persistence is shown, then it is also possible to achieve a result. But nevertheless, an option is possible when the administration refuses to restore, and, moreover, blocks a person by IP address.

How to unblock VKontakte page in this case? Everything is quite simple, especially if you are the owner of a dynamic IP. This means that every time you enter the Internet, the computer is assigned a new address, which means that it is enough to simply disconnect from the network and reconnect. If your IP address is permanent, then you can use special services that change it to an arbitrary one.

The most difficult thing is to unblock a VKontakte page if it was blocked due to the action of the Trojan virus. The most common virus currently modifies the contents of the hostes file located in the C: \ Windows \ System32 \ drivers \ etc folder.

In case of infection with this virus, when you enter your page, and any other, from your computer, you are redirected to a site whose appearance completely copies the VKontakte site. However, instead of a personal page, you see a message in front of you with the following text, which says that in order to unlock the page, you need to send something somewhere.

To unlock a page blocked by a trojan, you need to open the hostes file with any text editor, even a regular Notepad will do. By the way, for this you will need to log into the system with administrator rights. You need to scroll through the open file to the very end, select everything, to the inscription " localhost" and delete. After that, you must save the changes, close the file. Then you need to check your computer for viruses, if you don’t have one, then you can do an online check on the website of any company that produces antiviruses. Delete all infected files found, and then restart the computer. After this, difficulties should not arise.

Difficulties may arise elsewhere. For example, the hostes file might just not display. In this case, click "Show hidden files." If the desired file does not appear even after this, then this means that the Trojan blocks this function. Also, the virus may prohibit editing files. How to unblock VKontakte page in this case? There are two options, you must either remove all unnecessary programs from startup, or restart the computer in safe mode, and then do the steps described above.

Remember that system files, which include the hostes file, must be handled with extreme caution. Do not delete anything superfluous or edit other files from this folder. If everything is done correctly, then no problems should arise

As you can see, answer the question "How to unlock a VKontakte page?" just in any case, which means that the main thing is not to panic, but to strictly follow the instructions and not make unnecessary movements. And, of course, in no case do you need to send any SMS to the specified phone, as this can be very expensive.


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